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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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more class story is my biggest want.


failing that i'd like them to actually make the story be completed by lore wise the four main character each fraction (it would still be soloable but there would be mention of the other classes being their accomplishing other objects and what not so that you don't have to question how exactly four different people did that same thing without bumping into each other or being mentioned at all as important.


I would love wo planets but i am only expecting one


and last but not least raven to be dead and buried i mean i love him i do but dragging his character out is just going to make everyone hate him and i don;t want that he;s frankly been dragged out long enough he should of died at the foundry.

Edited by magicallypuzzled
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Recruit gear of rating 166 (31x) is given out at level 60. This is done by entering into a warzone.

When you enter the warzone, you see huge red letters across the screen warning you that because you aren't in PvP gear, those who are will be doing double damage to you while you'll be doing half damage. Then a mission completes, and you can choose between 1-2 rewards depending on your class. These options are lockboxes, containing 14 pieces of a PvP set - earpiece, implants, relics, armorings (with set bonus), belts/bracers, mainhand/offhand.

Comes with augment slots and is completely customizable. You can then purchase rating 170 gear (32x) with unranked warzone comms, and rating 174 gear (33x) with ranked warzone comms

When the PvP gear tiers are increased, the free set given out is increased to the 32x's (1 tier increase)/33x's (2 tier increase).

Bolster removed from level 60 PvP, and Ranked WZs require >2k expertise.



You can now craft rating 176 gear (green 37s) with schematics from the vendor. These become rating 184 @ blue, and rating 192 @ purple with RE.

You can also craft rating 176 relics with schematics from the vendor, becoming rating 184 blues/192 purples with RE

This gear is level 58 required.

The generic RE'd earpiece/implants from the schematics vendor are no longer available. Instead, you can only craft the green 176 earpiece/implants that become the blue 184s/purple 192s that are the equivalent of current artifact gear in the new tier.


Alacrity is modified to affect all cooldowns - internal, external, GCD, you name it - making it useful for all non-DoT specs (and even tanks)

Accuracy is removed from all tank gear

Augments are of MK 29-34 (rating 144-180)


Basic/Elite/Ultimate commendations are moved to a single commendation type (basics = 1, elites = 2, ultimates = 4) named either Cartel Commendations or Dread Commendations. Basic/Elite/Ultimate remain, but are set to 0.


Classic Commendations can now purchase rating 174 mods/enhancements/armorings/barrels from a vendor.


The new commendations can now purchase underworld gear from a vendor, and underworld gear is increased to rating 180 gear. It can also purchase Kel Dragon relics (buffed to 186s)


All tokens can be turned in for these new commendations - different tokens give different amounts.

Dread Master tokens no longer drop from NiM Ops, only Kel Dragon tokens. Kel Dragon gear is buffed to be rating 186 gear.


HM 55 Ops will only drop Oriconian Pieces (retaining that look), while NiM 55 Ops will also have a chance of dropping Dread Touched pieces (retaining the glowing golden upgrade look)


(This is done to preserve a similar system to what 2.0 did with old gear, however it uses Underworld/Kel Dragon gear as it preserves the more unique look between classes and factions of Underworld/Kel Dragon vs Dread Forged/Dread Master)


Basics can purchase rating 192 gear from the vendor. Elites for 198, Ultimates for 204.



HM Class stories (The option to start them again at level 55, they get bolstered to your level and have additional mechanics put in place)

Daily zone on Manaan

Daily zone on Rakata Prime

Continue the Revanite missions





1 new warzone

1 new huttball arena

1 new deathmatch arena



putting 11 points into the tank tree flags as tank. Putting 11 points into the heals tree flags as healer.



No comment, I dont do GSF






HM Versions of:

Assault on Tython

Korriban Incursion

Depths of Manaan

Legacy of the Rakata

Colocoid Wargames (Turret section, get rid of 3/4 of the turrets :jawa_evil:)

Red Reaper


HM lvl 60 FPs require a rating of 184 gear (Blue 37s) and reward rating 198 gear (purple 38s)




All level 60 operations require rating 162 gear for SM, and rating 168 gear for HM


EV/EC/KP are given level 60 versions (SM and HM) under the name "Level 60 SM" and "Level 60 HM". They are bolstered up to level 60 for these situations.


1-2 new operations relating to the revanite missions, including a new instanced world boss (think TC)


Level 60 SM Operations drop rating 198 tokens, HMs drop rating 204 tokens




Capstone talent reverted to 31 points in the tree.

4th tree added on top, requires a capstone talent and 41 points total spent to access. Has really good talents, as an incentive to not hybrid, but requires 41 points as to prevent someone running up there and grabbing 20 of them.


1 New ability for each AC



Edited by TACeMossie
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- At least 2 new planets with good story and characters

- New daily area on Manaan (with underwater parts)

- New original warzone

- New reskined versions of some current warzones (Civil War, Voidstar, Novare); same idea, set in different planet

- Dual spec

- Appearence tab (get rid of modding gear, I want changing my look be easier, cheaper and faster)

- New companion, and new conversations with current companions

- New species (Togruta!)

- New Strongholds (i.e. Hoth, Makeb, Manaan)

- New cool achievements to work for (for solo players, explorers)

- An option to replay class story

- No limit of NPCs and decorations in Strongholds (let me use all my hooks how I want to)

- More decoration rewards from Achievements

- More stuff (gear, decorations, toys) for high Legacy level (especially Living Legends)

- Crafting UI redesigned (it's awful and hard to use now)

- In-game Holonet page with news (from in-game perspective), short stories, maybe audio recordings; hire the guy who wrote last few shorts that were published with Forged Alliances

Edited by Apophis_
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1. The option to have companions mount up along side you and follow on their own speeder. This option must allow us to choose from our list of owned vehicles which one our comps use...ideally remembering different speeder selections for different comps.


2. The option to display multiple companions riding in the passenger seats of large vehicles (like the desler nomad). If this is not possible with existing vehicles, then give us new mounts that can seat 1-5 companions. So we can all ride around together as a big happy family.

Edited by Hebruixe
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Make "conquest" more about faction v faction open world stuff and less about guild v guild point farming contests. 8v8 ranked (with a solo q aspect maybe?). New wz and arena maps. Separate quests and season rewards for solo and group ranked, the better ones going to group ranked. Shorter seasons. Cross-faction team building in solo ranked. But they've already decided what's gonna be in 3.0 and are working on polishing that stuff so w/e. Edited by JediMasterSLC
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my wishes :


1) Balance for all classes, im tired to see Fotm in every damn wz, seriously, im really tired. Nerf madness inquisitors, jugs and for the love of gode, nerf operative healer.


2) at leasts 2-3 new ops and fp ( not tact), real ones.

3) at least 3 new wz ( 1 huttball - 1 domination - 1 placing bombs )

4 the eradications of ranked if the point number 1 wiould be ignored

5) a matchmaking system that will alllow ppl to q faster ( mix groups reps imps vs reps imps), same with new ops and flashponts ( seems the new common enemy is Revan so why not co-op like we did in Forged alliances ? as sith i'd laugh but these times are hard for all.

6) new animations for double bladed saber users, because,, well they have a double bladed saber, not a golf bat.

7) a complete re work of expertise and resolve because is bugged like hell and heaven.

8) mandatory exp cap for ranked solo e group

9) pazaak

10) more focus on content and less on " money grabber packs"


my top ten, ofc there are a looooooot of other things, but i will spare it.


ps: make u a favor bioware and make an unique gear for both pvp and pve, obtainable in both ops or warzones, ofc buff the wz comms rewards or nerf the chance 180-186 drop in ops

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The only thing i want, is to not have massive framerate lag anymore, this game is so fraught with FPS lag, and playing it for 2.5 years, it's coming to a boiling point. this is the ONLY AAA game that i have major issues with FPS (when i mean AAA i mean games from big name companies like EA, Ubisoft, etc. I also dont have trouble with most Valve games either) I think the thing that kills the game the most is the lack of loading screens, yes i said it... this game doesnt have ENOUGH loading screens, Now, i'm not talking Sonic 06' Loading Screens, i'm talking small 4 - 5 second loading screens that load the LOCAL area and not a 2 - 3 MINUTE loading screen that loads the ENTIRE PLANET... that's just stupid and shouldnt be done... If you want the game to run smoother and faster, start by making speeders into a 4 - 5 second loading screen that loads the local area around the speeder pad, and that section of the planet. If it's a smaller planet like Oricon or Section X, i can see loading the entire thing making sense and can pass on that, but load the entire planet, then keep the farther away areas in a cache of some sort... I have yet to try using SWTOR Unleashed as of my aquisition of 8GB of RAM to see if i can increase performance or not. Hopefully it will work...
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The only thing i want, is to not have massive framerate lag anymore, this game is so fraught with FPS lag, and playing it for 2.5 years, it's coming to a boiling point. this is the ONLY AAA game that i have major issues with FPS (when i mean AAA i mean games from big name companies like EA, Ubisoft, etc. I also dont have trouble with most Valve games either) I think the thing that kills the game the most is the lack of loading screens, yes i said it... this game doesnt have ENOUGH loading screens, Now, i'm not talking Sonic 06' Loading Screens, i'm talking small 4 - 5 second loading screens that load the LOCAL area and not a 2 - 3 MINUTE loading screen that loads the ENTIRE PLANET... that's just stupid and shouldnt be done... If you want the game to run smoother and faster, start by making speeders into a 4 - 5 second loading screen that loads the local area around the speeder pad, and that section of the planet. If it's a smaller planet like Oricon or Section X, i can see loading the entire thing making sense and can pass on that, but load the entire planet, then keep the farther away areas in a cache of some sort... I have yet to try using SWTOR Unleashed as of my aquisition of 8GB of RAM to see if i can increase performance or not. Hopefully it will work...


From your statement, it is fair to assume you're confusing apples with oranges.

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A mix of what I'd expect and what I want.


- 2 x new raids

- HMs for FPs

- Make all tactical FPs like KUAT

- New planet to level 55-60 on

- More pvp maps and gamemodes, 8v8 ranked pvp

- Make winning conquest/being top 10 actually do something (bonuses to crafting/XP/money or something)

- Make guild ship rooms actually do something (bonus points, multipliers, abilities etc)

- New skill tree for each AC

- Overhaul to UI in terms of buffs/debuffs/dot tracking etc

- Increase to NPC limit on strongholds

- Make hitting a commander auto pvp flag, make so commanders can't be reset

- Overhaul to crafting window. (doesn't close window etc), allow extra crafting companions, overhaul to crits and companion bonuses

- Reduce picture guild shiop/stronghold costs

- Make legacies do more eg. level 50 increases levelling speed of alts, reduces cost of abilities on alts etc

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better improved character creator (no ready made faces, but to create our face with slide bars, each characteristic...)

fix for the draw distanse, no more growing grass

new companion

new class

new race

a new home in Alderaan

interactive decorations and with patrolling options


I also love the new improved ingame cinematics, in some planets, when we choose to land on that planet... New improved cinematics in all planets also...


Some exclusive conquest content, not just to recycle the dailies for the conquest....

And maybe a new event


(also some pazaak racing in tatooine and be able to choose our companion, not all the same companion...)


I will also add this...


A new neutral class in the new planet... Be able to pick our alliance after 50 or so....

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What I mean is an actual faction that we can assign our characters to it

Not gonna happen. All new factions are gonna be like the Hutt Cartel.


Especially Revanites... the Cartel at least has a lot of planets - you can count Makeb, Nar, Hutta as its territory - Revanites are just a subset.

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1. Additional *parallel* skill tree options. For example, I'd love it if my Scoundrel could use his shotgun all the time instead of resorting to punching things and knocking them on the head with the "wrong" end of his gun.

2. Appearance Tab

3. Personal planetary aircraft (eg, A-wings, gunships) as mounts, along with a Z-axis

4. Swiss-chalet style stronghold in the Alderaan mountains

5. SGR's with existing companions

6. Companion hug emote. In general, more in-game interaction with companions, especially those you're supposedly in a relationship with.

7. Advanced class swapping

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