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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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My wish for you is for you to gain the drive to compete and win so you can eliminate that harmful, petty desire to have those who can win handicapped so you don't have to try as hard next time.


Or maybe we should start kneecapping Superbowl and World Cup winners? :rolleyes:


Did you hear that, Seattle Seahawks and Germany? You might as well sit this season / the next four years out. According to this guy, you're not allowed to win the next one.


When the same 4 guilds when every week by double and triple everyone else, it isn't a matter of competing harder. Real world sports aren't a descent analogy, since they have many many rules that keep things fair and competitive and exploiting isn't allowed.

Edited by Elfa
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When the same 4 guilds when every week by double and triple everyone else, it isn't a matter of competing harder. Real world sports aren't a descent analogy, since they have many many rules that keep things fair and competitive and exploiting isn't allowed.


Those 4 guilds are built for conquest success. Luckily, typically an additional 26-36 guilds will place in a given week.


And other than the starfighter flyby, a title, and a walker mount, the rewards are the same.

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When the same 4 guilds when every week by double and triple everyone else, it isn't a matter of competing harder. Real world sports aren't a descent analogy, since they have many many rules that keep things fair and competitive and exploiting isn't allowed.


Exploiting isn't allowed here either. When it was happening, BioWare fixed it mid-cycle.


Real world sports - World Cup in particular - IS a good analogy. What restrictions does that event place upon who can participate on which team, aside from affiliation with a country?


Even the biggest and best guild could be forced into a loss. All it takes is a group of players with a vision, a strategy, and the desire to do it. Could it be done next week? Probably not. But it can be done.


You can either complain and be certain to fail or make the attempt and, even if you don't win, you'll have grown in the process.

Edited by DarthTHC
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In 3.0 I would simply be happy with...


1. A hood up/down toggle

2. The ability to change the appearance of the damnable pistol the trooper/agent has in cut-scenes

3. The ability to change the blade/bolt colour of the CM weapons before reaching lvl7


...and lastly, the ability to give Cyborg toons an enhanced voice without having to use a helmet/mask

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I want "quality of life" improvement. they are as follows :-

1. no more running to fleet to accept and return wz,fp, gsf dailies/weeklies. we will have a new tab when we press "L". it will be called "Imperial command center" for imps and "Republic command center" for pub. All the fp,wz.gsf related quests will be there. we will click on quest and activate them by clicking "Activate" click button. As soon as the quest is complete we will automatically receive reward.

2. 1000 planetary comm limit at least for subscribers. the reason will be given below in a new point.

3. I will assume we will have new level cap at 60. i want all classic FP; post 2.0 FP; to be converted to tactical FP and put in a new group called "T1 tactical". players from 15-60 will be able to queue for these tacticals. rewards for killing boss will be planetary comm and creds. creds will only drop from boss, not trash mob, so it has to be substantial. Current 55 tactical will also have bolster to 60 and will be named "T2 tactical" but reward will be same as now.

4. Ops GF has to be remodeled. GF ops will now have totally different lockout. each and every ops we currently have in game and will have after 3.0 will have bolster to 60 feature, players from 50-60 can queue for it. It will only be for GF, regular Ops will stay the same. system will be as follows :-

A. there will be no token or gear drop here, only a lockbox from boss kill to each player, which will have 100% chance to drop appropriate comm for player level, 100% chance to give appropriate amount of creds to player and a chance to drop a token appropriate to player level; for example 20% chance to drop Dread guard token for a level 50 player; every player have same chance to get a token from reward lockbox; if every players luck hit 20% they all get token; if luck is bad no one gets token; they only get the creds and comm.

B. rotation will be 8 hour, for example : if current GF ops is DP then it will stay there for 8 hours and after that a new one will come to rotation. But players can only complete(and get daily/weekly reward for) a specific ops in gf once per week as usual.

5. A new take on legacy inheritance and birthright gears. Now they will be considered Legendary items, they will level up with players. Only subscribers can equip them, there won't be any unlock for f2p or preferred to equip them. Inheritance gears can now be bought for 50 planetary comm each from legacy vendor in capital planet, birthright gears will be 100 planetary comm each, there is no need for tokens anymore, current tokens can be sold to any vendor for appropriate planetary comm return. The whole purpose of it is to make leveling new character for subscribers smoother. system will be as follows :

A. Inheritance and Birthright gears will now have an improved Ctrl+right click option. Upon doing so we will see that each gear has 3 role option : tank, dps and healer. we can only select one from these 3 options; default option selection will be dps. what it will do is, when selected a role option the gear will give stats for appropriate role and class when players level up.

B. Inheritance gears will level up from 15-30.

C. Birthright gears will level up from 31-49. SInce these gears are legendary gears their item rating will be higher than same level purple gears. For example at level 49 the item rating of a Birthright gear will be 128 where highest rating purple gear at 49 is 124.


These are all that comes to mind. there is one for WZ and GSF each but if i write them down pvpers will chew me out, so i will pass on that.

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(edited repost from the Suggestion sub-forum)


Let me introduce that I obviousy have no idea what's in stor for us players in 3.0; I'm in fact very anxious for the upcoming teased and announcement, and for more reasons than one.


Looking back when 2.0 was released (and, relevantly, the level cap was raised), we had 8 (11 if you counted both factions) HM flashpoints to run. That dropped to 4 (eventually raised back to 6 when the Czerka flashpoints were introduced) as 2.0 hit.


Looking at the situation right now, if it so happens the level cap is raised again, we will face a similar situation (if somewhat less dire): down from 6 to perhaps 4 HM's (assuming the 4 Forged Alliance flashpoints get that treatment, ad that no new flashpoints are released, of course). Also, in case of a level cap, there will be even less reasons to run the original 8(11) HM's.


My suggestion, after this long introduction, is to create some sort of "Cap Mode" (for lack of another name); for HM's originally at level cap, it doesn't need to be any different. But for all other flashpoints (the 14 that are currently there), that mode would simply scale the Hard Mode for the level cap. No new mechanics.


Even if there is not level cap raise, they should do this, in fact. I understand that there are people that chose not to get the expansions, but they are having more options to play than people that actually have.


Same thing goes for Operations, as a mater of fact. Nitemare Mode = always at level cap.

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1) Add the Stronghold and "this sector is controlled by" nameplates to the UI editor so they can be edited, resized and/or disabled.

2) Add a "refresh" button to the crew mission lists so we can respawn the list.

3) Give us a buff we can buy from the CM that increases our crit rate on missions and crafting by 20 percent.

4) Give us a 100 percent XP buff we can purchase from the CM.

5) Allow us to place a daily terminal in our Stronghold.

6) Allow certain "standing stance" mounts to be summoned when we are moving.

7) Give us the option of using the "fade to black" Makeb shuttle sequence when using the shuttle points on other planets.

8) Redo more of the landing sequences, and add the takeoff sequences to the list of ones that need to be redone.

9) Allow subs to store credits account wide using a legacy credit storage kiosk. Add escrow deduction items to the CM for use by free and preferred players.

10) Give us a legacy drop down list for mail.

11) Get rid of the "carry a rifle like a pistol" bug that appears often when you destroy a mission item. Looks especially silly if you mount while the bug is in place.

12) Remove level 6 mat spawns from the spawn tables on Makeb, Oricon and CZ.

13) Change the name of comms from Planetary, Classic, Basic, Elite, and Ultimate to Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum so they are easier to identify and understand.


and finally.....


14) GIVE US BACK OUR NORMAL SPECIALS ANIMATIONS for PVE. Return the effect trigger to the END of the animation instead of the beginning, and instead disable them in PVP...and provide PVP only specials that have the effect trigger at the beginning of the animation sequence.

Edited by LordArtemis
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A few ideas like this and the game would die faster than you could say "Star Wars Galaxies"

So you're saying it would take 8 years to die?

It takes you 8 years to say those three words? Damn, even Porky Pig could spit it out quicker than that.

Edited by DarthDymond
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All I can say is I am very thankful that the market is moving away from pixel rentals only.


Let's see....purchase a game for X dollars that I can play any time I want, play with others, etc....or purchase a game and pay a RENTAL FEE every month so I can post in the forums, enjoy the back and forth as folks share chuck norris jokes and complain about general chat in general chat or perhaps watch players get kicked from raids for not having a 15000 gear rating at level 1.


Not to mention changing how my character plays every three days.


Any wonder as to why single player games dominate the market? Or perhaps why MMOs are FINALLY making some headway in the market among gamers?


Lets face it...MMOs have been a hard pill to swallow for most gamers that have money to spend for years.


F2P did kill the MMO genre...it saved it IMO.

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All I can say is I am very thankful that the market is moving away from pixel rentals only.


Let's see....purchase a game for X dollars that I can play any time I want, play with others, etc....or purchase a game and pay a RENTAL FEE every month so I can post in the forums, enjoy the back and forth as folks share chuck norris jokes and complain about general chat in general chat or perhaps watch players get kicked from raids for not having a 15000 gear rating at level 1.


Not to mention changing how my character plays every three days.


Any wonder as to why single player games dominate the market? Or perhaps why MMOs are FINALLY making some headway in the market among gamers?


Lets face it...MMOs have been a hard pill to swallow for most gamers that have money to spend for years.


F2P did kill the MMO genre...it saved it IMO.


Sure it did:


It saved it so it could continue along its craven path of embracing mediocrity, generic repetitiveness, and boring grind-grind-grind.


With the added bonus of possible pay-to-win, oh joy!


Oh, and you're still renting pixels in an F2P title:


The developer owns all those assets, not you. They could do a patch tomorrow that literally takes away everything you've ever earned, and be 100% within their rights to do so, with you being unable to do anything about it (yes, really: Read the EULA, don't just speed-skim it on the way to hitting "I Accept.").


Sorry, but the truly good games that have heretofore lasted are almost all, as far as I know, been pay-to-play.


Mate, if CAD 15.00/mo is really that onerous for you, then maybe you should stop playing MMOs entirely, and get your RL finances in order? Like, first?


MMOs going mainstream and embracing the wrong kind of "casual" are what killed the MMO genre.

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Sure it did:


It saved it so it could continue along its craven path of embracing mediocrity, generic repetitiveness, and boring grind-grind-grind.


With the added bonus of possible pay-to-win, oh joy!


Oh, and you're still renting pixels in an F2P title:


The developer owns all those assets, not you. They could do a patch tomorrow that literally takes away everything you've ever earned, and be 100% within their rights to do so, with you being unable to do anything about it (yes, really: Read the EULA, don't just speed-skim it on the way to hitting "I Accept.").


Sorry, but the truly good games that have heretofore lasted are almost all, as far as I know, been pay-to-play.


Mate, if CAD 15.00/mo is really that onerous for you, then maybe you should stop playing MMOs entirely, and get your RL finances in order? Like, first?


MMOs going mainstream and embracing the wrong kind of "casual" are what killed the MMO genre.


I don't know why you feel you have to apologize for having an opinion. Naturally I do not agree with your opinion....nor does the market it seems.


You seem to share the minority opinion at the moment IMO....and I for one am thankful for that. Hardcore traditional MMO players kept MMOs in video game obscurity for years.


Now we finally have the RIGHT types of folks....those casuals you spoke of....playing the games. And the Traditionalists have been put out to pasture.


I say good riddance. But that is just my opinion....and you will not find any apologies for it. Nor should you....your opinion is just as important and valid as anyone elses.......


...and I for one appreciate the fact that you share it. I simply oppose it in pretty much every way. But that is me.


Oh, and btw....you will not be giving me advice on gaming or finances today. Keep to your own motivations. I'll worry about mine.


The MMO genre not only lives...it finally thrives. Thanks to finally throwing off the shackles of narrow minded, obsessive, arrogant traditional hardcore players. Like the pro player looting, permadeath, walk everywhere, wear your accomplishments (visual progression), attunements type.


Those days are long gone.

Edited by LordArtemis
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You seem to share the minority opinion at the moment IMO....and I for one am thankful for that. Hardcore traditional MMO players kept MMOs in video game obscurity for years.


Now we finally have the RIGHT types of folks....those casuals you spoke of....playing the games. And the Traditionalists have been put out to pasture.


I say good riddance. [...]


The MMO genre not only lives...it finally thrives. Thanks to finally throwing off the shackles of narrow minded, obsessive, arrogant traditional hardcore players. Like the pro player looting, permadeath, walk everywhere, wear your accomplishments (visual progression), attunements type.


Those days are long gone.


The "right kind of folks?" Are you kidding me, Jesus Christ...


Those are the kinds of folks that get our classes nerfed into uselessness patch after patch after patch.


Those are the kinds of folks that get challenging, rewarding content dumbed down into complete faceroll, if not removed entirely.


Those are the kinds of folks that get pay-to-win implemented, and see it perpetuated.


Those are the kinds of folks whose *********** disgusting entitlement-mentality pollutes and poisons *********** everything in our world, and man, I play games to get away from that ****, not get inundated with more of it.


Those are the kinds of folks that are the reason most MMOs since 2008-ish have sucked so bad, and been almost 100% interchangeable.


Did you ever wonder why most MMO communities are such utter **** nowadays, so full of idiots, hilari-bads, immature stupid little know-nothing kids, loudmouth 1337-speaking punks, and general Internet-vermin?


It's because most games have no way for the community to police itself anymore, because that might put off/offend the "casuals."


There are exceptions still, thank God:


I play another space-themed game where that all-too-typical Marau-duuuurrrrr whose usual idiocy just got you a 30k cred repair bill would likely get griefed out of the community so frigging fast it's not even pathetic, and its community is by far the better for it, I assure you.


That game has thrived for almost 12 years, and shows no signs of slowing down. Ironically, that game is possibly one of the most casual-friendly games out there, if one actually uses one's brain whilst playing.


That something appeals to a lowest common denominator does not mean that it is thriving, at least not in any good sense.


MMOs should never have gone mainstream. They were doing just fine in relative "obscurity," not everything should always be for everybody, especially when "everybody" seems to believe that they're special little snowflakes who deserve all the good stuff without having to earn it.


I play games to get away from that ****, too.


Yet here they are, poisoning my virtual world, as well as my real one with their craven, pedestal-of-victimhood parasitism, loudly proclaiming, "but I'M A CASUAL111!!!!" as if that's any justification.


(Hello, McFly? Persistent-world? Ever heard of it? It's the core paradigm of all MMOs, which is why catering to entitlement mentality is simply not necessary.)

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The "right kind of folks?" Are you kidding me, Jesus Christ...


I kid you not. Well, maybe a little bit.


Those are the kinds of folks that get our classes nerfed into uselessness patch after patch after patch.


Hardcore players get our classes nerfed, as they always have....the balance crusade led by PVPrs in most games.


Those are the kinds of folks that get challenging, rewarding content dumbed down into complete faceroll, if not removed entirely.


What is challenging and rewarding to some.....


Those are the kinds of folks that get pay-to-win implemented, and see it perpetuated.


Ah. I think you might be wrong on that one.


Those are the kinds of folks whose *********** disgusting entitlement-mentality pollutes and poisons *********** everything in our world, and man, I play games to get away from that ****, not get inundated with more of it.


Those are the kinds of folks that are the reason most MMOs since 2008-ish have sucked so bad, and been almost 100% interchangeable.


Well, that is your opinion naturally. And you are entitled to it.


Did you ever wonder why most MMO communities are such utter **** nowadays, so full of idiots, hilari-bads, immature stupid little know-nothing kids, loudmouth 1337-speaking punks, and general Internet-vermin?


Welcome to game communities since the beginning of online games.


It's because most games have no way for the community to police itself anymore, because that might put off/offend the "casuals."


There are exceptions still, thank God:


I play another space-themed game where that all-too-typical Marau-duuuurrrrr whose usual idiocy just got you a 30k cred repair bill would likely get griefed out of the community so frigging fast it's not even pathetic, and its community is by far the better for it, I assure you.


I would take as suspect any opinion you have on what makes a good or bad community.


That game has thrived for almost 12 years, and shows no signs of slowing down. Ironically, that game is possibly one of the most casual-friendly games out there, if one actually uses one's brain whilst playing.


Fair enough.


That something appeals to a lowest common denominator does not mean that it is thriving, at least not in any good sense.


No, the fact a game is thriving means its thriving.


MMOs should never have gone mainstream. They were doing just fine in relative "obscurity," not everything should always be for everybody, especially when "everybody" seems to believe that they're special little snowflakes who deserve all the good stuff without having to earn it.


They were doing just fine, sure. But like anything else other products were doing FAR better. And it was time for MMOs to appeal to a much wider audience.


I play games to get away from that ****, too.


Yet here they are, poisoning my virtual world, as well as my real one with their craven, pedestal-of-victimhood parasitism, loudly proclaiming, "but I'M A CASUAL111!!!!" as if that's any justification.


(Hello, McFly? Persistent-world? Ever heard of it? It's the core paradigm of all MMOs, which is why catering to entitlement mentality is simply not necessary.)


There is likely room left in the market for hardcore MMOs. Right now there isn't much to choose from, but those games are out there.


Heck, UO is still alive and kicking.


There is no need for you and I to argue back and forth. I stand for progress, you stand for status quo. I feel I am right, you feel you are right. In the end we could both be wrong.


I USED TO BE a hardcore traditionalist player. But I changed with the times and accepted that change. Some players are incapable of doing that. Instead they resist change and progress.


How you choose to move forward is up to you....but the days you likely crave are probably in the rear view.

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I play another space-themed game where that all-too-typical Marau-duuuurrrrr whose usual idiocy just got you a 30k cred repair bill would likely get griefed out of the community so frigging fast it's not even pathetic, and its community is by far the better for it, I assure you.

EVE Online's community is a cesspool of trolls, griefers, scammers, goons, frauds, drama queens and cheating developers.


Yes, it was meant to be a cesspool, as part of the experience, but that doesn't make it any better of a community than a septic tank being meant to hold crap makes its contents any nicer.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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