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SWTOR is canon


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So if TOR is stated as definately NOT canon. What will that mean exactly?

What happens then?

It means that future content can disregard anything they want from it.


So, for example, Episode VII can explore the history of the Sith and say that they were never a separate species, or that they were a species of 8-foot tall, four-armed blue skinned reptiles.


On the other hand, since Rebels (the TV show) and New Dawn (the novel) are Canon, Episode VII will have to remain consistent with them the same way it will have to be consistent with Episodes I-VI. Episode VII can't establish a different (or at least not an inconsistent) background for how the Rebellion was formed than it can for how the Empire was established.

Edited by DarthDymond
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At this point, who cares if SWTOR is included in the stories that include Episodes 1-3? The TOR universe is set in a different time period, and really has its own lore. I prefer the stories of TOR to Episodes 1-3 and the Clone Wars. Face it, most of Star Wars "canon" is bad, at least we have quality lore in TOR. SWTOR is its own canon. Hell, I prefer Darths and Droids interpretation to Episodes 1-3, thats canon in my book. If you don't know what Darths and Droids is, do yourself a favor and Google it. Edited by Floredon
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No. Its not. And its better that way. It gives Bioware the freedom to create their own universe based on the traditions and lore of the movie canon.


It also covers the ridiculous problem that technology hasn't advanced in 3000 years.


People need to stop whining about SWTOR not being canon.

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No. Its not. And its better that way. It gives Bioware the freedom to create their own universe based on the traditions and lore of the movie canon.


It also covers the ridiculous problem that technology hasn't advanced in 3000 years.


People need to stop whining about SWTOR not being canon.


Not really.


Eric says they're in constant contact with the people from LucasArts, also to be sure they don't overstep their bounds.


In other words, we can't expect to have ponies, unicorns or Minnie Mouse in this game EVER. Dunno about you but I find that disappointing. Minnie and the Emperor would be a perfect fit.

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In other words, we can't expect to have ponies, unicorns or Minnie Mouse in this game EVER. Dunno about you but I find that disappointing. Minnie and the Emperor would be a perfect fit.


Yeah right. You don't know what you're talking about. Minnie wouldn't go for the Emperor. But Daisy would be all over that.

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and here is a critical question...


Can you please define the word CANON ... ? Photography and camera equipment? We are not all english.


It refers to levels of lore. Canon is the highest level. This absolutely happened. All the movies and the TV show "The Clone Wars" is canon. The books and comics and games are considered "legends." It's just a way for the writers to settle continuity disputes. When they write episode 7, 8, and 9 they don't have to worry about what happened in the "legends" media. So they could have for instance Revan appear in episode 8 and it wouldn't be out of place by the standards of Star Wars lore. But they couldn't visit Alderaan in episode 8 because it was destroyed in episode 4. That would be a continuity error.

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better to be CANON then... because if its stricted in the actual story, there is not much to do...


Even though lucas invented the story from ancient events, we have in our books as well, the same story, but is vise versed.... (jews - zionism, is the vise verse from my civilization)... You could read the book "the true story" from Lucian (Lukianos) it is written 2.500-3000 years ago... it speaks about the galactic empire and the rebel alliance.


So yes... I would love it to be CANON...


the actual story of the actual star wars, is reversed from ours... for example the empire have the good jedis, but jedis as a name is the rebel alliance... the syths are inexistent, as the true empire doesnt need that, is much more progressed. But there is some actual signs from the true story, what rebel alliance is, even in starwars, the republics, always destroy, but the empire always protects!


Lucas he supports jewish interests, he is jew, so he presents the rebel alliance as the good ones, stealing things from the actual empire and use them for the rebels, to make them look good... But he keeps the essense of the rebel alliance (multicaltural, mixxed races, corruption, politics, democracy, is a rebel alliance thing and the movies is all about it... also jedis as a name comes from YAH... ) , for us YAH is a dragonian coomander, part of the rebel alliance (high commander) he was Kronos officer, but KRONOS was captured by the empire and YAH took over.... if you read the full name of yah is JEDI Antonai YAhbeh.. lol its a big name...


That is why i play as a syth light side, but always keep the esssense of the true empire, because that is what I belong and I feel like it... :) I play my true empire :)

Edited by Oyranos
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I find it interesting how Musco used the exact same wording as during the Gamescom cantina tour.


at 16:45

to http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/b/569206763 at 21:00.

I'm sure he got that straight from the Marketing team and that's what they want to be the official stance on it. Since he is evading the question and not saying SWTOR is canon, I think it's safe to assume that SWTOR is not part of the new canon. I think it's going to be interesting how this develops in the future, but until then that's your answer.

Edited by Jerba
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better to be CANON then... because if its stricted in the actual story, there is not much to do...


Even though lucas invented the story from ancient events, we have in our books as well, the same story, but is vise versed.... (jews - zionism, is the vise verse from my civilization)... You could read the book "the true story" from Lucian (Lukianos) it is written 2.500-3000 years ago... it speaks about the galactic empire and the rebel alliance.


So yes... I would love it to be CANON...


the actual story of the actual star wars, is reversed from ours... for example the empire have the good jedis, but jedis as a name is the rebel alliance... the syths are inexistent, as the true empire doesnt need that, is much more progressed. But there is some actual signs from the true story, what rebel alliance is, even in starwars, the republics, always destroy, but the empire always protects!


Lucas he supports jewish interests, he is jew, so he presents the rebel alliance as the good ones, stealing things from the actual empire and use them for the rebels, to make them look good... But he keeps the essense of the rebel alliance (multicaltural, mixxed races, is a rebel alliance thing and the movies is all about it... also jedis as a name comes from YAH... )


Wait...do you think Star Wars is real?

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Careful, don't engage with him. You see a post like that, I think the only reasonable thing to do is back away.... slowly.... no sudden movements.... don't make eye contact....


I started doing that the moment he said Lucas was jewish - which again he's not - and that he protects jewish "interests", whatever that means. Seriously... :rolleyes:

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. "The way I'm going to answer that is to say that a lot of people were asking that after the stuff happened with lucasarts and disney and they started announcing canon stuff. We work with lucasarts on a daily basis to continue to bring an authentic Star Wars experience to SWTOR. I was just talking to them last week. So if you are asking if this is Star Wars this is most definitely Star Wars. They sign off on everything we do."


I will just say that since lucasarts signs off on everything they do and if SWTOR was not canon, I don't think LucasArts (disney) would let them do that if SWTOR wasn't canon. But, you guys will just see yet again. ;).


Man, I wish I was as delusional as you are. Can you pass me some of whatever you're smoking please?

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