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The balance in Starfighter is way off.


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My 1 v 1 record with scrab in my strike and him in his scout is actually in my favor.


I'm with Drako on this. Scrab could also have had a different goal, etc.


I would not assume that a Starguard built for dogfighting would do well against a Scout built for dogfighting. Meanwhile, the Starguard with pods and targeting telem doesn't exist.




@Magira, there are several components that are entirely trashcan before max, but note that they are generally very rare to begin with. Do you really think that the people who come to the forums and QQ about losing with stock ships are losing to Tensor Field or Remote Slicing, moves they don't even have because those are not on the Starguard/Novadive? And do you feel that these things are the bulk of the output a ship deals with, versus, say, the blaster, missile, shield, and engine talent trees?


I feel you are stretching for the tiny handful of components that need full upgrades to be effective, support components all, and implying that the whole game is Remote Slicing. Remote Slicing is a dramatically undertuned ability with exactly one overpowered talent point, and the net effect is a move sometimes worth using. That's a design issue, not a requisition one. If an opponent claims to be "one shot" by enemies with "half second missile locks" who are "immune to damage", which isn't a strawman, it's literally the dudes who come in to the forums, they are complaining about deltas in skill, and when you go look at the components, you find almost no delta between req comparatively.

Edited by Verain
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@Magira, there are several components that are entirely trashcan before max, but note that they are generally very rare to begin with. Do you really think that the people who come to the forums and QQ about losing with stock ships are losing to Tensor Field or Remote Slicing, moves they don't even have because those are not on the Starguard/Novadive? And do you feel that these things are the bulk of the output a ship deals with, versus, say, the blaster, missile, shield, and engine talent trees?


I feel you are stretching for the tiny handful of components that need full upgrades to be effective, support components all, and implying that the whole game is Remote Slicing. Remote Slicing is a dramatically undertuned ability with exactly one overpowered talent point, and the net effect is a move sometimes worth using. That's a design issue, not a requisition one. If an opponent claims to be "one shot" by enemies with "half second missile locks" who are "immune to damage", which isn't a strawman, it's literally the dudes who come in to the forums, they are complaining about deltas in skill, and when you go look at the components, you find almost no delta between req comparatively.


Since you have certainly not entirely wrong. I'm a little fixated on just those skills and use them gladly. Nova with EMP and Sabo Probe, Clarion with Remote slicing etc. For me these are not support talents, I am building my builds to such skills. Pure damage such as Sting bores me to period.

Is probably the reason why I play in PVP as Main Infiltration Shadow and Deception Assa, nastier tactics make me more fun.


But my understanding for any Progress, Gear- or Talent differences in PVP is very low, IMHO should PVP ONLY from the "Skill" depend. So I'm in the minority, I know. The mainstream wants Progress, Bioware gives it to him.

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Since you have certainly not entirely wrong. I'm a little fixated on just those skills and use them gladly.


I do hear you on this. And for what it is worth, I think that those particular skills are poorly done. The following skills are pretty greedy about getting the 10k or 15k talent:


Remote Slicing

Repair Probes

EMP Field

EMP Missile

Combat Command

Sabotage Probe

Distortion Field


But I think the problem is specific to these, plus commonly addressed ones (what is up with armor pierce and charged plating?). It's not something you see on engine components, most system components, most missiles, blasters, or any shield except disto.



And it's legit to not want any player "gear" progression- plenty of games do not have that at all, after all. It's far too late to delete that from GSF, but the general case still stands. I just get tired of seeing randoms hop in and claim the game is all gear, which happens like, a lot.

Edited by Verain
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