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Cost of guild flagships too high


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Not sure where this thread is in its progress, but this subject has always been laughable. The cost is not too high. Two or three chars grinding dailies every day can make 10m+ Credits in a week, & that's just ONE player.


If you think your Guild is too small, then stop being a small Guild & get the funds. You don't even need to be a large Guild, if your members have enough cooperation & friendship in mind, it'll be easy to get the Credits required.


I sincerely hope the prices do not change.

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If you think your Guild is too small, then stop being a small Guild & get the funds. You don't even need to be a large Guild, if your members have enough cooperation & friendship in mind, it'll be easy to get the Credits required.


Well like I said I am having a hard time keeping the members in place in my guild yea I suppose I can grab all that credit myself I rather not burn myself out though I do enjoy other aspects of the game I am sorry you think it is laughable, In time I will get the ship myself as stated it is a lot to bare by yourself if am the only one interested in getting it alone

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however no one wants to donate the credits ...


I quote the Mythbusters, "Well there's your problem."


My guild is also relatively small (214 total characters, 50 total players, 30 relatively active players, 10-15 very active players) and we had players coming out of the woodwork throwing money at the flagship.


The short of it is: you need better guild mates; players willing and able to set and reach collective goals.

Edited by psandak
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Hello everybody. I want to discuss how much the guild flagships cost.

I mean,if it's 50 MILLION credits that should include ALL the rooms.

And think of the smaller guilds-they probably won't have 50mil.

I've seen people on the fleet having to ask for "donations" to help build a flagship.

It's a very good idea, especially the planet conquest part of it.

BUT, it is way too $$$COSTLY!$$$


So please bioware, could you even CONSIDER lowering the cost of flagships OR keeping it that price but being able to unlock all the expansions if you pay 50mil.


Thank you for reading :)


This won't help, but this seems like a "stop spending money" in the auction house issue. Or a you need a better guild issue..


I can have multiple guild ships if I cared to buy them by myself, and am not in a guild (maybe its time to make a guild and kick everyone out?)

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I quote the Mythbusters, "Well there's your problem."


My guild is also relatively small (214 total characters, 50 total players, 30 relatively active players, 10-15 very active players) and we had players coming out of the woodwork throwing money at the flagship.


The short of it is: you need better guild mates; players willing and able to set and reach collective goals.


I agree do need more members I currently have 102 but the total of the active player base is 2-4 I purged the guild 3 times cause of inactivity just seems no one is interested cause they belong to bigger guilds that have the ship already. Am not losing any sleep over it seems to be a lost cause to me.

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My guild is also relatively small (214 total characters, 50 total players, 30 relatively active players, 10-15 very active players) and we had players coming out of the woodwork throwing money at the flagship.


A 50 player guild with 30 active players is nowhere near small. I'm in 3 guilds on two different servers, and none of them have more than 10 active players. Now that's small.


The cost is still too high. Some of you peeps just have no perspective. lol


Dead horse beaten. Conquest is meh. /golfclap for the effort BW

Edited by DarthOvertone
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A 50 player guild with 30 active players is nowhere near small. I'm in 3 guilds on two different servers, and none of them have more than 10 active players. Now that's small.


The cost is still too high. Some of you peeps just have no perspective. lol


Dead horse beaten. Conquest is meh. /golfclap for the effort BW


It's not high, you just need to put the effort in. "Small" Guilds complaining about the price are being arrogant - they want the price to be lowered because they think they deserve a ship. That is not the way it works.

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It's not high, you just need to put the effort in. "Small" Guilds complaining about the price are being arrogant - they want the price to be lowered because they think they deserve a ship. That is not the way it works.


I am not being arrogant, I just simply find it to hard with the community within the guild that I have, from my last post is kind of correct.

If I belong to a bigger guild than mine why would I want to spend the time to help a lower guild get a flagship which is my issue here and hard to find the players that can support our cause.

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I am not being arrogant, I just simply find it to hard with the community within the guild that I have, from my last post is kind of correct.

If I belong to a bigger guild than mine why would I want to spend the time to help a lower guild get a flagship which is my issue here and hard to find the players that can support our cause.


And this is why I only ever belong to one guild.


My guild does have a sister guild in the opposite faction that does not have a ship. We agreed very quickly that buying and improving two guild ships would be impractical if not impossible.

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I do I belong to mine if other new members when I recruit belong to "bigger" guilds with a flagship makes it hard for my small one to benefit on to having one.


I read your posts and checked your guild websites. I'm on a different server, however I don't think it changes much. What I see is that your guild is focusing on leveling in big part and I assume you recruit a lot of lowbies. Well, from my own experience as officer in a guild, many of your recruits don't leave because you don't have a guild ship, they leave/go inactive because they try the game and just don't stick with it. Simple. I tried recruiting both lowbies and unguilded 55s to my active big guild with ship. 90% of lowbies don't stay in game period, many of them don't even log again after asking for ginvite lol. I found recruiting unguilded 55s from PUG flashpoints and Ops much more reliable, those are people who already invested time to get to the "end" and are simply way more likely to stay. Not to mention credits, fresh lowbies don't really have them.


Getting the ship at current price will definitely be hard for you, it's not "lol so easy" like many people say here for some reason. My advice would be gathering few most active/highest ranking 55 officers and doing 'daily tours' on weekend (or whenevr u have most time). You go CZ, Black Hole, Sec X, Oricon, spend Basics earned on Isotopes and sell on GTN, sell Recovered Relics and whatever drops on GTN. Sell crafting mats/War Supplies during conquest crafting weeks, they go fo stupid prices when big guilds grind and overspend each other to death. If u got disposable RL income, there's no shame in blatant cartel-to-credit transfers selling hypercrates (or separate packs) on GTN, or Ops passes (reliable sales). Decoration market is still red hot, many of the drops from flashpoints are very valuable and sell great on GTN.

Edited by Pietrastor
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My guild does have a sister guild in the opposite faction that does not have a ship. We agreed very quickly that buying and improving two guild ships would be impractical if not impossible.

OTOH, after seeing how wonderful it is to have a guild flagship on one side, and getting that flagship fully unlocked, some members of the guild I am in, including me, are working to get one for our other-faction guild before 3.0 drops.


Among the many reasons: I want it parked over the planet we will be leveling from 55-60 on, for the buff and quick-travel. I also want it equipped with cargo bay, legacy , and guild vault access, a mailbox, some vendrors, and a GTN terminal, like our Imp side flagship is.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I am not being arrogant, I just simply find it to hard with the community within the guild that I have, from my last post is kind of correct.

If I belong to a bigger guild than mine why would I want to spend the time to help a lower guild get a flagship which is my issue here and hard to find the players that can support our cause.


I completely understand that perspective, & there are of course individuals & Guilds (like yourself) that do not fall under such generalizations. But only action can solve problems like these.....if you need to find better Guilds or Guildsmates, or both - then go for it!

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I don't think the cost is too high or prohibitive. My guild has only been back online for 2 weeks after a near year long hiatus and we saw that you could now have a Flagship. We set ourselves the goal of having one by the end of November ready for the new content. With only 6 of us we managed to raise the funds in just over 2 weeks and are way ahead of schedule :D. A combination of determination,a willingness to suck it up and grind and being able to play the "GTN game" have got us what we wanted in a short space of time.


Even for smaller guilds like ours a Flagship is not just a pipedream,you just have to work for it. If you (and your guildies) really want it,you can attain it. Trust me. Go forth and collect credits! You'll feel epic when you take those first steps in your Flagship.

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I love animals. Really, I do. It makes me sad when I see a horse being beaten.


But not so much with this topic. The horse has been beaten so thoroughly we can't even tell it's a horse any more. It's more like a spot of goo there on the pavement that people keep hitting for whatever random reason. Beating pavement now that the horse has been reduced to nothingness.


As others have said, it's not even remotely unattainable. If you don't know how to obtain it... to obtain the funds to get it... then please do ask for advice. With those sorts of queries, providing they portray an honest desire to learn, you will most certainly meet with success.


Good luck!

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I love how you used the search function to find threads about this and bumped the most recent one instead of making a new one. Love it.


The problem is, if he posted to those threads, he would get flamed for necro-ing. It's easier to start a new thread and start the cycle all over again.

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