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For fellow Imperials...What is our future now?


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The Emperor is gone. Dissidents, traitors and the misguided have fractured our once ordered society. Our Dark Council, once an august body of our wisest Sith Lords has become a shadow of its former glory. Great Paragons, Darth Malgus, Darth Jadus, Darth Baras, all gone and we are left to wonder, what becomes of us? What becomes of us, the loyal Imperial remnant?


We have suffered exile, betrayal, and failure after failure. Enemies we thought vanquished seemingly come back to life. It is not disloyalty to question where our war with the Republic will end. The Star Cabal sought to end the tyranny of force users, bring the galaxy together into the "real world". The Revanites have their own twisted worldview, and Revan himself has become a tiresome foe. Increasingly there seem to be new factions springing up, everyone gunning for us. Hutts, Rogue Sith, Jedi. All insufferably arrogant and self righteous.


If the Empire has no goal for victory, why do we resist all efforts to assimilate into the greater galaxy? Why do we not return to the unknown regions with our Chiss allies? Is it because this is the aim of every organization arrayed against us? A galaxy with a "reformed" Empire? A galaxy with no Empire, or Republic for that matter, in many cases?

If we refuse to adapt we will ultimately lose, yet if we change and evolve we will lose our identity. How will we survive when such chaos reigns around us? How do we survive in a hostile galaxy when our Sith code has led us only to ruin and disunity?


So I ask my fellow Imperial citizens, and all those loyal to our cause, what is to be our fate?



-A loyal Mandalorian Bounty Hunter

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My Imperial Agent quite honestly feels, at this point, if the Empire falls, it deserves it. Every voice of reason has been cast aside, executed, ignored, tortured, and belittled. The Eagle summed it best that The Empire was not built to be a people, it's a society of slaves which serves as nothing more than a monument to the ego of The Sith.


Next incarnation of The Empire, don't even bother setting up an Intelligence branch seeing as "Intelligence" for The Sith is pearls before swine.

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Though your effort is not without merit, on one line, you criticize those who chose to betray and weaken the empire but on the next line...


You praise some of those same people. :o


The Eagle part? Hey, I didn't say his methods were right. (Then again, attempting to reform The Empire properly seems hopeless) But he did have the best way to sum the central problem of The Empire.

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The Future Of The Sith Empire Is Within The Emperor's Wrath,Darth Nox,Cypher Nine And The Grand Champion Of The Great Hunt.




If that is true than the Empire in MY canon is DOOMMEED.



The Sith Warrior who hates the Sith and is actually allied with the Jedi in a long term plan to defeat the Sith, the Imperial Agent who defected to the Republic, Darth Occulus who does not give two ***** about the Empire, and a Mandalorian who cares even less.


Yap, the Empire is doomed. Thank god for that


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If that is true than the Empire in MY canon is DOOMMEED.



The Sith Warrior who hates the Sith and is actually allied with the Jedi in a long term plan to defeat the Sith, the Imperial Agent who defected to the Republic, Darth Occulus who does not give two ***** about the Empire, and a Mandalorian who cares even less.


Yap, the Empire is doomed. Thank god for that


Well My Fan Fiction Is Totally The OpositeXDWell Whatever Happens My Darth Nox Allied With Darth Marr Won't Let The Empire Fall.

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Well back before Kotor was made and questions were asked of Lucas about the pre-movie sith, he said there was a powerful Sith Empire that ruled almost the entire galaxy. He said It fell not because of outsiders but because the Sith kept betraying eachother until it fell. This is what led to the belief that there should never be more than 2 or they would destroy eachother again.


So far, SWTOR seems very consistent with that. I imagine the SI/SW will eventually split off to make an early version, or the actual, Dark Brotherhood which will fight the republic off and on for millenia until betrayed by Darth Bane who establishes the Rule of Two. For the Empire itself, it will continue embattling itself, possibly have a resurgance or two, until the republic bombs Dromuund Kaas into the ruins it is known for(and technically it

Already has gotten bombed pretty heavily during the JK finale as mentioned by satele afterwards

), and what little remains of the Imperial Civilian population will surrender/migrate into the Galactic Republic. I imagine a lot of refugee's will hit Coruscant, leading to a higher population of british speaking Pubs.


Out of fear of retribution by the Republic, or at the very least heavy unwanted exposure, the Chiss Ascendancy will recall all Chiss agents, soldiers, and civilians, removing any hints of their existence and destroying any ships that enter their space, until they are a forgotten Myth known by few.


As far as the BH goes....He'll be hunted down for high crimes against the republic and likely executed or forced into exile in the outer rim XD. Poor guy.


Anyway, in the meantime i'm sure the Empire will have a resurgance or two...It may even get more powerful than it has ever been before now and conquer even more of the core worlds and the galaxy at large. It may even last a millenia, since in the movies the "Sith Tyranny" that ruled the galaxy was still well known and feared even then. Still, if/when the Empire falls, the Sith will live on, and the bodies of their former servants will make great shields for their retreat.

Edited by Zyrious
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My Sith Inquiisitor will never allow the Sith Empire to become slaves to a corrupt republic, or worse yet slaughtered by a relentless and evil Jedi Order. To that end he will continue to scour the galaxy for ancient knowledge to bring him more and greater power so he can rule his own destiny. On the day that he has enough power he will purge the dark council of its weakest members and find the resting emperor and execute him for putting his goals above the Empire. He will then lash out with a newly reconstituted military and burn Coruscant to ashes. If the Sith Empire allows the Jedi and their corrupt lap dogs in the Senate to win this war, every man woman and child in the empire will be butchered.


My Sith Warrior serves the one, he hears the voice of the Emperor and protects the aims and goals of his majesty. While he is loyal, he is also cunning enough to know that he can't do it on his own, he will make agreements with Jedi and Republic members of their military if he has to. But that doesn't mean that he won't dispose of them in the end, betrayal is the Sith path to power. He has no political goals, he craves power for power itself, realistically the Empire means nothing if it goes against the Emperors wishes and desire.


My Imperial Agent is single minded and independent, He is a ghost in the system, he holds no love for the empire nor for the Republic and will play them against each other to reach his own mysterious end game. He doesn't want to see either side win, but want to see a balance between the two based around eternal conflict. But he knows that there is no such thing as good or evil, there are only shades of grey and he can work with that.


My Bounty Hunter doesn't care, have gun will travel. A galaxy ruled by Sith or a galaxy ruled by the Republic still needs a bounty hunter with integrity. If the money is good and the target is scum you all have my number.

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The Empire will never fall if my chars have any say in it. Nox and Wrath are very loyal to the Empire and the Sith and will not hesitate to destroy its enemies, but are pragmatic enough to cautiously welcome allies where the enemy of my enemy is my friend, when it suits them. My agent doesn't exist, she is a ghost and will kill you before you know she is there, and thanklessly serves the Empire and mostly it's people.
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My wrath Nox and Cypher are all loyal to the empire without end, while Nox works with Mar to get the war back on track my Wrath is trying to stop the petty dark council fighting and refocus on our real enemy the Republic and their evil Jedi.


As for my Cypher he is known to none even many in the empire think he is just a faceless imperial walking through Dromund kass but he is planning, he is watching and more importantly he is rebuilding.;)


As for the Empire as a whole yes we have had setbacks but i truly believe that Mar and other Sith will rise up and give us a Empire strikes back moment.

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As for the sith warrior storyline,



I believe that when this thingie with Revan ends, the emperor will awaken, but because the empire under Darth Marr (the head of the dark council apparently) is in rejection of the Emperor, the new storyline will be about the dark council and the Emperor battling over the loyalty of the Wrath. If your wrath is light side, he will probably side with the dark council and the empire but if he's dark, he will remain the emperor's servant.


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The Future Of The Sith Empire Is Within The Emperor's Wrath,Darth Nox, Cypher Nine And The Grand Champion Of The Great Hunt.


You should edit this to say Darth Nox/Imperius/Occlus (Dark/Light/Neutral) as they name you based on your light/dark allegiance. That said, the SI is kept in the dark about a lot of what Darth Marr and the other Dark Council members are doing. As a player, you hardly feel like a true Dark Council member, more of a foot soldier really. Why don't I get an entourage of military escorting me around when ever I enter a space dock like Marr does? That's BS!


Also, Cypher Nine is no longer a Cypher as all Imperial Intelligence titles are lost after Imperial Intelligence is disbanded and they essentially become more of a freelance bounty hunter for hire.


Furthermore, with the disappearance of the Emperor, is the Sith Warrior STILL the Emperor's Wrath? I know that the "Hand" says that he is "resting" but is he really?


Also, the Bounty Hunter wins the Great Hunt but all of his colleagues die so there is no one to really care any more. Does he still get Black List Bounties? Who will send them? Mandalore has been out of contact ever since you last see him on Ilum while hunting down Darth Malgus.


It seems this game is big on giving the Imps these great titles that mean nothing in the end...

Edited by CrownofGold
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I've seen a lot of protecting Imperial citizens in these declarations.


I just want to clarify that is a laudable cause as long as it is realized that the Imperial Citizen's are only useful as long as they feed and strengthen the Empire's war machine.


Beyond all callings and causes there is only one calling that serves the Sith, that is revenge, and the accumulation of power to facilitate that revenge. If the Citizens take us towards that end, then they are worthy of protection, other then that they are slaves, they might not know it, but all non force users are weak and are best suited to either menial tasks or glorious death on the battlefield.


All so that we can get our hands around the throats of the Jedi.

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As for the sith warrior storyline,



I believe that when this thingie with Revan ends, the emperor will awaken, but because the empire under Darth Marr (the head of the dark council apparently) is in rejection of the Emperor, the new storyline will be about the dark council and the Emperor battling over the loyalty of the Wrath. If your wrath is light side, he will probably side with the dark council and the empire but if he's dark, he will remain the emperor's servant.


nice guess,would like if this would happen,but for sure i would chose the emperor,i already see my warrior eradicating all of the unloyal sith lords,damn,it would be bad ***.

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You should edit this to say Darth Nox/Imperius/Occlus (Dark/Light/Neutral) as they name you based on your light/dark allegiance. That said, the SI is kept in the dark about a lot of what Darth Marr and the other Dark Council members are doing. As a player, you hardly feel like a true Dark Council member, more of a foot soldier really. Why don't I get an entourage of military escorting me around when ever I enter a space dock like Marr does? That's BS!


Also, Cypher Nine is no longer a Cypher as all Imperial Intelligence titles are lost after Imperial Intelligence is disbanded and they essentially become more of a freelance bounty hunter for hire.


Furthermore, with the disappearance of the Emperor, is the Sith Warrior STILL the Emperor's Wrath? I know that the "Hand" says that he is "resting" but is he really?


Also, the Bounty Hunter wins the Great Hunt but all of his colleagues die so there is no one to really care any more. Does he still get Black List Bounties? Who will send them? Mandalore has been out of contact ever since you last see him on Ilum while hunting down Darth Malgus.


It seems this game is big on giving the Imps these great titles that mean nothing in the end...


You Have 4/5 Ghosts Binded To You Why Would You Want Useless Troopers Around You?The Jedi Knight Didn't Killed The Emperor Just His Voice Sure Vitiate Is Resting For Now I Think He Might Come Back On This New Expansion(Revan And Emperor Are Like Luke And Palpatine)As Far As I Know The Mandalorian Is Probaly Just Killing Random Targets And Helping The FA Storyline,Cypher Is Probaly Helping To Rebuild Imperial Inteligence As Sith Inteligence Like Jadus Wanted,Probaly All Are Working Together On FA Storyline,IDK What Will Happen WIth Them But This Next Expansion Might Put Something Like Another Person Said Here On This Post,Wrath Needing To Choose Between Serving Vitiate Or Helping The Sith Empire To Be"Reborn On Fire"Like Marr Said.

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According to the movies, the sith empire is doomed. Not sure when or why. It could be the path of the new sith wars. If it is by 3000 bby the sith empire has been defeated and the republic has won. The sith empire could have self destructed or been beaten by the republic, but I would have to say self destructed. Then in 2000 bby the sith return and the republic is in turmoil for 1000 years before the sith again self destruct and the republic wins. That is around the time of Darth Bane. The rule of two begins from then.


Of course I am just guessing that pre disney history will not change now that we are post disney.

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According to the movies, the sith empire is doomed. Not sure when or why. It could be the path of the new sith wars. If it is by 3000 bby the sith empire has been defeated and the republic has won. The sith empire could have self destructed or been beaten by the republic, but I would have to say self destructed. Then in 2000 bby the sith return and the republic is in turmoil for 1000 years before the sith again self destruct and the republic wins. That is around the time of Darth Bane. The rule of two begins from then.


Of course I am just guessing that pre disney history will not change now that we are post disney.


well, movie republic and empire have nearly identical logos. I for one think the empire wins the war but reforms into a republic.

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