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Guild Bank got Ninja'd


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Ask the woman who sued McDonald's for that happening and won. It may have been her carelessness but McDonald's was setting the temperature control for teh coffee too hot, resulting in severe burns.


To clarify, coffee shouldn't be served hot enough to cause third degree burns, multiple skin grafts, permanent disfigurement and partial temporary mobility problems (assuming you're referring to Liebeck). Yes it was pretty frivolous, but it isn't quite the media sensation most places will make it seem.


Unfortunately all you can really do is to let other guild leaders know about it and try to rebuild.


Edited by ChroniKill
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As you can see above, people will be unsympathetic and put the blame on you...because that's how people cope with injustice, by accusing the victim of being at fault.


To answer your question Bioware will not help you recover the stolen items or punish the thief in any way, shape, or form. The reason for this is because there's no way to prove the ownership of items taken, much less prove unspoken agreements between guild officers. The bottom line is that you're screwed.

Strong with this one the hypocrisy is... Edited by iDraxter
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So my guild bank got ninja'd by an officer who took valuable stuff from the guild bank and then left I am just curious is it at all possible to have them banned or to have the items removed from their inventory and then returned to the guild bank? If not, does anything happen...or? Thanks for any info!!!


Well..... this entire thread topic is automatically suspect for two reasons:


1) you are sporting a very new forum ID number (13393565), so it is highly unlikely that the "facts" are as they are being alleged. You speak as though to imply you were the GM of said guild..... but with such a new member ID, how long exactly have you been playing and what is the size and nature of your guild. I question if such a new guild would have any stability (in terms of player to player trust) at any reasonable expected level that warrants free access to guild assets.


2) your entire post is both vague, and very general in it's presentation of what happened. Besides.. it's hearsay as none of us can verify/confirm anything you are claiming. For all we know.. you are performing some clever drama, as some earlier posters have pointed out.


Now... if we completely disregard the above two concerns......


The alleged guild bank, was not ninja'd. That is a gross misuse of the term "ninja". An alleged officer of an alleged guild, was allegedly given full key access to the guild storage and allegedly took guild bank contents and abandoned said guild with the items.


What you actually have here is a case of poor guild management practices. It's sad that there are so many scammers playing MMOs but it is what it is and if you do not take reasonable precautions.. IT IS ON YOU as a GM.


What you have here is not classic "ninja" in an MMO... it's a player on player trust issue. Guess what..... you cannot trust anyone in an MMO completely and without reservation. You must make assessments and judgments as to who to trust and who to not trust... and that responsibility rests with the GM. GMs and their officers accept this as both liability and advantage in guild play and membership....you have the tools from Bioware to manage and prevent this sort of thing.


And it's both useless and complete nonsense for forum members to be using alleged real life examples of loss of trust between people in real life. Such comparisons are complete non Sequitur.


All that said.... if I were the GM of the guild in question, I would definitely file a ticket and request remedy. Why? Because....... while I doubt Bioware will remedy such a alleged event IF it were of sufficient nature to represent willful and deliberate griefing.... it will become a part of their internal records. If this alleged thief is doing this to multiple guilds.... then a pattern will develop on the tracking ledger for that account and a pattern of behavior that deliberately creates grief for other players will get acted on, even if not for this specific case. It's just that guild storage is in fact a "pooled resource" under the complete control of the GM of the guild.. so it's an internal matter between players.

Edited by Andryah
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Anytime multiple analogies are used in a thread you get:


one group of people vigorously tearing them down for any reason they can think of... ignoring that the comparison was based on a shared concept not on small details being the same. The flip side is another group using very poorly-thought-out analogies that aren't in any way comparable, when it would have been more effective to just explain the position.


I for one think analogies should make a return on verbal SATs.

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Ask the woman who sued McDonald's for that happening and won. It may have been her carelessness but McDonald's was setting the temperature control for teh coffee too hot, resulting in severe burns.


kinda the idiotic move I was pointing to


Before your post Id met and spoken to NO ONE that balmed McDonalds for the woman being an idiot and EVERYONE thought it was a nuisance law suit that should have never happened.


Congrats on being that 1 in a million who amazingly think drinking coffee should come with instructions.


What next?

step by step instructions on how to tie shoe laces?

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A guild bank being "ninja'd" and leaving a house unlock is vastly different. Yes, they have some common themes but even trying to equate them as equal is completely out of line.


Basically, Bioware sees all guild bank objects as being owned by EVERYONE who has access to the GB. So if someone takes everything out and quits the guild, there is nothing that can be done. They technically didn't do anything punishable because the moment it hits the GB, its owned by everyone and everyone has access to it.


An unlocked house is still private property. Yes, you can protect yourself with locked doors and windows but if someone steals anything from that house it is still a crime.


"Stealing" items from the guild bank isn't stealing anything because once its in public guild storage, its owned by everyone who can access it. The best advice is to keep multiple layers of security with multiple guild ranks.


but the house in this case isnt just unlocked

The house owner has given the robber express permission to take what ever he/she feels


You and other seem to ignore statement by OP himself that the person who took the stuff WAS GIVEN OFFICER RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES


Doing that in game is the EXACT SAME as telling someone to take what every they feel like when you hand over the house key to them.


The guild Leader made a very bad judgement call on this guy and got burned for it

Hopefully now he doesn't promote people to officers with out truly getting to know them

And even when he does he sets a with drawl limit to avoid people like this cleaning his guild out.


99.9999999% of time I will argue on side of the apparent victim and hold the actions of a slime ball accountable.

But this is that 0.0000001% moment because it was 110% avoidable if the OP just took 5 minutes to read up on vault controls and took the time to set up the ranks and permissions properly.


Guy that took stuff is still a slime ball to be sure

But this problem was caused by the OP (assuming hes Guild Leader) and being lazy and careless


Really getting tired of us coddelling lazy and careless players who think when they screw up they should just be given everything back with no questions.

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kinda the idiotic move I was pointing to


Before your post Id met and spoken to NO ONE that balmed McDonalds for the woman being an idiot and EVERYONE thought it was a nuisance law suit that should have never happened.


Congrats on being that 1 in a million who amazingly think drinking coffee should come with instructions.


What next?

step by step instructions on how to tie shoe laces?

You clearly know nothing about the facts of that lawsuit, so go look them up. Or continue to mindlessly rant. Whatever suits your fancy.

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but the house in this case isnt just unlocked

The house owner has given the robber express permission to take what ever he/she feels


You and other seem to ignore statement by OP himself that the person who took the stuff WAS GIVEN OFFICER RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES


Doing that in game is the EXACT SAME as telling someone to take what every they feel like when you hand over the house key to them.


The guild Leader made a very bad judgement call on this guy and got burned for it

Hopefully now he doesn't promote people to officers with out truly getting to know them

And even when he does he sets a with drawl limit to avoid people like this cleaning his guild out.


99.9999999% of time I will argue on side of the apparent victim and hold the actions of a slime ball accountable.

But this is that 0.0000001% moment because it was 110% avoidable if the OP just took 5 minutes to read up on vault controls and took the time to set up the ranks and permissions properly.


Guy that took stuff is still a slime ball to be sure

But this problem was caused by the OP (assuming hes Guild Leader) and being lazy and careless


Really getting tired of us coddelling lazy and careless players who think when they screw up they should just be given everything back with no questions.




My whole post was simply to point out that the OP didn't have proper controls on their GB. Why are you coming after me when that was the point I was making. I'm not coddling the OP. In fact, my post was the exact opposite.


Chill out man.

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Well..... this entire thread topic is automatically suspect for two reasons:


1) you are sporting a very new forum ID number (13393565), so it is highly unlikely that the "facts" are as they are being alleged. You speak as though to imply you were the GM of said guild..... but with such a new member ID, how long exactly have you been playing and what is the size and nature of your guild. I question if such a new guild would have any stability (in terms of player to player trust) at any reasonable expected level that warrants free access to guild assets.


2) your entire post is both vague, and very general in it's presentation of what happened. Besides.. it's hearsay as none of us can verify/confirm anything you are claiming. For all we know.. you are performing some clever drama, as some earlier posters have pointed out.


Now... if we completely disregard the above two concerns......


The alleged guild bank, was not ninja'd. That is a gross misuse of the term "ninja". An alleged officer of an alleged guild, was allegedly given full key access to the guild storage and allegedly took guild bank contents and abandoned said guild with the items.


What you actually have here is a case of poor guild management practices. It's sad that there are so many scammers playing MMOs but it is what it is and if you do not take reasonable precautions.. IT IS ON YOU as a GM.


What you have here is not classic "ninja" in an MMO... it's a player on player trust issue. Guess what..... you cannot trust anyone in an MMO completely and without reservation. You must make assessments and judgments as to who to trust and who to not trust... and that responsibility rests with the GM. GMs and their officers accept this as both liability and advantage in guild play and membership....you have the tools from Bioware to manage and prevent this sort of thing.


And it's both useless and complete nonsense for forum members to be using alleged real life examples of loss of trust between people in real life. Such comparisons are complete non Sequitur.


All that said.... if I were the GM of the guild in question, I would definitely file a ticket and request remedy. Why? Because....... while I doubt Bioware will remedy such a alleged event IF it were of sufficient nature to represent willful and deliberate griefing.... it will become a part of their internal records. If this alleged thief is doing this to multiple guilds.... then a pattern will develop on the tracking ledger for that account and a pattern of behavior that deliberately creates grief for other players will get acted on, even if not for this specific case. It's just that guild storage is in fact a "pooled resource" under the complete control of the GM of the guild.. so it's an internal matter between players.


Since there are forum rules against personal name callouts,we cannot post the actual evidence and make it public here but,I will say this,the OP is not who he says he is. While I agree that the GM of a guild should be more careful with the guild vault,actions like these should not go ignored.


And even though most will say that since there were no exploits,there is no chance of action from bioware,but action has been taken before on events very much like these on players i cannot name here.


But OP,they know who you are,you weren't careful enough. And what goes around....

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There is no victim or theft in this case. This is like leaving your house unlocked with windows and doors open wide.


If you walk up to a house that has an open door, walk in and take the tv set, it is a crime and you will spend time as a guest of the state. just because it isnt locked down doesnt change wether it is theft or not. Bioware does not care if your guild bank is robbed. not in any form. they couldnt give a damn. they will send you a form letter telling you too bad. if it doesnt cost them money they dont care.

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Bioware does not care if your guild bank is robbed. not in any form. they couldnt give a damn. they will send you a form letter telling you too bad. if it doesnt cost them money they dont care.


I know you don't actually care and just want to bash EA, but it's not a matter of whether it gains or costs money, it's about practicality. It would be completely impractical for them to have to play Judge Judy for every single dispute.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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You clearly know nothing about the facts of that lawsuit, so go look them up. Or continue to mindlessly rant. Whatever suits your fancy.


Well given the way coffes made someone with an iq higher than 12 should know that a freshly made cup of something that involves evaporation water to make would be near boiling

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Before your post Id met and spoken to NO ONE that balmed McDonalds for the woman being an idiot and EVERYONE thought it was a nuisance law suit that should have never happened.


For what it's worth, the woman was slandered by McD's PR efforts. In truth, the lawsuit was considered a valid lawsuit.


A vascular surgeon determined that Liebeck suffered full thickness burns (or third-degree burns) over 6 percent of her body, including her inner thighs, perineum, buttocks, and genital and groin areas. She was hospitalized for eight days, during which time she underwent skin grafting.


If you're curious, I can provide some links in private message with more info on exactly how the woman was able to win her lawsuit with such ease.

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I know you don't actually care and just want to bash EA, but it's not a matter of whether it gains or costs money, it's about practicality. It would be completely impractical for them to have to play Judge Judy for every single dispute.


yet wow cs manages to do it as do others.....totally impossible. at least half the tickets submitted to bw cs are not even read. they cant be bothered to take care of offensive names when it is put right in front of their faces. bw has gone low bidder on cs, and it shows

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For what it's worth, the woman was slandered by McD's PR efforts. In truth, the lawsuit was considered a valid lawsuit.




If you're curious, I can provide some links in private message with more info on exactly how the woman was able to win her lawsuit with such ease.


I have to agree with you. I have a lawyer friend that showed me the particulars... what happened to that poor woman was horrible. burns like that will never properly heal. the water temp of that coffee was hotter than what is used to sterilize animal cages.

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yet wow cs manages to do it as do others.....totally impossible. at least half the tickets submitted to bw cs are not even read. they cant be bothered to take care of offensive names when it is put right in front of their faces. bw has gone low bidder on cs, and it shows


I'm not sure about offensive names, but when my guild reward bugged out and I didn't receive the schematic, they apoligised and sent it to me via in-game e-mail. Only took them a week or so - I think it's good work.

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I guess you could tell everyone in gen chat about the guild thief so others don't make the same mistake, that's about it. I would only make my few trusted friends have the privilege to withdraw valuable items if I were you, maybe 1 or 2 people, 3 at most. Others will need to ask the GM or co-GM to withdraw valuable items.
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