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Class Forum Changes


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I also would like the class role forums reinstated as they were. Mixing tank theorycrafting threads with 1000 versions of "Cant decide, Jugg or Assassin next. Help plz" threads will be bad for the community.


Edit: One role forum could suffice. I admit to not visiting the damage and heal ones very much so don't know what discussions were exclusively there vs. the advanced class sub-forums.

Edited by bdatt
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Bring back the roles forum in it's entirety. The ideal tanking stats post got a lot of traffic in that specific area and many will still refer to it in the "Tanking Forum." Unnecessary movement would fragment the community to a degree.




As an aside: the Heals and DPS forums may not have had much traffic, but I think it's probably due to the fact that those players think of themself as 'class' first and 'Role' secondary. My sense is that Tanks think of themselves in their Role first--so having a forum for them to consolidate all the general Tank info is highly beneficial.

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Roles forum reinstated! It is the same URL as it was before if you had it bookmarked. If not you can find it here. Let's see how it goes with a singular Roles forum. If things get convoluted we can always split it off into its older incarnation. Thanks everyone.



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Thanks for the changes Eric! While we have you here can you update us on when we are getting an official reveal the Spring of Revan expansion? Figure it doesn't hurt to ask. (If it does then I said NOTHING!) Edited by Rasen
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I Think this change is bad.

Since we have different names of our abilities.

I used to read in the forum alot.

I play only rep side.


I am sure someone will post a translations thread or maybe if BW posts something like that it would help. It is smart and efficient to merge the forums. This is an official site. It should have an appealing look and functionality.

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So instead of Reading on thred i now have to read Another one, that might moves

around and hard to find, to get the information im looking for.

Very conveniant(ironic).

Informationa shall as a rule be easy to get and fast to understand.

This will not due, reverse it back.

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So instead of Reading on thred i now have to read Another one, that might moves

around and hard to find, to get the information im looking for.

Very conveniant(ironic).

Informationa shall as a rule be easy to get and fast to understand.

This will not due, reverse it back.


Or just continue reading the threads of the pub class you play and continue to ignore the imp threads. Chances are if you don't understand a word in the title, it's going to be Empire mirror.


I don't understand why you're having such a hard time with this. if you don't feel comfortable with Empire terminology, just don't read those threads, exactly like you've been doing since before the merge.

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Isnt it very interesting that every time someone say something that can interpretated as critsism against th creator of this game, so many defend them. If you know both imp and rep therminology you most likely dont need the information you would find in a class thread, you are an experienced player.


Information shall be easy to find and understand!!!

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Roles forum reinstated! It is the same URL as it was before if you had it bookmarked. If not you can find it here. Let's see how it goes with a singular Roles forum. If things get convoluted we can always split it off into its older incarnation. Thanks everyone.




Shouldn't there be a section for each role? lol This is going to be interesting.

Edited by Raansu
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If you know both imp and rep therminology you most likely dont need the information you would find in a class thread, you are an experienced player.


Information shall be easy to find and understand!!!


Well, let's put it this way.


If the Advanced Class forums were still split, you'd only be looking at the one for the Republic class.


If the post is made with Imperial terminology, then it would have been posted in the one for the Imperial class.


That means, you wouldn't ever see it.


Which means it's information you would never have.


Which means it's no different than if you decide to skip it in the composite forum because you "don't understand it".


The only true solution to your complaint is not only revert to split class forums but ALSO that every post be made twice, one in each faction's terminology.


Which is exactly the extra clutter they're trying to eliminate by merging the AC forums.


So you don't know the Imperial terminology. NBD. As you suggest you're a new player, you can either embrace the fact that you now have ready access to more possible sources of knowledge, even if you'll have to further educate yourself to understand it, or willfully refuse to take that step and remain in ignorance.


Your argument is specious.

Edited by AlixMV
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Shouldn't there be a section for each role? lol This is going to be interesting.


Yeaaaaah. I'd lay money that the 'Roles' forum will quickly become the 'Tanking' forum for how useless its going to be for any Heals or DPS that try to use it lol.

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Actually, the merger of imp and rep classes might get the opposite reaction then intended.

We will find other forums where we can find the imformation we are searching for, where the classes still are splited.

Like Dulfy. The activity in this forum might decrease even more.. And if you check the frensh and german forums, they are still separated. Well why not merger all 3languages to. Then we have eaven more postings to read ......

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Roles forum reinstated! It is the same URL as it was before if you had it bookmarked. If not you can find it here. Let's see how it goes with a singular Roles forum. If things get convoluted we can always split it off into its older incarnation. Thanks everyone.



Thank you for reinstating the Roles forum. There are two threads that were previously in the Tank and Healer forums. Is it possible to move those two threads to the Roles forum?


Healers, what do you expect from your Tank? (currently in the Classes forum)


As a Tank, what do you expect from healers? (also currently in the Classes forum)


I think these threads opened a dialog about the different player perspectives, and provided some interesting insight.

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