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3.0 Expansion: A Deadly Force Returns Discussion


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But... That's what I've been saying all this time...!!! That Revan, by wanting to finish what he started, is hunting down for the Emperor. :p



Hmmm...perhaps I'm just not saying this clearly. What I mean is that the teaser could actually be referring to the fact that the Emperor is back and HE (=Emperor) wants to finish what HE (= Emperor) started (i.e., galactic genocide). Just a thought.



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Well from the teaser, its pretty clear that Darth Revan has returned (red glowy eyes) and that hes going to do some terrible stuff. Id be pretty pleased if Revan isnt the operation boss that you kill (because why kill one of the best KOTOR characters ever made?) but instead you and he join forces to take down a 3rd party (The Emperor maybe?). I think the Dark Council would be on board with that because its in their best interests to stay alive and if the Emperor wants to kill all life in the galaxy, its clear that goes against the Council's interests of living :p


It would also make sense for the Republic to join along side the Imperials, because hey, nobody wants to die and they get to kill the Emperor. Once the Emperor is dead, Revan becomes the new Emperor and joins the Imperials and the Republic into 1 unified government that rules the galaxy in peace and harmony where both the light and dark side are used to create a balance rather than a 1 sided light side rules or dark side rules.


No mass effect 3 synthetic ending please. ;)

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Hmmm...perhaps I'm just not saying this clearly. What I mean is that the teaser could actually be referring to the fact that the Emperor is back and HE (=Emperor) wants to finish what HE (= Emperor) started (i.e., galactic genocide). Just a thought.



So Theron Shan is, what, a red herring?

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Probably already been mentioned but that red glowing eye thing has been used in the game to signify the emperor's presense in an individual. I think when the emperor assumes command of one of his Children and when he speaks through the Voice.
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I noticed that as well.


It seems to match Revan's lower robe. If that's intentional, the implications are... Less than pleasant. :o


In the last few clips, one of the four "belts" holding that ring in place is no longer there. I more attribute this to him being rugged and beaten, it would make sense that his 'house' flag would be of his pristine image.


It could also be a meshing of the Old Republic / Empire symbols, which looking at Revan's ideals would also make sense (the fact it's red is slightly concerning). It being surrounding in obelisks, which I liken to the Sith, and chains could also be symbolic of his imprisonment by the Emperor and this could be a metaphor for his breaking free and seeking vengeance.


Edit: I'm very curious to see how Revan and Theron will interact given their blood ties. It's awfully convenient his character was introduced in the story which was the prelude to Revan's return.

Edited by Kremsau
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In the last few clips, one of the four "belts" holding that ring in place is no longer there. I more attribute this to him being rugged and beaten, it would make sense that his 'house' flag would be of his pristine image.


It could also be a meshing of the Old Republic / Empire symbols, which looking at Revan's ideals would also make sense (the fact it's red is slightly concerning). It being surrounding in obelisks, which I liken to the Sith, and chains could also be symbolic of his imprisonment by the Emperor and this could be a metaphor for his breaking free and seeking vengeance.


Edit: I'm very curious to see how Revan and Theron will interact given their blood ties. It's awfully convenient his character was introduced in the story which was the prelude to Revan's return.


I believe the upper chain is just the part that goes from his elbows, across his main torso and ends in his waist, as seen


Regardless, if that's his symbol now, the implications are yet again... Disturbing.

It would mean he wants something more than destroying the Emperor.


He wants his own little Empire as well, though he says early on that he sees both Republic and Empire nothing more than distractions.


Not sure what to do of the whole thing.


Even so, I'm fairly confident his main goal is to strike down the Emperor.


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So you're saying that Bioware would use the Emperor, Malgus and Revan... All in a single expansion?


Yeah, right.


Malgus posing as Revan to take over his cult. Emperor needs not even be directly involved, although all he needs for his ritual is a galactic blood bath, and this conflict will do as good as any, albiet that won't be a focus of this expansion, methinks.


As for you, my snide friend, "I find your lack of faith, disturbing."

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Malgus posing as Revan to take over his cult. Emperor needs not even be directly involved, although all he needs for his ritual is a galactic blood bath, and this conflict will do as good as any, albiet that won't be a focus of this expansion, methinks.


As for you, my snide friend, "I find your lack of faith, disturbing."


I'm so glad you're not the Lead Writer. :o

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Ok, clearly what's going on is Bastilla Shan is controlling the emperor, who is controlling Malgus dressed as Revan (but he also thinks he's Revan similar to in KOTOR we didn't know we were Revan). Revan is dressed as Jakarro. Theron Shan is the Emperor's apprentice, and Lana is the secret emperor of the Republic.



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Ok, clearly what's going on is Bastilla Shan is controlling the emperor, who is controlling Malgus dressed as Revan (but he also thinks he's Revan similar to in KOTOR we didn't know we were Revan). Revan is dressed as Jakarro. Theron Shan is the Emperor's apprentice, and Lana is the secret emperor of the Republic.




I believe collinc deserves an award for his brilliant powers of observation.


I also think he spoiled 3.0 for me.


As such, I ask Bioware to delete his post and ban him this very instant.



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I'm not sure what you mean here.


Apologies, I should've elaborated. The point I was trying to make is that Theron Shan was introduced in this arc where "Revan" appears. In this context, I think it makes more sense that "Revan" actually is Revan. I'll admit I'm partially biased against this because it would mean we're retreading old ground story-wise and, in all likelihood, Revan's going to fail again if we're to continue playing SWTOR.

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I believe collinc deserves an award for his brilliant powers of observation.


I also think he spoiled 3.0 for me.


As such, I ask Bioware to delete his post and ban him this very instant.




I loled. And not just breathing out of my nose a little faster than normal, twas a real chuckle.

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Apologies, I should've elaborated. The point I was trying to make is that Theron Shan was introduced in this arc where "Revan" appears. In this context, I think it makes more sense that "Revan" actually is Revan. I'll admit I'm partially biased against this because it would mean we're retreading old ground story-wise and, in all likelihood, Revan's going to fail again if we're to continue playing SWTOR.


Ah, ok. That makes sense. The more I think about, I don't think that "Revan" is anybody other than Revan. I'm not sure if he's in control of himself right now, or if he's being controlled by somebody else. Regardless, I guess what I hope most is that he doesn't turn out to be the Big Bad of this new storyline. Given my KOTOR nostalgia, I want him to be a more-or-less a good guy...or at least not a totally evil villain (granted he did kind of already cross the line with that whole Foundry business).

Edited by CmdrShpd
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Ah, ok. That makes sense. The more I think about, I don't think that "Revan" is anybody other than Revan. I'm not sure if he's in control of himself right now, or if he's being controlled by somebody else. Regardless, I guess what I hope most is that he doesn't turn out to be the Big Bad of this new storyline. Given my KOTOR nostalgia, I want him to be a more-or-less a good guy...or at least not a totally evil villain (granted he did kind of already cross the line with that who Foundry business).


Not to mention having the Colonel and Arkous set up attacks on both Tython and Korriban. And attacking Republic forces on Rakata Prime by firing down on them from his huge newly acquired guild ship. :p

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