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Bioware: Is Crafting to Win™ intended?


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lmao that is insane. you are literally crazy for spending that many credits on mats.


Another person not able to read... They didnt say anything about SPENDING that much on creds. They gave a ballpark figure of what the amount of mats expended was WORTH. Many of which they already said they had. Seeing as how sm hv close to a billion creds, 500mil for an entire, large, active guild wouldnt be bad. THE POINT: Iz whether crafting should be unlimited and worth so many more points than other objectives? As it is now.


Any1 who enjoys gameplay more than crafting and wants the competitive side of conquest to be more skill-based would want crafting to be more balanced. Especially since ya dnt even hv to be logged on to do it. Many of us desire to spend more time on content. Nt Crafting.

Edited by JINeziz
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This thread proves people are not bothered by how crafting is currently part of Conquest system. Just a ton of messages back and forth from few active individuals pickering. In reality, people like current Conquest Crafting and it should be left as it is.


Plenty of people on the thread (at least those who can actually read and do mathematics) hv seen BY THE NUMBERS how much more powerful of a method crafting is than actual gameplay. Pvp or Pve. The method that requires the least amount of time, skill, and personel is currently the most efficient and overpowered at getting conquest points.


People just want in balanced like pvp and pve objectives were. not nerfed. BALANCED. Maybe capping it for each toon at the personal conquest goal.

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Lets be fair. The trick to flashpoints was available well before they fixed it. It had been there from week one but there was not big reward to do it so it wasn't being used heavily. Once the flashpoint week came, that is when they saw the issue. I believe this week has help show the issue with crafting. I would hope bioware would look at this and see the issue as some in the community see it. If not and they keep it the way it is, expect for big guilds to store up mats and stay on top. Even if a small guild can stay close, if the leader has the numbers and the mats they can stay ahead.


As a member of one of the other major Shadowlands guilds, we have also had to fight it out several weeks as well and instead of turning to running content, we had to turn to crafting. I saw conquest as a way to get people back into the game. How does crafting do that? Running flashpoints, warzones, galactic star fighter, and operations gets people back into the game.


I have no problem with crafting being the best way to get conquest points on the weeks when it is the focus. I have a problem on weeks like this week were flashpoints were suppose to be the focus and yet crafting was the quicker way to reach your goal. Why have different weeks if the best bang for your time is the same each week. And if you want to talk about mats, I have a guildmate who gets his conquest done on 11 toons on Tuesday and spends less then 2 days recovering the mats. They aren't that hard to get.


This^. READ IT SLOW. Then do that 6 more times. Its about increasing the enjoyment of conquest for all without threatening people personal conquest goals, allthewhile making sure conquest stays competitive.

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There is more conflict in this thread than "conquest" will ever see. Few things are capable of making me laugh, but this "conquest" is one of them. What a joke in general. The only war in this "conquest" is a war of words. It is a real shame as yet another opportunity to add something to the game that might actually mean something was lost.


I suppose it was my great hope that this would bring an actual simulated war between the factions, but oh well. Just another PvE-a-thon with zero impact on the game world...what a shame. The only impact on me personally is seeing the PvP Q pop less.


I agree 100% with you OP, this is a joke to the Nth degree {or N order of magnitude if you prefer lol}. You will have to disprove these claims that you all are just broke and want the system changed to suit you. I am sure you will. But yeah...it is indeed a real shame that PvP means nothing in conquest...whom would have figured that? All I can is laugh in disgust at yet another lost opportunity to add something cool to the game.

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Another person not able to read... They didnt say anything about SPENDING that much on creds. They gave a ballpark figure of what the amount of mats expended was WORTH. Many of which they already said they had. Seeing as how sm hv close to a billion creds, 500mil for an entire, large, active guild wouldnt be bad. THE POINT: Iz whether crafting should be unlimited and worth so many more points than other objectives? As it is now.


Any1 who enjoys gameplay more than crafting and wants the competitive side of conquest to be more skill-based would want crafting to be more balanced. Especially since ya dnt even hv to be logged on to do it. Many of us desire to spend more time on content. Nt Crafting.


thats at least 1 million credits worth of mats from every single character in a maxed guild. That's a lot of time and money to get a title and some achievements points.

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Whelp, just to put the final nail in the coffin of the "crafting to win is just not sustainable!" argument - a guild on my server is now charging 2 mil per week to join their guild so players can get the planet conquest achievement.


This guild has already won every planet they've been on so far, and from their numbers, it's most likely mostly by crafting. I think this is a pretty safe bet since usually they are a mil or so ahead of everyone else in the first few hours of the conquest week. The only way that's even remotely possible is through deep pockets and lots of crafting alts. Not only does it look like it's sustainable for the future, they've figured out a way to make a lot of money off of it.


Seriously, this is silly now. People should not be able to dominate conquests by mostly crafting. On PVP weeks, you should win through PVP. Same with GSF weeks, FP weeks, OPS weeks and yes crafting weeks. Until bioware fixes it, this whole system is unfun and completely pointless.

Edited by Prisoner
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It's just sad. I contribute (relatively speaking) *nothing* to my guilds' conquest progress unless I craft all day and night.


If I run flashpoints and warzones, kill commanders and all that good stuff the numbers are a miniscule drop in the ocean compared to what a night of crafting gets me.


SWTOR: Planetary Craftquest.

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Well thats pretty insane. I agree, there should be a balance in time investment vs conquest points for every different way to get them.


Not sure why so many people in this thread are hating because its pretty much common sense.

Edited by Gokkus
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It's just sad. I contribute (relatively speaking) *nothing* to my guilds' conquest progress unless I craft all day and night.


If I run flashpoints and warzones, kill commanders and all that good stuff the numbers are a miniscule drop in the ocean compared to what a night of crafting gets me.


SWTOR: Planetary Craftquest.


This hit the nail on the head.

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Working as intended. This is the smartest credit sink in a game to date. One of the few ways medium sized guilds can compete against large casual guilds. Changing it would brake more than it would fix. Already this week we're seeing more and more legacy based targets which makes a guild of 100 worth a hell of a lot more points than a guild of 25 with 4 alts each. Unless the system moves more towards rewarding the difficulty of the objective I'm concerned it will become a zerg fest.


One change I thought was fantastic was to PvP. 3 times the points for a win vs a loss. More thinking like this that rewards competitive play would be welcome.

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That and I'd like them to change operations so that one would get 1k per boss on story mode, 2k per hard mode and 3k per nightmare boss killed and only on level 55 operations. Things like what Hawat said about PvP and my suggestion about operation rewards scaling with difficulty need to happen before crafting is restricted else it's just zerg-fest (unique account / guild). For now, crafting compensates smaller guilds vs zergs.
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I am surprised more of this conversation has not veered into pay-to-win territory.


Bioware must recognize that there is a very short (and profitable for them!) path from cartel coins to crafting materials. I would not at all be surprised if having the only infinitely repeatable conquest objective also be the one that can be directly supported by cartel purchases is in fact very much intended.


Eventually a lot of folks are going to burn out their banks and inventory, not to mention lose their desire to farm and rotate alts on gathering missions. Maybe Bioware is hoping some of these folks are the whales they are looking for??



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I am surprised more of this conversation has not veered into pay-to-win territory.


Bioware must recognize that there is a very short (and profitable for them!) path from cartel coins to crafting materials. I would not at all be surprised if having the only infinitely repeatable conquest objective also be the one that can be directly supported by cartel purchases is in fact very much intended.


Eventually a lot of folks are going to burn out their banks and inventory, not to mention lose their desire to farm and rotate alts on gathering missions. Maybe Bioware is hoping some of these folks are the whales they are looking for??




This thought has already crossed the back of my mind.


I just refused to believe BW would stoop so low to intentionally (and so subtly) turn conquest into a P2W feature to drive profits.


All I want is for them to come out and say whether or not this is intended.


Perhaps I am giving them too much credit.

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There is no remorse. We did what we had to do, and we won. That's all that matters. We would do it again if we had to. I just want an answer to a simple question.


I still don't really understand what your issue is. People do all aspects of conquest to win. If you don't, you won't win. So... :confused:

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I still don't really understand what your issue is. People do all aspects of conquest to win. If you don't, you won't win. So... :confused:


The "issue" is this:

In fact, most of my guild is sick and tired of Bioware's conquest system, and it's insane preference towards crafting. Some of my guildies were so stressed all week they were dreaming of mats in their sleep. I never want to see another War Supply again.


In other words, as long as he and his guildies weren't burned up because of it, the system was fine or at the very least, working as intended.


Now that they're fed up with it, they question Bioware's rationale for the system; It is no longer working as intended.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The "issue" is this:


In other words, as long as he and his guildies weren't burned up because of it, the system was fine or at the very least, working as intended.


Now that they're fed up with it, they question Bioware's rationale for the system; It is no longer working as intended.


You really are a funny person.

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The "issue" is this:



In other words, as long as he and his guildies weren't burned up because of it, the system was fine or at the very least, working as intended.


Now that they're fed up with it, they question Bioware's rationale for the system; It is no longer working as intended.


Basically, because this dude doesn't like crafting, but still wanted to gloat about the victory? That's just sad.

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