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Decorations: Rewards for Achievements / Accolades / Story Arcs


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As it stands now much of the deco in the game is either purchased or obtained through drops. SH pretty much stands alone. In my opinion it should be better integrated with the rest of the game IE decorations earned as your progress through the story arcs / levels.


Tied to certain achievements and accolades should be decoration rewards, trophies as well as other furniture and collectibles. By the time a character gets to level 55 they should have earned a swathe of items to display in their house. As it stands now you get nothing for all of that story to represent your class(s) in your home.


Beyond just the character story, other achievements could have decoration rewards attached to them. This could give people a reason to go for achievements and accolades besides a title or some checkmark on a list.


Something like this would be very good IMO bringing new life to old content, taking a bit of the RNG out of deco hunting, and of course giving people access to more decorations (meaningful ones that relate to the characters story line and other achievements)


Any hope for actually seeing some rewards for all of our past content? Nostalgic doodads for the house ne 1?

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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+1 to this!!!!!


Armor or weapons from a defeated enemy or nemesis. Void wolf etc. . .


We have trophies from FP's, how about a beast hunting expedition. This could allow stuffed animals like a giant wompa in the corner, or even stuffed heads hanging on the walls.


How about models like the ship from Mandlorian raiders, etc. for completing the FP on either HM or nightmare.


I don't mind the cartel market for some things, but I agree that decorating my stronghold should tie in more with what I have achieved for decorations. Give me some nice items that tie directly into my story.


How about some art work depicting planets we have completely discovered and or completed. Artwork depicting scenes from things we have done.


Many of us pay a subscription each month so forcing us to continually dump more money into things is ungrateful and greedy. Make the f2p people pay out once it is all open to them (and we all know that it will be), just don't allow them access to many of the decoration rewards given out to sub accounts. This gives an incentive for them to sub as well.


right now my strongholds are simply a collection of stuff I either made or spent money on, there is very little accomplishment in any of it. I want to show off my accomplishments, not just the fact that I can afford nice stuff.

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Since we're dreaming how about add places in the game that 'became' yours or damn near become housing. Like a warrior gaining Baras's offices, a sorc Zesh's. Smugglers get rooms on Port Nowhere, Troopers get the goddamn bastion. Jedi's don't get anything, thats how the canon cookie crumbles. :) Agents should be able to have boltholes on every planet.


These don't need to be grand sweeping strongholds or luxary apartments, a room or two as you grow.


And by the way, where are the water closets (refreshers)? Or do humans in the Star Wars universe have waste removal droids?

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right now my strongholds are simply a collection of stuff I either made or spent money on, there is very little accomplishment in any of it. I want to show off my accomplishments, not just the fact that I can afford nice stuff.


While I was starting to decorate, the above is what was going through my head. None of it had any meaning besides straight up credit value. Nothing represented my class, my characters journey, basically just a collection of things I thought looked cool that I had to buy with creds n CC.


It could be so much cooler and relevant to the game, but BW would have to actually give people stuff rather than expect them to pay for it through CC (technically these would be rewards for completed content so they wouldnt really be "giving" us anythind we didn't already earn). Im not sure if their business model allows for this, truly is a shame that we don't have even 1 piece of furniture / reward to display in our stronghold.

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I would love to see some of the achievements get decorations. A few that come to mind are:


Galactic Explorer

Galactic Beastmaster

Galactic Hero

Galactic Loremaster

Big Game Hunter

I Am Death Incarnate

Living Legend


and certainly some more are deserving, but those are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

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Call me Scrooge McDuck, but I want a money vault room that shows my credit wealth in a pile of money as well. As a smuggler how about some captured fancy jewels sitting in glass encased pedestals.


Me likey!




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