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BioWare please remove or atleast make gunships do a LOT LESS dmg


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Gunships in GSF are making TOO MUCH damage to other class ships and when you play deathmatch and there is a lot of gunships in not really fun and its not really dogfighting like GSF should be,for example you battle with your starfighter against another starfighter or scout and then from nowhere some gunship takes you down with 2 hits or just 1.
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Gunships are the snipers of GSF. I don't know if you've played one but they also come with some weaknesses, 2 of them being mobility and low energy pool after 2-3 shots. It also doesn't help them when they're charging and their target suddenly decides speed away from their scope. So does the cons justify the dmg they do? IMO, yes. I've been able to capitalize on those weaknesses way too many times.


GSF is in many ways, a game of chess. Employing the correct strategy against a particular ship can help out in many, many ways, even if that ship at first glance seems too overwhelming. It also helps if your team is balanced but that's more often luck-based if you solo queue than if you were running with a premade GSF team.

Edited by ValeGreiger
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Gunships are the snipers of GSF. I don't know if you've played one but they also come with some weaknesses, 2 of them being mobility and low energy pool after 2-3 shots. It also doesn't help them when they're charging and their target suddenly decides speed away from their scope. So does the cons justify the dmg they do? IMO, yes. I've been able to capitalize on those weaknesses way too many times.


GSF is in many ways, a game of chess. Employing the correct strategy against a particular ship can help out in many, many ways, even if that ship at first glance seems too overwhelming. It also helps if your team is balanced but that's more often luck-based if you solo queue than if you were running with a premade GSF team.


the only prob are some players or have made the ultimate dmagae set or they cheat coz ive seen from specific players with GS that 1 shot another GS fully capped and no damage at all. And since Eaware doesnt do anything for some others that cheats prefer to see a small nerf in GS

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It is not a cheat, any fully upgraded ship can rip holes in a ship that has no upgrades at all. Some builds are very powerful, but my Flashfire (as mentioned above) can slaughter gunships with no problem because I built it for that purpose. I have a NovaDive built out for dealing with bombers, too. My friend likes to fly with a bomber built out for heavy duty healing or a fighter built out for fast kills.


If you don't put time into your ship, you will lose a lot. You can't buy your way into a good ship, you can only build it up a little faster. GSF requires a lot of practice to be really good, but you can skate by with just being okay so long as you don't drag down your team too much.


Either learn to fly and build up your ship, or save your fleet requisition and get a gunship of your own. Just keep an eye out for tiny scouts.


EDIT: You do know there is a forum for GSF, right? http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=419

Edited by Daewan
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Since not that many people play GSF, I don't think BW will spend much time one it anymore. Maybe some balancing will get done occasionally, but I haven't heard your complaint often from folks who play GSF a lot.


people do not play GSF due to gun ships and bombers.


in alpha tests we did have days where only scouts and strikers where use and this was best GSF many people did experience. Remove this 2 classes or make separate queues:

scouts and strikers only and gunships and bombers only. easy fix and lots of people would go back to play this including me.

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people do not play GSF due to gun ships and bombers.


in alpha tests we did have days where only scouts and strikers where use and this was best GSF many people did experience. Remove this 2 classes or make separate queues:

scouts and strikers only and gunships and bombers only. easy fix and lots of people would go back to play this including me.


are you even serious? let me start out with the immediate issue: bombers have extremely limited propulsion and are slow as crap. A gunship could easily annihilate them at a distance so what kind of balancing is that?! without support from the other 2 ship variants the bombers can't survive. The other two ships can get in close and can destroy a gunship. They all need to be together for this to work. And gunships help make fights take less time, without them there would be just endless turnfights with the scouts and strikers and it would take a lot longer. And bombers add a bit of tactics and strategy to it. I know its not perfect, but seperate ques is not smart. Neither is removing content.

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Well if they would have just made X-wing/TIE Fighter/X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, JTLS, etc in the first place GSF would have been epic...instead we got hyper arcade ( Star Conflict clone) that no one really likes...


...A PvE (missions, campaign) version of it might make it better, if they ever added it, but given the response it had, i wouldn't hold my breath.


GSF is why shortcuts do not work, hopefully EA/BW learned a lesson, when people expect something (X-wing/TIE Fighter/X-Wing vs TIE fighter, JTLS) do what they expect or don't do it at all.

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Well if they would have just made X-wing/TIE Fighter/X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, JTLS, etc in the first place GSF would have been epic...instead we got hyper arcade ( Star Conflict clone) that no one really likes...


...A PvE (missions, campaign) version of it might make it better, if they ever added it, but given the response it had, i wouldn't hold my breath.


GSF is why shortcuts do not work, hopefully EA/BW learned a lesson, when people expect something (X-wing/TIE Fighter/X-Wing vs TIE fighter, JTLS) do what they expect or don't do it at all.


You see, here is the problem. BW outright stated that what they are doing is a suqad based minigame. But people somehow started to expect a "lets dick around in space" JTLS.

As a side note, I never played TIE Fighter or X-Wing, but looking at the videos, I would say that it is very much like what GSF is, except it was PvE and had joystick support and was first person view (both are sort of doable in GSF).

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Yeah I hate GS with a passion, especially if you're flying an almost vanilla ship.. You're in a evenly matched dogfight with someone and you feel the elation of finally getting the upper hand...and poof, you're being 1 shot from out of nowhere by someone who was just waiting for your shields to drop enough.


As a side note, I never played TIE Fighter or X-Wing, but looking at the videos, I would say that it is very much like what GSF is, except it was PvE and had joystick support and was first person view (both are sort of doable in GSF).


Not saying that it was a realistic expectation for GSF to be like X-Wing or Tie-Fighter, but they don't have much in common IMO. They where much more sim like with a more complex energy and shield management (for example if you allocated all your power to engines, your blasters and shields would slowly discharge) and all of your systems could be damaged individually and it would take time for them to be repaired.(You could lose elements of your HUD,radar, shields, weapons, engines, controls, etc.)


Also it required a lot more skill to hit a turning target. In GSF you have your target indicator and if you keep on it your stats and those of your opponent decide if you hit. In X-Wing/Tie-Fighter, the only indicator was your crosshairs lighting up if you found the correct position to aim at. In the later games hit boxes where also pretty much non existant. The model was the hitbox.

Edited by Knorlac
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Its easy to use right strategy and have a great match when you are playing premade with your guild or so but when its a random match it REALLY annoying when you are trying your best to win in a dogfight and from nowhere some gunship takes you down with 1 or 2 shots.

And also i have strikefighter and scout fully mastered and again i get 1 or 2 shots from gunship so...

Edited by Kikitigar
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Gunships in GSF are making TOO MUCH damage to other class ships and when you play deathmatch and there is a lot of gunships in not really fun and its not really dogfighting like GSF should be,for example you battle with your starfighter against another starfighter or scout and then from nowhere some gunship takes you down with 2 hits or just 1.


GS are only a problem if you are new to GSF.


As in ground PVP, all classes have their counter. Roll a GS yourself and see how often you find yourself exploding. Then, learn how crap you are at flying a GS and figure out how you can kill them on your scout, SF or bomber.

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As someone who plays only gunships, on several toons, I can say that they are easy to kill. Yes, I can snipe you and take your shields and let someone else kill you. Yes, I can usually two shot someone if I am given enough time and you don't turn or evade. For those who have never played gunship or those who are complaining about their OP, try to fight someone who charges you. Try to chase someone. Try to turn. Try to evade. Not easy in a gunship. Scouts can easily evade and charge you and fly around like a bug while they kill you. Fighters can do the same, just easier. Bombers are a pain because their shields won't stay down.


So what would you get if you nerf? You would get a ship that can't turn, can't evade, can't run, can't shoot...

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Counter gunsheep by using sensor dampening and creeping up with everything on cool down when you are in range but out of L.o.s. wait for them to target another And charge up their guns then go at them with guns and missiles -easy.


If they are targeting you and you think you won't survive a shot get the hell out of there . -Teams often use support for gunships so you are better off peeling the support and letting the ships built for gunship attack do their thing


It really is 100% rock-paper-scissors . To stop 1-shots build for max structural /shield/evasion and keep well clear of supported gunships -good luck from someone who regularly uses a tinfoil -rocket scouts to take on these slow ponderous beasts!

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Not saying that it was a realistic expectation for GSF to be like X-Wing or Tie-Fighter, but they don't have much in common IMO. They where much more sim like with a more complex energy and shield management (for example if you allocated all your power to engines, your blasters and shields would slowly discharge) and all of your systems could be damaged individually and it would take time for them to be repaired.(You could lose elements of your HUD,radar, shields, weapons, engines, controls, etc.)


Also it required a lot more skill to hit a turning target. In GSF you have your target indicator and if you keep on it your stats and those of your opponent decide if you hit. In X-Wing/Tie-Fighter, the only indicator was your crosshairs lighting up if you found the correct position to aim at. In the later games hit boxes where also pretty much non existant. The model was the hitbox.


Not sure why capacitor would discharge if you diverted energy from it, that is not how capacitors or batteries work...

Also, some people already complain that GSF is "too hard", so making it more like TIE fighter would not really be much of a help.

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Not sure why capacitor would discharge if you diverted energy from it, that is not how capacitors or batteries work...

Also, some people already complain that GSF is "too hard", so making it more like TIE fighter would not really be much of a help.


Like I said, I would've never expected GSF to be like that. I do wish for a new SW game like that though...maybe if Star Citizen and Elite turn out to be a financial success, who knows?


Don't know if the tech was explained with capacitors back in those games or if it was explained at all for that matter. It was just the way it was. If you kept your energy in a neutral position for all 3 subsystems shields were maintained but would not build up after taking hits and lasers would deplete and stay that way until you increased energy.


The outcome was, that you had to allocate energy for any given situation and change the settings on the fly...and fast. For example if you were going for a torpedo/laser run on a capital ship you'd approach the target, switch energy to front shields(you could do that as well) and lasers, spray the target, then turn, switch shieldpower to aft and revert all energy to the thrusters to get the hell out of dodge.


You could also drain already built up energy from the shields and put it into lasers and vice versa...so yeah, that would've definitely been too complex for GSF:D

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Like I said, I would've never expected GSF to be like that. I do wish for a new SW game like that though...maybe if Star Citizen and Elite turn out to be a financial success, who knows?


Don't know if the tech was explained with capacitors back in those games or if it was explained at all for that matter. It was just the way it was. If you kept your energy in a neutral position for all 3 subsystems shields were maintained but would not build up after taking hits and lasers would deplete and stay that way until you increased energy.


The outcome was, that you had to allocate energy for any given situation and change the settings on the fly...and fast. For example if you were going for a torpedo/laser run on a capital ship you'd approach the target, switch energy to front shields(you could do that as well) and lasers, spray the target, then turn, switch shieldpower to aft and revert all energy to the thrusters to get the hell out of dodge.


You could also drain already built up energy from the shields and put it into lasers and vice versa...so yeah, that would've definitely been too complex for GSF:D


Well, you sort of have to switch power priority in GSF (if you want to be effective), and you can instantly transfer certain amount of power from something (engines) to something different (weapons/shields). However, just regulating the priority does not drain the power from other systems, they just regenerate much slowly (and the prioritized system regenerates faster). Or you can keep it all neutral, but you will not be as effective.


What you say (power to weapons, shoot, power to shields or shielding while launching torpedoes, or activating a GSF version of Force Barrier) is a viable and effective tactic in GSF, switching power to engines is a must if you need to run or get somewhere, etc.


So you see, GSF is very much like TIE/X-Wing in many aspects.

Edited by Aries_cz
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Since not that many people play GSF, I don't think BW will spend much time one it anymore. Maybe some balancing will get done occasionally, but I haven't heard your complaint often from folks who play GSF a lot.


More people play GSF than you realize, at least on TEH. Queues are popping all the time


On to the question at hand. Gunships is like any annoying mechanic in the game. They can be detrimental IF you ignore them. But if you get a few scouts (flashfire ftw) and start hunting them down you can easily neutralize a team with a lot of gunships

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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More people play GSF than you realize, at least on TEH. Queues are popping all the time


On to the question at hand. Gunships is like any annoying mechanic in the game. They can be detrimental IF you ignore them. But if you get a few scouts (flashfire ftw) and start hunting them down you can easily neutralize a team with a lot of gunships


You don't even need a flashfire to hunt gunships, I use a strike with ions, quads and concussion missiles. A gunship has two choices with that loadout, die or move, both of which negate any damage they are capable of. Heck even my racecar scout that just built for stripping minefields and harassing bombers can effectively dislodge a gunship roost and make them stop using railguns, sabo probes and emp pulses drive them nuts even if it won't directly eliminate them.


OP you want to nerf gunships? You don't need BW to do it, just fly up and start shooting them, a gunship that has to move just recieved the biggest nerf in gaming history. If you let them sit there, you deserve everything you get.

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