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Which high rank Imperial/pub member would be revealed as Revanite as well?(Spoiler)


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I know from a reliable source that this one surely is a Revanite. :D


On a more serious note, I really don't expect any major previously established characters to be Revanites. The ones that are will most likely be seen for the first time in the game.


Probably, but it would be nice if there were some familiar faces among them. After all, they put a lot of time into creating characters. And some of them would deserve being brought back.


I also want to point out that Revan's influence probably isn't restricted to Empire and Republic alone - there are likely many Mandalorians who would gladly join Revan in conquering the galaxy, and who knows what other networks the Revanites have set up? They probably rival the Shroud at this point.

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this is of course assuming the shroud isn't a Revanite :)


The Shroud was already a known criminal long before Revan was known to be alive (he was the Emperor's best hidden secret) even by Imperials. Darth Mortis tells you in the introduction to the quest chain that he is an old enemy that went off the radar for years. The Shroud also started his moves before the Revanites went into action. Sure, he might have been the "distraction", but he has so many assets that losing him would be a ridiculous blunder IMO.


So if there is a connection between them, that must be quite the tale. Also wondering if there is a connection between the Shroud, the Eidolon and Specter-12.



The Mail for the Agent is apparently sent by the Shroud and he denies being a part of it all.

Edited by Darkelefantos
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No. It was Commander Rand.


(Also, I was wondering if Commander Rand is of the same blood as Atton Rand from KOTOR 2. Maybe its just a coincidence. After all, I've seen people with the same last names, irl that aren't related.)


i wondered the same thing. Doubtful but that would still be cool

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Well, I have a couple of theories for "probably nots":


-Darth Marr. Of the members of the Dark Council we run into, he's usually the only one who has his head in the game. Maybe he is not aware that Arkous (and Lord knows who else on the Council, whenever they manage to stay there longer than five minutes - other than Marr and the Inquisitor character, it seems like musical chairs) was a Revanite, or if he is, he's playing it close to the chest.


-Grand Moff Regus. Ah, our archtraditionalist voiced by the Warlock - alien-bashing, elitist, Imperial to the core. So not likely he'd turn to the Revanites either, regardless of circumstances. The events on Ilum proved he was willing to stick with the Empire thick and thin; Revan would be cut from the same cloth as Malgus, in his view (if he even knew who Revan was; he may have earned Kilran's job, but maybe not all of his intelligence sources).


-Mandalore. A big maybe on this one. Mandalore - for all his snark about "winning the Empire's wars for them" - doesn't seem likely to turn on them...at least, not for the Revanites. Plus, given that he did kill folks who wanted to uphold the traditions of Mandalore the Preserver - a Mandalore essentially created by Revan - it doesn't seem likely he'd go for it. That's just me, though.


-Chancellor Saresh. Passionate, determined to clean up the messes of past administrations, likely realizing just how impossible that job is...but I don't see her going into extremism. Granted, trying to be governor of a toxic, monster-infested wasteland doesn't strike me as the actions of a sane person, but mad or not, she's not going to throw the Republic on the bonfire...certainly while she's (ostensibly) at the helm.


-Grand Master Satele. Not to be too harsh towards the Master of the Order, but Satele doesn't strike me as someone with a sense of family loyalty, and Revan - like it or not - is the patriarch of the Shan family, even if they all took their name from the missus. Though she looks and sounds about the same (Jennifer Hale FTW), she's not Bastila - not quite as prone to...emotional considerations. Moments of weakness, maybe (Theron, anyone?), but if she's putting it all on the line, it's for the Republic and the Order, not for her relations.

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No, it isn't. The Revanites are their own faction in the story and actually being one would require you to leave the empire, which obviously isn't going to happen.


No, it's possible to become members on a Dromund Kaas side quest. If you don't turn them in, they have you go undercover and cut contact.

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Well, I have a couple of theories for "probably nots":

-Darth Marr. Of the members of the Dark Council we run into, he's usually the only one who has his head in the game. Maybe he is not aware that Arkous (and Lord knows who else on the Council, whenever they manage to stay there longer than five minutes - other than Marr and the Inquisitor character, it seems like musical chairs) was a Revanite, or if he is, he's playing it close to the chest.

God i hope he isnt either.

The empire has lost to many good main characters and i love Mar way more than Vader clone Malgus, if bioware make him a Revanite ill never forgive them.


-Mandalore. A big maybe on this one. Mandalore - for all his snark about "winning the Empire's wars for them" - doesn't seem likely to turn on them...at least, not for the Revanites. Plus, given that he did kill folks who wanted to uphold the traditions of Mandalore the Preserver - a Mandalore essentially created by Revan - it doesn't seem likely he'd go for it. That's just me, though.


This one i dont know, i mean this Mandlore may relish at the chance to fight against the man who beat them 300 years ago, but he also as a Mandlorian may relish the challenge against fighting the Empire, i mean story wise the Empire has gone into defense mode, hardly a chance for glory there, i think he could go either way.


As for Satiele considering Revan made her son a fugitive i dont think Revan cares much for his descendants either.

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General Garza, maybe? She strikes me as both ruthless enough, and fed-up enough with what she sees as the Republic's weaknesses that the Revanites might seem an attractively rational choice to her.


Imp-side....I think the characters that would have been/made Revanites are either all dead or MIA. The current Mandalore is a possible exception.




Assuming that, canonically,

Darmas Palloran survived Corellia,

then I can see him as a Revanite under the right circumstances.

Edited by midianlord
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I would like to think Marr would be a Revanite, (I Know some of you don't want that) but let's face it... that man is Mysterious as hell. That and he has always seemed sketchy.


Plus his interactions (At least to the SI) are really... "off". In a good way. Marr speaks to the SI in a way where he is unsure, cautious, and sketchy.


PERSONALLY it would make sense if he had a secret that big (Would explain alot about Marr), and I think it would be cool IMHO.


As for who I think Revanites might be (I dont play pub side, so i'm guessing imperials), I want to say Darth Vowrawn(?). He seems more.... level-headed than most on the Dark Council.


MAYBE the ex-minister of Intelligence. Maybe Keeper as well.



As for anyone else... I don't know.


We shall see, yes?

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I think that some important character from each class' storyline should turn out to be a revanites.

Even those that may or may not be dead Like Overseer Tremel or even Darth Baras himself.


I would laugh my insides out if Darth Baras turned out to be the herald of the revanites. :D

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I think that some important character from each class' storyline should turn out to be a revanites.

Even those that may or may not be dead Like Overseer Tremel or even Darth Baras himself.


I would laugh my insides out if Darth Baras turned out to be the herald of the revanites. :D


PLEASE BW?! Even as a joke?!

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I would like to think Marr would be a Revanite, (I Know some of you don't want that) but let's face it... that man is Mysterious as hell. That and he has always seemed sketchy.


Plus his interactions (At least to the SI) are really... "off". In a good way. Marr speaks to the SI in a way where he is unsure, cautious, and sketchy.


PERSONALLY it would make sense if he had a secret that big (Would explain alot about Marr), and I think it would be cool IMHO.

care to go into more detail why him being a Revanite would make sense?

like i said i doubt he will be i mean he is basically defacto main sith now and if he is one we would have to kill him and we imps have lost enough cool guys already.

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