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Why are some 5-shippers sucking?


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Given that GSF is probably a relatively low population on most servers I think removing queue preference for groups (giving everyone equal priority whether solo or group) would be even better. It would give matchmaker more freedom to create the most balanced match by choosing to queue up 4 solos if that is more balanced rather than being hamstrung by having to give priority to a group even if putting solos would result in a more balanced match. It should certainly do as you suggest but I think so long as queue preference exists it will be hard to implement.


If there's 6 solo+4 grouped people in queue on 1 side while the other side is ready to go, the matchmaker will kick 2 solo ones and take the 4 grouped because they have to be together. Not much can be done about that short of making everyone wait until 2 more queue up. IMO I wouldn't really like to see that.


Also looking at the coding that produces wargames where you have a full team of vets against mostly two-shippers would be good. The fact that this happens indicates, to me anyway, that there is something fundamentally flawed with the programing. If I had to guess I'd say whatever coding issue results in this happening is responsible for more unbalanced matches than anything else.


That is a problem, but, in my experience, it doesn't happen too often. Wargames I see are usually as balanced as they can be, eg. a 4man premade with 3-4 2 shippers against the best the matchmaker could find, but what you described does happen from time to time and it definitely should be looked at.


Congrats! \o/

Seems you have got the right equipment for your play-style.

Every PvP-rating-in-battle in every mmo is mainly 85% equipment, 10% understanding how the game works and 5% (let's call it) "ability".

If you are running straight from a foe that has 15% more performing engine then you're dead, little to do about it.

Having practice of buffs/debuffs, weapons and the scenario will help you in your efforts to survive/ambush.

Mixing those and adding a bit more attention on your resources and minding a bit of right moves will do the thing with much fun. "Ability" is actually just quick pressing the right button at the ment time.



Example: by your logic, since a scout is both faster and has a bigger engine pool than a GS, the GS should never be able to survive a scout, yet it is possible. How you ask? SMART usage of LoS, your cooldowns, and the location of your friendlies.

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If there's 6 solo+4 grouped people in queue on 1 side while the other side is ready to go, the matchmaker will kick 2 solo ones and take the 4 grouped because they have to be together. Not much can be done about that short of making everyone wait until 2 more queue up. IMO I wouldn't really like to see that.


Except that's not what I'm suggesting. What I'm suggesting is that if you need 8 pilots to start a match and there is a 4 man group + 8 solos in the queue it should queue the 8 solos ahead of the 4 man if that's what will produce the most balanced match.


Currently though, as I understand it, how it works is if you had 8 solos + 4 man premade it'd drop 4 solos in favor of the premade and then try to create a balanced match from there. This being the case even if queuing all 8 solos and not the 4 man would have been more balanced. Which IMO is a cause (but not THE cause) of unbalanced matches because it is calculating queue priority ahead of match balance when it should be the other way around.

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Except that's not what I'm suggesting. What I'm suggesting is that if you need 8 pilots to start a match and there is a 4 man group + 8 solos in the queue it should queue the 8 solos ahead of the 4 man if that's what will produce the most balanced match.


Currently though, as I understand it, how it works is if you had 8 solos + 4 man premade it'd drop 4 solos in favor of the premade and then try to create a balanced match from there. This being the case even if queuing all 8 solos and not the 4 man would have been more balanced. Which IMO is a cause (but not THE cause) of unbalanced matches because it is calculating queue priority ahead of match balance when it should be the other way around.


"Let's discourage group play in a team based event" is how I'm reading that. You can try to find a solution to matchmaking, but that suggestion just kicks out those who're primed to play the game as it was intended. To say "put the solo queuers' interest before the group queuers'" in a team game is silly. Could you imagine making that same statement about ground PVP? I'd recommend not to fix something broken with something that wouldn't fix the problem. Cross server fixes balance a lot more than not allowing group people in above solo ques. Either way, neither solution will be implemented because we don't have GSF devs.

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Considering I was on my second worst ship (bomber), while Sheep being my worst??


Oh by the Force let's just not even start to talk about camping bombers doing nothing more then pressing 1 key to poop a mine/drone and sitting somewhere waiting for kills they won't have any more part in!


(in my bomber I easily get 7 kills/0 deaths just by pooping spheres around cap-points and sitting pacefully not touching any button for ages - rofl :D - ty BW for the bombers! <--- sarcastic of course)

Edited by Kcin_Trebla
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How is it possible to be a 5-shipper a suck so much, know so little about the game??



Well.. when you purchase a ship (not from Cartel Market) you still have to upgrade all the systems or change them to your favourite... so lots of ppl have run resources to get 5 ships to try but not really equipping them even decently... err... I guess



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Oh by the Force let's just not even start to talk about camping bombers doing nothing more then pressing 1 key to poop a mine/drone and sitting somewhere waiting for kills they won't have any more part in!


(in my bomber I easily get 7 kills/0 deaths just by pooping spheres around cap-points and sitting pacefully not touching any button for ages - rofl :D - ty BW for the bombers! <--- sarcastic of course)


Dude. I never ever camp. Even on my defensive/support Warcarrier you will always see mee hunting everything up to 15km from my nest. Hell. I only ever pop my mines when I need to kill more people than I can take care with my HLC.

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"Let's discourage group play in a team based event" is how I'm reading that. You can try to find a solution to matchmaking, but that suggestion just kicks out those who're primed to play the game as it was intended.


I have honestly no idea how you get "kick out groups" from "try to get most balanced match possible." I'll assume for the moment that you missed my "if that's what will produce the most balanced match" clause. It's entirely possible in my example that the most balanced match would be 4 solos + a 4 man. I'm suggesting giving matchmaker the freedom to choose whether queuing 8 solos or 4 solos + a 4 man will make the most balanced match and queue the appropriate combination instead of feeling obligated to give the 4 man queue preference regardless of how it impacts match balance.


From my experience queuing solo I can get pops within 5 minutes during peak hours and off-peak I still usually get them within 15 minutes (roughly the time it takes 1 match to finish, which makes sense if there are only enough players to create 1 match at a time). The only times it regularly takes longer than that are the "wee hours of the morning" slots when you only have 10 people on the fleet and in that case I very much doubt group queue preference makes any difference. If solos had to wait 30+ minutes or worse even during peak I could understand why groups should get queue priority and why asking groups to lose that priority is terrible. But that's not the case. So why exactly is asking groups to wait a few minutes longer such a vile thing?


To say "put the solo queuers' interest before the group queuers'" in a team game is silly.


I honestly have no idea how "achieve most balanced match possible" is exclusively the interests of solos as you are implying here. If attempting to achieve the most balanced match possible so as to encourage the GSF community to grow (which results in shorter queue times for everyone) is not among the interests of group queues then what is?


Cross server fixes balance a lot more than not allowing group people in above solo ques. Either way, neither solution will be implemented because we don't have GSF devs.


We've had group finder functions since what? 1.3 that came out over two years ago? And people have been asking for cross-server queue for just about that long. I agree that would be the ideal solution but realistically that's something that may never happen so our only options are 1) decide that the problem isn't worth fixing or 2) propose solutions, however imperfect, that work with the existing systems and have a better chance of being implemented that X-server queues.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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