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Gsf educational stream


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This Saturday October 4th at 7pm Est I plan to stream myself playing with the intention to teach new commers or just anyone that wants to see anything specific for Gsf.


If anyone is interested in this on the forums drop a post below detailing what you would like to see on stream.

Also if the time is an issue let me know below and I can try to work around maybe doing a few of these streams if enough people are interested.


I can do any ship build that is requested and I also don't mind going to play on other servers as well (however most other servers will be stock ships). I hope to have a team with me so I can answer questions easier while flying.


If there isn't any interest in the educational part it will probably just end up being me streaming flying as usual so feel free to drop by for just that. I'm hoping by scheduling it a few days ahead I can get more people to ask questions live.

Either way I'll put a link to video of the stream afterwards.


Edit: Alright I have the whole 3 hour stream with links to it here. Part 1 Part 2


I also said I'd put a few links in here to everyone I talked about.


Damage Overcharge Maps

All of my ship builds

Numbers for how much different things regenerate



I'd like to appologize for the sound quality during the stream I was told halfway that the audio was having issues I thought I had fixed it but no one complained afterwards so we ended up with really low sound on others in mumble and game sounds. I will definitely fix these issues for my following streams.

Edited by Drakkolich
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I know this is basic and is supposed to be covered by tutorial but can you show how to shoot with blasters for new people.


How they have to shoot at the circle, how they can understand when their target is in their weapon range ( difference between gray and red circle )


Also if you can get a chance to show how to approach a satellite with turrets and / or mines at it and how to deal with them ( turrets, mines or players to dispatch first depending on ship & loadout ) it would be nice. I believe another good pointer would be to show how to deal with an orbiter at a contested satellite ( like a bomber for example ) with a strike / scout.


If opportunity rises showing some evasive flying instead of orbiting around a satellite can be useful as well.


For TDM using cover to break line of sight for defense and offense purposes would be nice albeit a bit bothersome topic to demonstrate.

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I know this is basic and is supposed to be covered by tutorial but can you show how to shoot with blasters for new people.


How they have to shoot at the circle, how they can understand when their target is in their weapon range ( difference between gray and red circle )


Also if you can get a chance to show how to approach a satellite with turrets and / or mines at it and how to deal with them ( turrets, mines or players to dispatch first depending on ship & loadout ) it would be nice. I believe another good pointer would be to show how to deal with an orbiter at a contested satellite ( like a bomber for example ) with a strike / scout.


If opportunity rises showing some evasive flying instead of orbiting around a satellite can be useful as well.


For TDM using cover to break line of sight for defense and offense purposes would be nice albeit a bit bothersome topic to demonstrate.


Yep I can definitely show off all this stuff, the trick will be finding spots to show it off. I gather from your tone this isn't for you then, do you have some friends or something that you will be telling to watch? I'm trying to get an idea of if a lot of people are interested in watching this that's all.

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Oh, show the tech for shooting people at serious point blank range too.

I'd also say, call out some defensive maneuvering and why and how.

Try to point out when a food ship is acting like a food ship and how not to do that (ex, flies straight line slowly)

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Just a reminder that the stream is tomorow at 7pm est, post what you wanna see on it or just drop by and let me know in the chat on twitch.


My stream link is in my signature.


How to increase your accuracy with BLCs


How to use Powerdive effectively.


And, if you don't mind cause I know you dislike the Bloodmark, the effective use of Ionmissile and myabe (if possible) EMP-missile.


And...are you recording your stream? Because I don't know if I will be able to witness it live in 3D and colored. :)

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How to increase your accuracy with BLCs


How to use Powerdive effectively.


And, if you don't mind cause I know you dislike the Bloodmark, the effective use of Ionmissile and myabe (if possible) EMP-missile.


And...are you recording your stream? Because I don't know if I will be able to witness it live in 3D and colored. :)


Yep I can def do all of these, "effective" use of emp missile will be hard. :p


And yes everything will be recorded but I do need some people to show up and ask questions. :)

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It will be archived, but so far Drako has covered:



- Pitch versus yaw, how to chase ships and kill them.

- Power settings, how to toggle and be your best

- How to tell whether you are in range for lasers or missiles.

- When to use missile breaks strategically.

- Talent choice- armor pen, how good?

- What builds can nail really high dps in good situations?

- Moving when fired upon PROMPTLY

- Snap shots with burst laser cannon.



- Using Power Dive safely, and to travel.

- Some advanced aiming tricks.

- Resource management- long term.

- Regeneration mechanics.

- Target calling guidelines- who should you call for your teammates to help with?

- How to ring-around-the-rosie with a bomber

- Tips on Intercepting bombers.

- Usage of rockets and clusters, and which is nicer on a type 2.

- Which copilot abilities are good?

- Overview of laser choices



- (lightly) Teamwork tactics

- (lightly) use of EMP and Ion missiles

- Retros

- Type 1 Bomber strategies, mine selection.

- Charged Plating uses.

- Point blanking torps

- Sub 500m accuracy



Also there was a bit of general discussion and chatting, especially near the end.

Edited by Verain
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All done for tonight 3 hour stream, wow great turn out had up to 19 people watching at the same time at one point.

I'll get the video and links I promised up on the first post soon.

Big thanks to Anastasie, Verain, Zen and Aquilon-tune that came to play and help explain things.

With that kind of turn out I think I'll have to do that again maybe showcase some more advanced strategies.

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So sadly I went and rewatched the video and my game sounds and mumble voices from my teamates were really really low. I'm going to put the video of it up anyways as you can hear me talking quite clearly but for the next and future streams I'm going to fix the sound for sure. Sorry about that guys.
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Just wanted to chime in and say thanks for taking the time to do this. I watched the vids Sunday night, and even though I've been flying since day 1, I still learned a few things. :D


The volume for everything but you was indeed low, but when people were quiet, you could still hear others chiming in, and what they were saying. The only time it was really sadface was when you were in a match with lots of things going on, because typically, your mates would get lost in the shuffle of game noises and such.

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Just wanted to chime in and say thanks for taking the time to do this. I watched the vids Sunday night, and even though I've been flying since day 1, I still learned a few things. :D


The volume for everything but you was indeed low, but when people were quiet, you could still hear others chiming in, and what they were saying. The only time it was really sadface was when you were in a match with lots of things going on, because typically, your mates would get lost in the shuffle of game noises and such.


Thanks for watching :)

I'm in the process of working out the sound problems and I think I'm pretty close now.

I have been thinking of making this a weekly thing, I had no idea how much interest there would actually be and was pleasantly surprised.

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I'm looking forward to watch it, but somehow the loading is slow to me on twitch :(


Having the exact same problem here, twitch vods' loading has been abnormally terrible and slow for me for a while now too :(

Hope they fix that problem soon, as for a newer player like myself (been playing for a couple weeks now, ~170 matches done, still hitting an asteroid here and there, damn retro thrusters :rolleyes:) I feel like I could learn a good amount from it.


Generally already feeling more confident and less "useless" in some situations, but useful tips and tricks can never hurt.

Edited by Paladrima
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Having the exact same problem here, twitch vods' loading has been abnormally terrible and slow for me for a while now too :(

Hope they fix that problem soon, as for a newer player like myself (been playing for a couple weeks now, ~170 matches done, still hitting an asteroid here and there, damn retro thrusters :rolleyes:) I feel like I could learn a good amount from it.


Generally already feeling more confident and less "useless" in some situations, but useful tips and tricks can never hurt.


Have you been able to get the video working? Does it work if you just give it a ton of time to load maybe?

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Just wanted to let you know that I not only requested a few things, but that I also watched your episodes and learned a lot of them.


Thanks for doing that.


I even equipped a few ships of mine with powerdive.


It is a bit sad, that you can't hear your teammates very clearly cause they give very good advice, too. but other than that it is a "must-see" for every new GSF-Pilot.



Keep doing it :)

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