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Sentinel/Marauder 3.0 Discussion/Wishlist Thread


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but, without it our burst DPS is hardly there... and you cant tell me that Combat is supposed to be the hybrid sustained/burst tree... if you are, i'm going to assume you are a complete moron. Combat is meant for burst, and without Double Gore/P-slash we have NO burst except for our first window. the second Gore window was there so we could have a mini-rotation of this.


[G > FS > M > G > VT > R]


that was our big burst section, especially if it had a Berserk/Zen inside it! now, we cant easily fit both VT and FS within 1 Gore, and forget about even TRYING to put Ravage in a gore! Double Gore/P-slash needs to return, or i'm done with my sentinel, i'll level a more fun class like Engi Sniper, or continue working on my AP PT.


I have no problem putting ravage and scream into a gore window without berserk, same with scream and vt in the same window when ravage is on CD. With berserk I can get ravage,scream and vt into one gore window. If you need double gore that badly then the real issue here is you were never good with the spec to begin with. In pve 9s of "burst" is not real burst. In pvp two full controlled gore windows can be considered unbalanced in world where burst makes a huge impact. Fully resolved a marauder with two controlled gore windows could easily eat through two players without even blinking.


Carnage right now is stronger than pre 2.10 in consistency and burst and is in a good spot in both pve and pvp. You don't need a double gore window, especially now that gore is on a 10.5s cd meaning you are getting more gore windows than before. Stop asking to potentially break a spec that is in a very good place right now.


By all means though, move onto another class and be terrible on that one instead of sentinel.




Also, news flash, pre 2.0 carnage was exactly that. A class with decent sustained damage with small burst windows. Post 2.0 they mucked it up with a ridiculous rng design, but hey, I'm just a moron though so what do I know? At least I can fit my burst into a gore window, something you seem to be having difficult with based on your post.

Edited by Raansu
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In pve 9s of "burst" is not real burst. In pvp two full controlled gore windows can be considered unbalanced in world where burst makes a huge impact. Fully resolved a marauder with two controlled gore windows could easily eat through two players without even blinking.


2 gore windows do not equate to roughly 60k damage in the pvp environment. And that's not even counting any form of player mitigating actions of which there are many.


I don't know about you but i'm not spending a significant amount of my play time white-bar'd.

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2 gore windows do not equate to roughly 60k damage in the pvp environment. And that's not even counting any form of player mitigating actions of which there are many.


I don't know about you but i'm not spending a significant amount of my play time white-bar'd.


ravage+ scream can easily do 30k damage.


x3 massacre + vt crit can easily do 20k + damage.


That's a lot of controlled single target burst that carnage could potentially do if it had full control on two gore windows. Its also something no other class can do. Counters to it or not, that kind of damage in pvp is pretty much bordering broken.


Why risk breaking a class simply because you have some silly obsession over a double gore window? Especially when the class is perfect now? No rng, pure consistency in damage, very powerful burst, and respectable sustained dps. Why break that? Just let it go.


Double gore is 100% unecessary and honestly it should have never existed to begin with. Carnage changes in 2.0 were a mistake, that mistake was fixed with 2.10 and EVERY carnage player with half a brain will agree that it functions how it should have always been.


Double gore is gone, it was a terrible mechanic that hopefully never comes back. Get over it and learn how to play or go be trash on another class.

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ravage+ scream can easily do 30k damage.


x3 massacre + vt crit can easily do 20k + damage.


That's a lot of controlled single target burst that carnage could potentially do if it had full control on two gore windows. Its also something no other class can do. Counters to it or not, that kind of damage in pvp is pretty much bordering broken.


Why risk breaking a class simply because you have some silly obsession over a double gore window? Especially when the class is perfect now? No rng, pure consistency in damage, very powerful burst, and respectable sustained dps. Why break that? Just let it go.


Double gore is 100% unecessary and honestly it should have never existed to begin with. Carnage changes in 2.0 were a mistake, that mistake was fixed with 2.10 and EVERY carnage player with half a brain will agree that it functions how it should have always been.


Double gore is gone, it was a terrible mechanic that hopefully never comes back. Get over it and learn how to play or go be trash on another class.


The first two statements are exaggerations. Gore windows do not "easily" do that much damage. And you know full well a gore window is easy to mitigate. Thus - not imbalanced.



Please refrain from calling forum goers that disagree with you lacking "half a brain" as it's insulting and not constructive. There are lots of good folks in these forums that have added to the knowledge of the game. Few did it by belittling those that disagree with them. Unless, of course, you have no other way to dispute their points - in which belittling them is your "best" option....



I'm not for imbalance. I'd like controlling a proc to reset gore explored. That's the point of this thread, 3.0 Discussion/Wishlist. I would be for a balanced implimentation of it, as I think that with the many obvious weaknesses to gore, balance could be achieved.

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The first two statements are exaggerations. Gore windows do not "easily" do that much damage. And you know full well a gore window is easy to mitigate. Thus - not imbalanced.






x3 massacre + scream gore window

x3 massacre + VT gore window

x2 massacre + scream + VT gore window

berserk + ravage + scream + VT gore window

ravage + scream gore window


All doing over 20k, many of them over 24-25k with just the massacre windows and a ravage window nearing 30k (with relic procs I've easily gone over 30k on sages who are geared). Its not a matter of counters/mitigation, its a matter of pure potential. If I can leap in on someone who's CC'd and ravage + scream him then turn around and get a guaranteed second gore window with a x3 massacre + vt? Ya its going to hurt. That is potentially broken. I'd rather not see something like that get pushed through and then watch it get nerfed into uselessness because some people have some strange obsession with a double gore window for pve that is 100% unnecessary.


Carnage currently is balanced pretty well in terms on controlled burst and sustained damage. Why mess with it by potentially breaking the spec? Double gore window is gone, let it go and stop trying to destroy a spec that is in a good spot now in both pve and pvp.

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x3 massacre + scream gore window

x3 massacre + VT gore window

x2 massacre + scream + VT gore window

berserk + ravage + scream + VT gore window

ravage + scream gore window


All doing over 20k, many of them over 24-25k with just the massacre windows and a ravage window nearing 30k (with relic procs I've easily gone over 30k on sages who are geared). Its not a matter of counters/mitigation, its a matter of pure potential. If I can leap in on someone who's CC'd and ravage + scream him then turn around and get a guaranteed second gore window with a x3 massacre + vt? Ya its going to hurt. That is potentially broken. I'd rather not see something like that get pushed through and then watch it get nerfed into uselessness because some people have some strange obsession with a double gore window for pve that is 100% unnecessary.


Carnage currently is balanced pretty well in terms on controlled burst and sustained damage. Why mess with it by potentially breaking the spec? Double gore window is gone, let it go and stop trying to destroy a spec that is in a good spot now in both pve and pvp.


Thanks for the numbers and a couple quick questions to make sure I understand them. I assume these were done on the PvP dummy? Was there "dead time" during combat in these when you were waiting for combat to end? Because looking at the vicious throw/ravage parse combat time is 18 seconds. Looks like crit's are not called out so I'll have to do some assuming.


So typically the gore>ravage(clipped)>Force Scream>Viscious Throw is the most damaging window in my experience. Let's talk about that one as it's the highest. Adding up the damage from those abilities plus assuming the ataru procs also happen in that window i came up with 35,814 damage. That includes the Crit hit on viscious throw and 1 or more of the hits of Ravage. If that's broken up into 1.5 sec CD's it's three globals or 11,938 per global. That's alot; i'd say no other class is capable of doing that. What does it take for a Marauder to set that up? You can do that specific rotation "cold" if the following are true:



  • Gore is off CD
  • Ravage is off CD
  • Force scream is off CD
  • Viscious Throw is off CD
  • 30 Centering is already built or Frenzy is off CD
  • The target remains within 4-10 m range
  • Execute has been proc'd prior with use of Massacre or Procs off Ataru form
  • You have 3-6 rage depending on Slaughter Proc
  • They are < 30% or you have Slaughter Proc
  • Viscious Throw crits
  • 1 or more hits from Ravage crit
  • You get multiple Ataru procs during gore window
  • You are white bar'd or the target/other players do not CC you
  • The target does nothing - just stands there



I'm probably forgetting some other prerequisites but will move on anyway. The first big assumption here is the target doing absolutely nothing. The other big assumption is that Execute/Slaughter procs off Ataru Form or that the Player has done Force Charge > Battering Assault > Massacre (prior to entering the gore window to guarenteee the proc); then > Berserk+Gore+Ravage > Force Scream > Viscious Throw. More time on target outside of a gore window effectively lowers dps and burst. The above rotation guarenteeing Execute, and the rage available to use Viscious Throw if the target is brought below 30% health, takes 9 seconds and does 42,868 damage, using Raansu's numbers. Damage per global is now 7144, 41% lower and well within the abilities of other classes in this game over a 9 second window. More than some, less than others.



That leads into discussing balance. So let's talk balance because we don't want to be imbalanced and get nerfed. Balance is about comparison. Take a Marauder vs an Assassin. Both can be played as DPS classes. Assassins are bursty and have control helping prevent mitigating action during their opening. Sentinels do not have that control (hard or soft stun) - none in fact without completely sacrificing dps. Can Assassins do 35k damage in 4.5 seconds? Nope. That's the trade off for ability to control. At least in Bioware's eyes as they are the ones that balance this game.



Balance is ultimately about comparing one thing to another right? Strengths and weaknesses vs strengths and weaknesses. The marauder can put out lots of damage. This is a fact. That damage can be mitigated through use of defensive cooldowns / CC / getting out of range. The assassin, on the other hand, can't do as much straight up damage but it can use it's control to make it harder for the target to mitigate the damage it does do. If the weaknesses of those two differing approaches didn't exist then there would be an imbalance. Some classes will have more control and less burst others will have more burst and less control to remain competitive and different.



My wishlist for 3.0 is about player choice. Specifically the ability to control a proc resetting gore. I want it to be balanced just like Raansu does. I don't want to be nerfed into the ground later on. Who want's that? If given the choice between static gore windows and the ability to control a proc resetting gore I would chose the latter. Whether Bioware adds a new ability in 3.0 that facilitates reseting gore or modifies current skills or abilities to do it I don't really care. Maybe it's a combination of the two, I don't know. They have lots of flexibility if they add a new ability to a class. I like the player choice that's possible if gore can be reset. Get CC'd through a gore window? Then chose to set up a quicker second gore window at the expense of a delayed third window. In some circumstances that's desireable - in others it's not. Leave the choice to the player not removed by default.



I agree with Raansu that carnage is in an good/ok spot right now. If it stayed this way through 3.0 would I quit the class? No. But is it as good/fun as it is possible to make it? No, i think it can be improved.

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1.) Its dead time waiting to leave combat. I'm only counting damage done during the gore window. So basically ravage,scream,vt,massacre, and ataru damage. Some were a bit longer as I was obviously trying to get vt procs to show the damage in a gore window of x3 massacre + vt.


2.) I didn't clip ravage. You don't need to clip ravage with berserk up. You can do ravage>scream>vt all in a single gore window if you have berserk up....which as a carnage marauder in a proper team setup you will always have consistent 30 stacks. (I don't care about pug environments).


3.) Player choice is fine, but game balance should always take precedence. I see controlled double gore proc as a problem for two reasons. One, the potential controlled burst is insane. As you saw in the numbers, 3 massacres alone can go over 10-12k easily + damage from ataru. So even without scream or vt procs you can still put up some painful numbers with just massacre. That can get out of hand real quick. I mean I was in a ranked match last week and I was keeping a sage who had guard on down to 30% most of the fight by myself. That's not something a lot of classes can do. I did more damage than everyone else and I was only on a guarded target (we were doing split dps to pressure the healer).


The other potential problem I see with a double gore window with controlled procs is the fact that like it or not CC's are a counter (as they should be). If I could just say "oh well your counter means nothing, here's another gore." that could lead to potential issues. It didn't stick out as much before because it was on a low proc rate. The times I did get a gore reset after being CC'd to counter the first gore? Ya it was pretty much over for the other player.


Not to say that carnage should be easy to counter and that we should have no tools to deal with such counters, but there is a such thing as pushing your luck (ex: juggernauts/madness sorcs right now having way too much utility).


Double gore window is unnecessary. Its at 10.5s. The down time between each window is smaller than the down time between double gore windows. The only reason why we ever got a double gore window to begin with was because of VT proc. It was poorly implemented. VT proc is fine but the gore reset should have never happened. It doesn't add anything to pve as right now carnage is getting just as many and more gore windows than pre 2.10 with reliable burst, and in pvp it could cause problems. The design right now is balanced very well. Messing with that like they did in 2.0 will just cause problems with the spec again.

Edited by Raansu
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Cool, thanks for clearing that up for me! I agree with every point you make in 1-3 I think i clip ravage out of habit now. I agree that carnage can put out great dps numbers - that's partially why we enjoy it right? And as you rightly pointed out CC SHOULD be a counter to our burst. That's one of the ways carange is kept balanced. Balance should definitely over-rule making changes that would imbalance a class or specialization. Definitely agree with you there.


I share the concern that a controllable second gore proc would be a way to circumvent CC as a form of counter. That would need to be looked at hard. There would have to be some form of downside to setting up a quick second gore. That could be anything really since 3.0 is a black box to me. Couple ideas to counterbalance that quicker second gore might be (and these are complete off the cuff brainstorm ideas by me) :



  • Proccing a quick second gore delays following gore. Penalty being if the target isn't dead they probably won't die because you're not going to be doing great damage for a while....
  • Proccing a quick second gore does damage to the marauder or makes the marauder more suseptible to damage. Sacrifice health to do more damage....
  • The process of proccing a quick second gore isn't ideal from a dps / rotational standpoint. Something like 3 or 4 massacre's (first gore doesn't do great damage) to setup more ideal second gore....
  • Tie reset to Predation so that Berserk and second gore can't be used together
  • Create a new ability that can only be used during CC to reset gore
  • Create a new ability builds stacks towards a gore reset
  • Put a debuff on the target where if they go above a certain health percentage it resets your gore if it's on CD
  • Put a buff on the Marauder with charges that are removed by being attacked. When all are gone gore resets
  • Debuff applied to Marauder reducing damage done for next x seconds following an "unnatural" gore reset



Some of these solutions are probably downright bad but that's what happens when i'm brainstorming ideas in a couple minutes. Some of these ideas might be ok and could be further explored. None of them are the perfect solution i'm sure of that.



I still would like a way to control a gore reset looked at. It would require out of the box thinking and definitely be in a different way than it was in 2.0. Raansu, your concerns are valid and I share many of them. It seems like where we differ is I think it's possible to balance a gore reset and you aren't as optimistic. I bet between the community and Bioware we could come up with something that included more player choice and yet remained balanced.



Bottom line - Bioware, don't screw the spec up, and include player choice as much as possible maintaining balance.

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I'd say one challenge of playing melee is getting best DPS uptime possible. This is doable in current content to an extent that a well played Watchman Sent will not be outperformed by any range class on single targets.


ATM if you talk to progression raid leaders Inspiration is the reason they won't bring any MELEE class ELSE than a Sentinel.


You're talking about two different things here: Content beind designed in a way that it disadvantages melee classes. That may be the case.


The other problem is imbalance among the Melee classes themselves. And here Inspiration is the worst offender. I'd vow for taking away Inspiration to have better balance WITHIN the MELEE classes. Because everything you said about disadvanteges applies to all of them. Only classes other than Sent even don't have Inspiration.


So to balance things you'd have to get melee classes to one level and then make content more melee friendly and/or increase melee DPS for all classes in comparison to ranged DPS.


BTW: If you have more survivability issues as Watchman than say a Telekinetics Sage then you may be doing something wrong with your Def abilities...


Inspiration is 20-50k Extra DMG per Use in a 8 Man Pug Group, yeah I will take the Guardians Offtank ability or the Shadows/Scoundrels Stealthrez/Selfcleanse/purge over that. That extra DMG won´t save you from hitting an enrage I believe :rolleyes:


The DPS are all on par, as far as I am concerned. Given to the nature of ACs with a Tank and Heal tree you will not see many melee DPS, since Tank and heals get more GF invites, plus most people I know playing these classes choose them because they wanted to heal or to tank. That said I have a great Guardian DPS on my Side in our Nightmare Raid, she doesn´t always hit the top charts that thats because she tends to get the job of kitting stuff around the room ;) Our Shadow likes to tank, so I am quit happy he only goes DPS for certain encounters since if you know how Shadows do a ******** of Damage. I have yet to meet a Nightmare raiding scoundrel, but I have seen some newer scoundrels in the lower ranks who are doing quite well playing DPS. Sents are populationwise more present than scoundrel, Guardian, or shadow dps, that doesn´t mean they are better.


Inspiration is nice to have but no more, given we neither have a spot or a real stealth or a selfcleanse, take it away and we have nothing "special" against other classes. If you take it away you need to give us something in return.


Dear Raidleads out there you don´t need Sents, you need competent players regardless of their class. No specific class is better than another on a certain encounter. Just go for DPS by the rule: 50% Melee 50% Range and you should be fine. Inspiration will not make the day and is far to overrated, but since we have no Cleanse, Stealthrezz, Tankstuff our unique thing. It is no better utility than other melees have and far worse than what Sages and Gunslingers bring to the table...er I will not die bubble and the AoE Shield^^

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Not sure if anyone else noticed this about the Marauder / Sentinel but all we have an option for is to DPS.


This class was designed for DPS, and yet the problem stands were all the other classes do even more damage than us cool people who use two lightsabers. It's kind of a bit unfair, make it more fair by making this class stronger and able to do more damage than the other classes at the very least,


I'm the only person in my guild who prefers playing as a mara over any other class (mainly because I like getting up close and personal while doing tons of damage)


With the skill trees, I would suggest making the final skill in the tree be what does the huge amount of damage.


Anyone else here agree they'd like to see an up in who does the most damage in an ops or fps run as well? Or is it just me...

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Not sure if anyone else noticed this about the Marauder / Sentinel but all we have an option for is to DPS.


This class was designed for DPS, and yet the problem stands were all the other classes do even more damage than us cool people who use two lightsabers. It's kind of a bit unfair, make it more fair by making this class stronger and able to do more damage than the other classes at the very least,


I'm the only person in my guild who prefers playing as a mara over any other class (mainly because I like getting up close and personal while doing tons of damage)


With the skill trees, I would suggest making the final skill in the tree be what does the huge amount of damage.


Anyone else here agree they'd like to see an up in who does the most damage in an ops or fps run as well? Or is it just me...


The developers already tried this and it was a big failure. Originally the developer paradigm for classes that could only dps (marauder/sniper) was than they should be doing more damage than any other classes, this resulted in people stacking only those classes in endgame content.


Also the top tier talents already do the most damage

  • Annihilate is the harder hitting attack for annihilation
  • Massacre may not hit as hard as Force Scream but FS procs depend on Massacre, also Massacre+Ataru procs represent a higher damage percentage than FS.
  • FC may not be the the highest hitting ability of Rage but is what buff''s Smash every other Smash.


As it is right now PVE progression wise, the sentinel/maruder is still in a good place. It has 3 skill tree's that preform well in NiM content. Watchman may parse lower than other classes but is just by a small amount.

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The developers already tried this and it was a big failure. Originally the developer paradigm for classes that could only dps (marauder/sniper) was than they should be doing more damage than any other classes


They SHOULD be doing the highest damage. They cannot do any other role outside of dpsing.

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Not saying it should be some insane difference, but snipers/marauders should always parse the highest.


No they shouldn't, in raids they already have the advantage of having 3 dps tree so they can adapt to bosses better than other classes and in PVP they are the only one with healing debuff (that's why I'm always against the idea to give it to any other class).

When you pick a class to DPS with in raids or PVP it doesn't matter that they can also heal or tank...

Edited by cs_zoltan
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No they shouldn't, in raids they already have the advantage of having 3 dps tree so they can adapt to bosses better than other classes and in PVP they are the only one with healing debuff (that's why I'm always against the idea to give it to any other class).

When you pick a class to DPS with in raids or PVP it doesn't matter that they can also heal or tank...




Several things


  • First, the developers clearly stated that because a class can tank or heal they should not be expected to do so in a raid setting if their current role is DPS.
  • Second. DPS dummy leaderboards are not the best way the judge a class performance in a raid setting. The learder boards have the highest parse but they rely on high crits and there are always gear discrepancies. Best way to tell if a particular spec parses higher than others is the get the average expected dps at a certain level of gear and not the highest possible dps.


Like I said before, sentinel is in a good place PVE wise it has a spec that adapts better for any situation, other classes are usually forced to use the same spec. Also there are differences in high static dps output and actually getting through mechanics.

Edited by g_mK
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No they shouldn't, in raids they already have the advantage of having 3 dps tree so they can adapt to bosses better than other classes and in PVP they are the only one with healing debuff (that's why I'm always against the idea to give it to any other class).

When you pick a class to DPS with in raids or PVP it doesn't matter that they can also heal or tank...


What healing debuff? Marauder/Sentinel self-healing isn't that great. Also even if you are against the idea, Juggernauts/Guardians have an awesome heal to full ability. Didn't we have something similar to that once upon a time?


All I want is better self-heals, I don't even care all that much about the crap load of cc that gets thrown around in warzones. I can adapt to that crap, as long as I have self-heals that actually do something to get me back and running when I need to. I don't mind if I need to proc something several times just to get those worthwhile heals of as well! just make me survive longer! Please Bioware! Or at least bring all the other classes down a tad! :(

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I disagree there, Sir! It would make perfect sense and will suit BW class balancing! There are never enough merciless slash stacks!:D

I concur Leafy. Following with BW class balancing there is never enough MS stacks. :D


But back to the thread, what I would really like for 3.0 is for the Juyo Form and Merciless stacks folded into their abilities or at the very least get decrementing stacks. However, if that's too "technically challenging and unfeasible due to engine restrictions" (much like hood toggle is/was :rolleyes:) then remove their duration and make it a static buff/effect like you did with Flechette Round.

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Dunno if these have been said, I only skimmed the first page or two.


  • Valorous Call grants X amount of Juyo stacks in Watchman/Anni
  • Force Camo as a baseline snare break across all classes. (Could change the current talent in Combat that grants the purge to an increase in damage reduction, leave Watchman with Speed/Duration)
  • Transcendence/Predation will still activates whilst Hindered. I can't see why it can't be activated and grant the defense bonus to you, as well as the speed increase to your team mates. (More of a PvP issue.)
  • Increase the Watchman/Anni self heals back to 2% or rework the Zelous Ward/whatever the imp version is, to lower the cool down of Saber Ward
  • Adding in a movement imparing immunity to force leap for Watchman/Anni. I was thinking something like 2s immunity but still being susceptible to stuns/mezzes.
  • Completely overhauling GbtF/UR or reverting it to how it was pre-nerf.


This are just some ideas that I've been playing around with for a while and most are to do with Watchman's (non-existant) anti-kiting abilities. Wish I had more input on the other speccs, but I've only recently started dabbling in Combat/Carnage and I've never liked Smash specc.


EDIT; Forgot to add a thing.

Edited by Juithtin
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