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#OWPvP: BW Get Off Your Lazy Donkeys!


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Since Conquest Patch, I got lucky to be part of a few open world pvp boss brawls. Problem is hardly anyone takes the effort to know or inform what boss is getting ganked. It would be nice if BW had some kind of activity map so the open world pvpers can join in before the party is over. Other RvR MMOs have some kind of tracking system, why not here! And while BW is at it, some rewards for defending. Even though capturing bases would be more than ideal than the current 'pull the boss around the corner' system...anything will do to get us pvping in the actual game for a change with some kind of model.


And enough of the lame engine excuses, as many witnessed before...50 man brawls is very playable for most. PvE is not playable for a few of us pvpers...but you don't hear us complaining!:)


BW please start doing your marketing research instead of assuming we all like your arrogant watered down MMO ideas.


Get off your lazy donkeys please and look after the pvp neglected for a change.


PvP needs a system of their own...be it a seperate conquest if needed.

Edited by Josewales
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Biggest issue I see with open world pvp nowadays is that Oricon (which is where I do most of my world pvp and encounter most players) is now a designated Republic planet, so the entire planet unflags players for PvP.. You can run around and not be able to kill anyone because they're blue and unattackable. Sucks.
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Biggest issue I see with open world pvp nowadays is that Oricon (which is where I do most of my world pvp and encounter most players) is now a designated Republic planet, so the entire planet unflags players for PvP.. You can run around and not be able to kill anyone because they're blue and unattackable. Sucks.


Pretty sure that's a bug.

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Since Conquest Patch, I got lucky to be part of a few open world pvp boss brawls. Problem is hardly anyone takes the effort to know or inform what boss is getting ganked. It would be nice if BW had some kind of activity map so the open world pvpers can join in before the party is over. Other RvR MMOs have some kind of tracking system, why not here! And while BW is at it, some rewards for defending. Even though capturing bases would be more than ideal than the current 'pull the boss around the corner' system...anything will do to get us pvping in the actual game for a change with some kind of model.


And enough of the lame engine excuses, as many witnessed before...50 man brawls is very playable for most. PvE is not playable for a few of us pvpers...but you don't hear us complaining!:)


BW please start doing your marketing research instead of assuming we all like your arrogant watered down MMO ideas.


Get off your lazy donkeys please and look after the pvp neglected for a change.


PvP needs a system of their own...be it a seperate conquest if needed.




Need a tracking system, better thought rewards, and a realization that not all of us suffer from the failings of the engine in OWPVP.

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Since Conquest Patch, I got lucky to be part of a few open world pvp boss brawls. Problem is hardly anyone takes the effort to know or inform what boss is getting ganked. It would be nice if BW had some kind of activity map so the open world pvpers can join in before the party is over. Other RvR MMOs have some kind of tracking system, why not here! And while BW is at it, some rewards for defending. Even though capturing bases would be more than ideal than the current 'pull the boss around the corner' system...anything will do to get us pvping in the actual game for a change with some kind of model.


And enough of the lame engine excuses, as many witnessed before...50 man brawls is very playable for most. PvE is not playable for a few of us pvpers...but you don't hear us complaining!:)


BW please start doing your marketing research instead of assuming we all like your arrogant watered down MMO ideas.


Get off your lazy donkeys please and look after the pvp neglected for a change.


PvP needs a system of their own...be it a seperate conquest if needed.


So what stops You from calling out a . . . say; Black Hole PvP brawl a day in the week, or a battle in the Dune sea, You got the game, You got the Forums, You got all the tools really Get off your lazy whining lart *** and do some organizing . . . But .... hmmm .... ..... Or was it just Ganking Privileges You Wanted?!


'Cos the System is there 'Flag on' . . .

Edited by t-darko
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Why are you still here dude, ARCHAGE is freaking the place to go to sandbox openworld pvp. conquer each guild SH-if you win you get their loot and taxes that players have to pay to keep their land, become a pirate and stop trade routes, farm eachother farm the land-sounds to me your looking for a different game cuz it will not happen here
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So what stops You from calling out a . . . say; Black Hole PvP brawl a day in the week, or a battle in the Dune sea, You got the game, You got the Forums, You got all the tools really Get off your lazy whining lart *** and do some organizing . . . But .... hmmm .... ..... Or was it just Ganking Privileges You Wanted?!


'Cos the System is there 'Flag on' . . .


1/10 for pretending to know what makes RvR tick. I suggest go endgame a free trial that has.


What a silly and uninformed comment you made brah:)

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Why are you still here dude, ARCHAGE is freaking the place to go to sandbox openworld pvp. conquer each guild SH-if you win you get their loot and taxes that players have to pay to keep their land, become a pirate and stop trade routes, farm eachother farm the land-sounds to me your looking for a different game cuz it will not happen here


Cuz I like Star Wars.

Edited by Josewales
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1/10 for pretending to know what makes RvR tick. I suggest go endgame a free trial that has.


What a silly and uninformed comment you made brah:)


What you're asking for would never be accepted by the majority of the TOR community, by the simple fact that the discrepancy between those who PvP regularly and those who don't is a far to wide a gap to bridge over. What you suggest would turn in to a gankfest which would result in a flood wave of those who would quit the game entirely. Your speaking from a narrow minded perspective that all want what you want...


If u really want what you ask for I suggest you take this advice;

Why are you still here dude, ARCHAGE is freaking the place to go to sandbox openworld pvp. conquer each guild SH-if you win you get their loot and taxes that players have to pay to keep their land, become a pirate and stop trade routes, farm eachother farm the land-sounds to me your looking for a different game cuz it will not happen here


As for BW never doing anything!?

EVERY patch contains changes due to whiner threads on these forums - EVERY PATCH . . .


The tools for arranging what you suggest is already in place, the only thing it require is for you to gather up enough interested to 'flag on' and do your own conquest war on every planet that is shared between the factions. But like a new hatched bird you want it all already chewed and spit down your throat.

Edited by t-darko
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1/10 for pretending to know what makes RvR tick. I suggest go endgame a free trial that has.


What a silly and uninformed comment you made brah:)


RvR? really? RvR is just a pathetic relic of games long dead. Its not even real PvP since 99% of the time it comes down to which faction is bigger and who spams the most AoE.

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