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Guild Bank got Ninja'd


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So my guild bank got ninja'd by an officer who took valuable stuff from the guild bank and then left I am just curious is it at all possible to have them banned or to have the items removed from their inventory and then returned to the guild bank? If not, does anything happen...or? Thanks for any info!!!
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Doubtful reporting would do any good as they give you the tool in game to control access and restrict what and how much one person can withdraw.


It would be like asking the bank to do something if you authorized someone else to have full access to all of your accounts, and they withdrew it all.


Sorry it happened but lesson learned - if it is your guild - lock it down and set limits.

Edited by DawnAskham
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It's happened to a lot of us. You were betrayed by someone you trusted and there is no way to get justice. The only thing you can do is prevent the same thing from happening again -- by restricting everyone's access to the guild bank. If people want to withdraw from it, make them send a message to your guild master requesting delivery.
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Doubtful reporting would do any good as they give you the tool in game to control access and restrict what and how much one person can withdraw.


It would be like asking the bank to do something if you authorized someone else to have full access to all of your accounts.


^Unfortunately I'm going to have to agree with what Dawn already said. You basically trusted the wrong person and gave them free reign of your (guild) bank account.


I hope your losses weren't that great at least. :(

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I apologize I am still fairly new to the game so I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly. Beyond learning from the experience and being more cautious etc to prevent it happening again, there is nothing BW/myself can/will do in response to this "theft"? Thank you again for the confirmation, I really appreciate the quick answers!
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I apologize I am still fairly new to the game so I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly. Beyond learning from the experience and being more cautious etc to prevent it happening again, there is nothing BW/myself can/will do in response to this "theft"? Thank you again for the confirmation, I really appreciate the quick answers!


No one stole anything - you gave them the keys and codes so to speak - so I highly doubt you would get any help from Bioware.


And please be sure to set up ranks and permissions for you gbank going forward.


That is the only way you can keep someone from running off with everything you have in the gbank.

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I apologize I am still fairly new to the game so I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly. Beyond learning from the experience and being more cautious etc to prevent it happening again, there is nothing BW/myself can/will do in response to this "theft"? Thank you again for the confirmation, I really appreciate the quick answers!


You can try to make a ticket, but I'm fairly sure they'll tell you that they are very sorry for your loss, but that they are unable to assist you with that matter. (Or a similar copy paste answer :p)

So yep, in all likelyhood it'll just be a learning experience about trusting random strangers on the internet (and in general).

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As you can see above, people will be unsympathetic and put the blame on you...because that's how people cope with injustice, by accusing the victim of being at fault.


To answer your question Bioware will not help you recover the stolen items or punish the thief in any way, shape, or form. The reason for this is because there's no way to prove the ownership of items taken, much less prove unspoken agreements between guild officers. The bottom line is that you're screwed.

Edited by Hebruixe
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As you can see above, people will be unsympathetic and put the blame on you...because that's how people cope with injustice, by accusing the victim of being at fault.


To answer your question Bioware will not help you recover the stolen items or punish the thief in any way, shape, or form. The reason for this is because there's no way to prove the ownership of items taken, much less prove unspoken agreements between guild officers. The bottom line is that you're screwed.


There is no victim or theft in this case. This is like leaving your house unlocked with windows and doors open wide.

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There is no victim or theft in this case. This is like leaving your house unlocked with windows and doors open wide.


Umm, that would still be theft. Just because the door's open doesn't mean you're allowed to take whatever you want.


Whether what the player did can be called theft is debatable though, as you have to give permission to the person in order for them to take anything.

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There is no victim or theft in this case. This is like leaving your house unlocked with windows and doors open wide.


Whilst I agree the OP really has no case, the above is a very poor analogy.


The burglar who enters said house with doors and windows wide open is still a thief and doing something illegal.


Stupidity does not justify a crime taking place and whilst insurance companies may look sceptically upon an event like that, the law courts do not.

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As you can see above, people will be unsympathetic and put the blame on you...because that's how people cope with injustice, by accusing the victim of being at fault.





He is to blame


He had 100% control over this not happening


Let me guess, you think if you order a coffee that's advertised as fresh and hot and you spill it in your own lap, you blame someone else for your own carelessness.


Common on, little common sense.


All OP had to do was set privileges correctly and not promote unreliable and questionable people to offer status.

Tha'ts all.


And his whole "I'm still new " doesn't fly because guild banks are dang expensive so if you don't take the time to understand them when you purchase them, THAT'S ON HIM COMPLETELY.


As for ticket

why bother, person who stole items will just say he was told to take them and no one could prove any differently.


EA has nothing to do with this and holds no responsibility.

The OP and OP ALONE is responsible and could have prevented it from happening.


The tools to do so are already in game for everyone to use.


Seriously, STOP trying to make everyone out to be the victim

OP holds all responsibility in this and SHOULD NOT get anything back because of their own carelessness.

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I'm tired of seeing this happen in online games now a days.

Everything is turning into a screw you fest as if we're all playing Eve Online.


Items should be able to be tracked, as well as ingame currency. EA boasted it had that ability during launch... so there's no excuse for this stuff to be happening... if it was a theft.


We have answers for this in the real world, via the police, the legal system etc.. I see no reason why a player or a guild should be told.. oh well. you trusted the wrong the person.. sorry. That doesn't cut it in my book and it should be acceptable to anyone else.

Edited by Sala
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You don't really seem worried that no action will be taken against this "theft", are you sure you didn't just ninja someones guild bank and are now checking to see if you're in the clear. That what seems like to me. If that the case well. It depends how many people report you and how big a stink gets made to bioware. I have heard of people who ninja getting banned and items getting refunded to guilds after some work. Edited by Yahtzeee
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I'm going to be honest man, it sounds a lot like you're the culprit here and not the victim attempting to cover his tracks. If you are who we think you are, you should be a man about it and just return the stolen encryptions and frameworks to our guild vault. think of kharma. beyond that know the things you've taken are tracked and you wont be able to use them without arousing suspicion dude.
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He is to blame


He had 100% control over this not happening


Let me guess, you think if you order a coffee that's advertised as fresh and hot and you spill it in your own lap, you blame someone else for your own carelessness.


Common on, little common sense.


All OP had to do was set privileges correctly and not promote unreliable and questionable people to offer status.

Tha'ts all.


And his whole "I'm still new " doesn't fly because guild banks are dang expensive so if you don't take the time to understand them when you purchase them, THAT'S ON HIM COMPLETELY.


As for ticket

why bother, person who stole items will just say he was told to take them and no one could prove any differently.


EA has nothing to do with this and holds no responsibility.

The OP and OP ALONE is responsible and could have prevented it from happening.


The tools to do so are already in game for everyone to use.


Seriously, STOP trying to make everyone out to be the victim

OP holds all responsibility in this and SHOULD NOT get anything back because of their own carelessness.


Just because you gave your girlfriend a spare key to your house doesnt make it ok for her to take everything out of it. Plan and simple.


Did the guild have control, yes. Should the person who stole everything be allowed to get away simply because the guild made a mistake? NO.


People change all the time. One day they're your best friend, the next day they're not. Should you be held accountable for everything they did?

Edited by Sala
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I'm tired of seeing this happen in online games now a days.

Everything is turning into a screw you fest as if we're all playing Eve Online.


Items should be able to be tracked, as well as ingame currency. EA boasted it had that ability during launch... so there's no excuse for this stuff to be happening... if it was a theft.


We have answers for this in the real world, via the police, the legal system etc.. I see no reason why a player or a guild should be told.. oh well. you trusted the wrong the person.. sorry. That doesn't cut it in my book and it should be acceptable to anyone else.


Well Id point out that the incidents you describe vary from this in that who ever did this didnt exploit the game or break any rules


They/he/she were given access to said vaults

They/he/she did not remove more items then they are allowed

(I gleamed all this from the OP post and follow up post)


If I tell you to goto my house and grab my TV, and then give you a set of keys to do so


I cant actually call the police afterwards and have you arrested for theft (well I could but Id get in trouble myself for wasting police and courts time as I GAVE PERMISSION)


By setting the vault bank privileges to allow this player the ability to with draw valuable items

they have in effect said its ok for him to withdraw anything he wants


Some people in this thread seem to not grasp that the person who took the items could only do so because OP set his privileges to allow it.


It sucks to be sure

and guy that did it is a real PO$ for doing it

But there was no exploit, no rules broken, no nothing

There is nothing here for EA to fix

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As you can see above, people will be unsympathetic and put the blame on you...because that's how people cope with injustice, by accusing the victim of being at fault.


To answer your question Bioware will not help you recover the stolen items or punish the thief in any way, shape, or form. The reason for this is because there's no way to prove the ownership of items taken, much less prove unspoken agreements between guild officers. The bottom line is that you're screwed.


So on one hand, you choose to bash the people that explained what would happen if a ticket were filed, and why, and then, on the other hand, go ahead and confirm that they were right about what would be done, and why?


The only "blame" is on the thief. Unfortunately, yes, it's a learning experience. To avoid it in the future, limit who can withdraw from the bank, and how much they can withdraw, both items and currency. The tools are in the guild bank itself for you to use to that end. The bank also tracks what's going in, who added it, what's coming out and who took it. If you're seeing people taking stuff and not putting stuff in, or not putting in useful stuff, then /gkick 'em and get it over with.

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Just because you gave your girlfriend a spare key to your house doesnt make it ok for her to take everything out of it. Plan and simple.


Did the guild have control, yes. Should the person who stole everything be allowed to get away simply because the guild made a mistake? NO.


People change all the time. One day they're your best friend, the next day they're not. Should you be held accountable for everything they did?


Yes, but if you break up and she does take everything out of your house, the police are going to blame the person who gave her a key more likely than they will blame her. There's no proof that that person wasn't allowed to take whatever they wanted. Maybe the OP said they could take what they wanted, so the officer did and was kicked? The mods don't know that, and neither do we. Anything in a guild bank can be replaced, otherwise no one should have had access to it.

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Let me guess, you think if you order a coffee that's advertised as fresh and hot and you spill it in your own lap, you blame someone else for your own carelessness.



Ask the woman who sued McDonald's for that happening and won. It may have been her carelessness but McDonald's was setting the temperature control for teh coffee too hot, resulting in severe burns.

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There is no victim or theft in this case. This is like leaving your house unlocked with windows and doors open wide.

No, it is not even close to that, because that RL situation would still be theft (just because someone was dumb enough to leave their house unlocked does not mean they gave permission for their stuff to be taken).


This is more like giving someone the keys to your house, giving them written permission to come in and do whatever they want with your stuff and finding out they took it.

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A guild bank being "ninja'd" and leaving a house unlock is vastly different. Yes, they have some common themes but even trying to equate them as equal is completely out of line.


Basically, Bioware sees all guild bank objects as being owned by EVERYONE who has access to the GB. So if someone takes everything out and quits the guild, there is nothing that can be done. They technically didn't do anything punishable because the moment it hits the GB, its owned by everyone and everyone has access to it.


An unlocked house is still private property. Yes, you can protect yourself with locked doors and windows but if someone steals anything from that house it is still a crime.


"Stealing" items from the guild bank isn't stealing anything because once its in public guild storage, its owned by everyone who can access it. The best advice is to keep multiple layers of security with multiple guild ranks.

Edited by Arkerus
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A guild bank being "ninja'd" and leaving a house unlock is vastly different. Yes, they have some common themes but even trying to equate them as equal is a completely out of line.


Basically, Bioware sees all guild bank objects as being owned by EVERYONE who has access to the GB. So if someone takes everything out and quits the guild, there is nothing that can be done. They technically didn't do anything punishable because the moment it hits the GB, its owned by everyone and everyone has access to it.


An unlocked house is still private property. Yes, you can protect yourself with locked doors and windows but stealing anything from that house is still a crime.


"Stealing" items from the guild bank isn't stealing anything because once its in public guild storage, its owned by everyone who can access it. The best advice is to keep multiple layers of security with multiple guild ranks.


Most accurate post of this thread.

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