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Massive Server lags for all servers = Bioware will ignore


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FYI, Bioware does not own and control the thousands of communication lines, connections, switches and routers between you and their data center. A breakdown at any one of those intermediary connections could cause connection issues for you. And since the path changes for based on location and ISP, other people may or may not see the same issue depending on whether they are routed through the area having the issue.


If everyone on the server is having issues, then it is most likely BW. Otherwise, it's most likely an issue between you and them, that neither they nor your ISP can immediately control / fix.


You need to determine where the breakdown is. If you do a netstat -b -f from a command prompt you can see where swtor.exe is communicating with. For example, I'm communicating with and ec2-54-91-48-123.compute-1.amazonaws.com for Jedi Covenant. You can then do tracert to those adresses and see if any place is bouncing or not getting through.


You can also look for posts from Malastare. He has a lot of posts going over the ways to identify where the problem might be.

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I hate to point fingers, but it has to be something on Bioware's end. I get such bad lag that it has caused me to walk off cliffs, over railings in the fleet, and made warzones nigh impossible. However, I have only played on Harbinger so far. I haven't managed to get to the fleet on any other servers to see if the issue is game-wide.


My computer was made to create video games, so it isn't anything wrong with my machine. My internet speed is blazing fast, and the connection has always been strong. I've played many other MMOs on my PC with the same internet setup such as WoW, ESO, Wildstar (beta), and a few others without any latency issues.


SWTOR is the only game I've played that seems to have this problem. And with so many subscribers complaining about it, it should be Bioware's responsibility to look into what is causing all of this lag.

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I hate to point fingers, but it has to be something on Bioware's end. I get such bad lag that it has caused me to walk off cliffs, over railings in the fleet, and made warzones nigh impossible. However, I have only played on Harbinger so far. I haven't managed to get to the fleet on any other servers to see if the issue is game-wide.


My computer was made to create video games, so it isn't anything wrong with my machine. My internet speed is blazing fast, and the connection has always been strong. I've played many other MMOs on my PC with the same internet setup such as WoW, ESO, Wildstar (beta), and a few others without any latency issues.


SWTOR is the only game I've played that seems to have this problem. And with so many subscribers complaining about it, it should be Bioware's responsibility to look into what is causing all of this lag.


It's called Galactic Strongholds. It's a feature!

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There is definitely something wrong at their end. I usually don't complain about too much, but this week...this weekend in particular, there were massive lags, and I was even disconnected several times. Everything else on my pc, works just fine and loads fast. I feel like I've been trapped in the land of the massively long loading screens this weekend. I'm hoping they'll sort it out soon, because Saturday night, I was ready to beat something with a hammer from frustration.


Ps. I'm from Canada...and I play Shadowlands.

Edited by Lunafox
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Yeah, TRE was pretty bad on those 2 days. - You know there's a serverwide problem when you are in Instance 20 of an op and the General Chat flares up^^. (Can't say anything about other servers though...)

Yesterday even I had a disconnect (and in all my 3 years of Service I had a few game crashes but no single disconnect that was not server related.)


So in all fairness to the OP: Something is wrong in a Galaxy Far Far Away...

Edited by Orrrrmus
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First off... I played quite a bit this weekend, and saw absolutely zero lag. The best I could come up with would be the fact that I had some weird rubber-banding in Esselles because everyone in our group was loading up the new zones so quickly that my local textures weren't finished loading by the time we were all running from the elevator.


Latencies ranged from 11ms to a high of 24ms.


So... obviously its not server lag on all servers.


Instead of trying to exaggerate to make more people listen to you, you might consider reporting actual facts so that your message might actually have some value. You had lag? Report the server or servers you saw it on. No, I don't believe that you tried out every server. And if you did, the first assumption would still be that the problem is on your end, since the one single thing all the tests would have in common is that they were conducted from your PC.


There have been some servers showing lag issues recently. Some are well known, some aren't. Lying to put extra servers into that list doesn't help. In fact, it hurts the people on those servers, as false reports encourage the techs to disregard further reports (Boy Who Cried Wolf, and all).


Next, instead of just immediately concluding that it has to be the server and not you, do some analysis of your own. Easily 95% of "server lag" reports are caused by local network issues. Unless you've done some cursory analysis, you can't say with any certainty where the problem is. Without strong corroborating evidence (a couple dozen reports of lag events at the exact same time on the same server), your base assumption should be that there are problems with your local link, and you should do some link quality tests (looking for packet loss or abnormal latency).


If you haven't done that... then Bioware should ignore you. They should have their techs investigating reports that are more likely to be real.

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Yeah, TRE had bad spikes on Thursday and Sunday.


We were only doing Story Mode for points, so the huge lag actually made the experience slightly more fun as it gave us something to laugh at while we plowed brainlessly through GF for mega conquest points (It's super effective)


I am in Jedi Covenant and Thursday was a really bad day with several DCs and a really bad lag in ALDERAAN Empire section.

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....a really bad lag in ALDERAAN Empire section.


It's very important to differentiate the types of "lag":


Network Lag : Network transport latency: Abnormally long data travel times. Usually caused by lost packets.

Server Lag : Server processing lag : Abnormally long server processing times. Usually caused by server load or various hardware issues.

Graphical "Lag" : Low framerate : Not actually lag. Instead it is notably lower framerates due to local rendering difficulty.


Alderaan often causes framerate drops on low-to-midrange computers. That's not server lag.


Server lag is usually identified by the combination of smooth network and graphical performance while still seeing notable delays in actions taken. Rubber-banding may (or may not) occur, and some simple actions may report failures without any logical cause. These effects would be global to the server. Nearly everyone on the server (or at least the planet) would be subjected to the same effects.

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Playing on the Shadowlands server, I have yet to experience this issue myself. Actually spent most of my day off playing.


Maybe it depends on time of day. Saturday most of my issues took place on 'primetime' which was between 7:30 and 10 pm. In the wee early morning hours, when most had gone to bed, I was able to get better performance. Since then I've done everything I can at my end to make sure it's not me, but I still get some lag spikes from time to time.

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Since 2.10 I cannot play Huttball anymore. I see the ball carrier at mid in front of me, I attack him, he vanishes, 5 seconds later it's a goal (unfortunately I am NOT exaggerating to make a point). Rinse and repeat. 2 years ago I would have said: Russian / Polish guild names = teleport hackers. Nowadays I think it's plain lag.


This happened in each and every Huttball I played since 2.10. It only happens in Huttball though (both maps, especially the original one). Oh well, what do I know except that I dislike it. I like(d) Huttball.

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I hate to throw gas on a fire but, I was on the Harbringer (think I spelled that right) yesterday and I must of DC'ed 8-9 and it would go strait to an endless loading screen. Every Time it happened I had to close Swtor, reopen it, submit my login info and use my Security Key. I know that doesn't sound like much but, ONCE YOU HAVE DONE IT 8-9 TIMES IN LESS THAN 2 HOURS IT GETS PRETTY FREAKING ANNOYING :mad: .


I think BW needs to check into some things.

Edited by GalaxyStrong
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