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I believe there is a distinct lack of a GSF themed location in game. Sure, there is starfighter launch deck where entrance to KDY is but that place is restricted to your faction only and too much of a hussle to travel for such a plain place.


When Galactic Strongholds was first announced I said to myself " I am going to build my own GSF with Sabacc and Twi'lek dancers !" so I went and just did that at Nar Shaddaa.


I wanted to make a place where pilots from both sides could gather together at a GSF themed location to chat with each other without needing external voice communication programs or to just spend time waiting for GSF queue instead of just idling at their fleet..


My hope is that it can help foster a GSF community at the server and let players work together to make improvements to their GSF experience. Some of such improvements can be having some of the experienced pilots to switch to their alts at the opposing faction to try to make games more balanced, arranging strike / scout nights like some other servers seem to have, having a place where new starters to GSF can catch experienced pilots to ask for some tips etc ( its hard to do it in game while flying unless your side is stomping the other side and you are just chilling by the satellite or casually cruising around at TDM ).


For this purpose I have listed Nar Shaddaa Starfighter Lounge publicly and open to both side. In addition to that I have been giving keys to experienced pilots at both sides, I have not been able to get all of them but my goal is to give keys to enough people so that there is always someone to toss an invite if someone wants to.


Sure, all of this can be done without a specific location but as I have said at the beginning I just want to make a GSF themed place that is nice to hangout. Just want to reach out to any GSF players at The Red Eclipse and invite them to this initiative. If they accept it all the better. If not I still have my nice place :D


PS : Do not touch dancers and always keep your rancors on leash when near dancers.

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Pylan's Starfighter Lounge is available on The Ebon Hawk server! Fully unlocked, fully decorated, and for the Republic!


Actually that's a lie. It's open to both factions. Just check the Tatooine Stronghold listings. It's also available for RPers to use. I've set it up with lots of little areas (GSF classrooms, med bay, etc). It's also got two GTN/mailbox areas so you can RP and not be 'disturbed' by antsy pilots.


Keys are available upon request. Make yourself at home!

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I absolutely agree. It would do - and would have done - GSF a great amount of good to tie it a bit more firmly to rest of the game world. Few quests purely GSF themed would have been nice. Couple of dumb talking heads talking about it. Heck, small storyline where quests and plot progress a bit like they do in Titanfall. Assault on Makeb orbital station - Win makeb map 10 times and get some dialogue wheel to spin and next step of story as reward. They could have turned this into some daily/weekly quest equivalent.



I think Starfighter launch deck was supposed to be an " atmospheric place for GSF people to hang" in some initial design document or another. They did awful, awful work with it. It is just anothet capital ship bridge with ships you can't reach and dumb holograms you can stare. Ye olde Interfleet transport area of fleet remains the most GSF - spirited area in game.

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Been looking to get back into serious GSF now that progression is over but all the old channels on RE seem dead. Deffo going to be checking out your pad ^^ Thanks for the heads up!


Also might be worth putting your prestige score in the post. Not because it means anything but since the alphabetical sort doesn't seem to work on the listings its an easier way to find it.

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Pylan's Starfighter Lounge is available on The Ebon Hawk server! Fully unlocked, fully decorated, and for the Republic!


Actually that's a lie. It's open to both factions. Just check the Tatooine Stronghold listings. It's also available for RPers to use. I've set it up with lots of little areas (GSF classrooms, med bay, etc). It's also got two GTN/mailbox areas so you can RP and not be 'disturbed' by antsy pilots.


Keys are available upon request. Make yourself at home!


Oooh, I'll have to check that out :)

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Tsukuyomi's Starfighter's Lounge is available on Jung Ma! I can invite there. /cjoin gsf and let me know you're around. He'll probably give you a key, too.


Edit: I pretty much only play Imp-side at the moment.


Edit: Davionix, I love your signature.

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Been looking to get back into serious GSF now that progression is over but all the old channels on RE seem dead. Deffo going to be checking out your pad ^^ Thanks for the heads up!


Also might be worth putting your prestige score in the post. Not because it means anything but since the alphabetical sort doesn't seem to work on the listings its an easier way to find it.


48,040 and counting.


Edit :

Edit: Davionix, I love your signature.


Thank you :)

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At the risk of hijacking your thread...


Imperial Pilots on TEH can also check out Eclipse-Nine's Starfighter Lounge on DK!


20k Prestige and being worked on almost daily. It has a briefing room, ship models on display, a medical wing, a launch bay, and more all in an Imperial theme. I'm only missing the balcony, which will be added soon.


Many members of Eclipse Squadron also have silver keys and can invite when I'm offline.

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I had planned to largely ignore the strongholds up until someone from you server posted a description of your stronghold. The idea of a cross-faction place to use for balancing the queue or teaching both allies and opponents is great. I just started last week and will hopefully have it done later this week.


By the way, if anyone else is working on a cross-factional GSF themed stronghold on Begeren for similar purposes send Paloga or Lantor a message. I do not want to get into a housing competition.


On a separate but related issue, it appears that you cannot send an invitation cross-faction. Is there a way to initiate contact from the stronghold to someone in the other faction without logging?

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Apologies for the late reply. - But on the Progenitor, anyone is welcome to use my Starfighter's lounge - look for Nar Shaddaa / Jaynn-Grey / 100% complete and listed around the 50K prestige. - And publicly listed.


It is decked out with most of the GSF decorations from fleet comms, The posters, the booths, 2 star-ships etc. There is a nice lounge, a bar with corbonised bounties and bartender, a media room, offices and a bedroom if you're feeling sleepy / amorous.


If anyone wants a key to the place - then send one of my characters a request with in-game mail. - I'm looking for a housekeeper too, BTW. -With a key you can gather mats to your heart's content - Debuff permitting of course. There are all the utilities too, GTN, cargo/legacy bays/ face changing station etc.


I promise it isn't all filled with basic metal chairs and random junk. Let yourself in and have a look around, and feel free to use it as a GSF base.


6 quick pix:



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