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Strongholds = Kill Small Guilds


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I really do enjoy this strongholds, one of the best concepts I have seen in MMO. Unfortunately this is really killing smaller guilds or those looking to build up. I have lost at least 6 people only because we lacked a flagship. So is strongholds forcing to have one guild on the server? It really is not fair and killing the balance of what is offered. There should be many options for a player to join a guild, we are all human and think differently and having a variety of guilds gives options to players. I think the concept is great, not saying it should be easy to gain a flagship but I know I am not the only facing this.
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Don't care. It's an MMORPG.

Maybe you people will drop the ego and stop trying to form your own guild for selfish reasons and join up for something greater. We've added about 20 accounts to our guild and everyone is so much happier that they are part of our Massive guild.

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We are a small guild and regardless of some comments we will not be disbanding and we have not lost any members. We are more of a family who care about one another. We will do what we have always done watch out for one another and we are working toward the goal of a guild ship but we are having fun. We have a guild stronghold on Coruscant that is halfway decorated. Each officer had a room to decorate and they have done a great job.
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Our guilds are very small and consists only of long time, real life friends. (20+ years)


Rather than struggle to unlock and decorate multiple stronghold HQs, we instead use my Nar Shadaa sky palace for a universal base for both imp and pub sides. We shared the cost of unlocking everything (9/9), and all characters have keys. We're still in the early decorating stages, but have installed cargo hold access, expanded legacy storage and guild bank access, GTN terminals and item mod stations. Decorating will obviously take a while, but rather than race to compete, we're taking our time to have fun doing things together. We realize that we're too small to compete for planetary dominance, so we play to have fun just as we did before strongholds were released.

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Don't care. It's an MMORPG.

Maybe you people will drop the ego and stop trying to form your own guild for selfish reasons and join up for something greater. We've added about 20 accounts to our guild and everyone is so much happier that they are part of our Massive guild.


People could dangle all the shiny carrots they want in front of me, and I'd never leave my two person guild. It's great, I'm happy, and I don't need 'something greater'. If people jump ship, because someone has a shiny carrot that the current guild doesn't have, then they're not worth having as members, as far as I'm concerned. :p

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Oh, I don't agree. I don't think that strongholds will have any meaningful impact on guilds.




Because I would assume most guilds are one REAL player, followed by two to five REAL player guilds, and then the rest of the minority of guilds are well populated.


The reasons folks form small guilds such as this are self evident IMO, and I do not feel that Strongholds would effect that reasoning in any meaningful way...aside from perhaps finally providing cross character storage.


Having a guild still provides a way to share credits.

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I don't think Stronghold Conquests will kill small guilds. The core of a guild is the shared interests of its members. Not every player is itching to dominate a planet, be at the top of the Guild leaderboard, and primarily do whatever gains the most Conquest points in a particular week. Those players will probably prefer a small guild.


Guild Conquests is one of the new shinies. Lots of players want to try it out. Some players may decide that the regimen required for any measure of success with Guild Conquests is not to their liking. It's still new. It's in the shake up, and shake down period. I think in a few months things will settle, and the situation will be much like it was before Guild Conquests. With some players wanting to be in big guilds, and some players preferring to be in smaller guilds.


Guild recruitment strategy may change for guilds wanting to get a Flagship. Pre-Conquests guild recruitment could be primarily offering an X% reputation and XP bonus. Now, a guild intending to focus on getting a Guild Stronghold or Flagship will have to do more to get, and keep, members. Getting guild members to want to donate credits and items to a guild takes effort, a lot of effort. If a guild does not co-ordinate events for their members without a Flagship, it doesn't inspire confidence that the same guild will do anything with a Flagship other than say they have one. Players aren't going to donate tons of credits and effort to a guild for a Flagship solely because the guild offers an XP and reputation bonus.

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People could dangle all the shiny carrots they want in front of me, and I'd never leave my two person guild. It's great, I'm happy, and I don't need 'something greater'. If people jump ship, because someone has a shiny carrot that the current guild doesn't have, then they're not worth having as members, as far as I'm concerned. :p


Some people still pay a sub to play this game.


I believe it is both fair and natural for them to leave whatever guild they're on, assuming that guild fails to cater to whatever gameplay routine they're pursuing.


I for one would like to leave my two-man Guild and return to my old one, Republic side but alas, Bioware failed to provide with Legacy storage the tools I require for that to happen.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I really do enjoy this strongholds, one of the best concepts I have seen in MMO. Unfortunately this is really killing smaller guilds or those looking to build up. I have lost at least 6 people only because we lacked a flagship. So is strongholds forcing to have one guild on the server? It really is not fair and killing the balance of what is offered. There should be many options for a player to join a guild, we are all human and think differently and having a variety of guilds gives options to players. I think the concept is great, not saying it should be easy to gain a flagship but I know I am not the only facing this.


I'd say that if your guild is falling apart because people were too impatient and uncommitted to each other to work towards obtaining a flagship, then it was only a matter of time before it happened anyway.

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I really do enjoy this strongholds, one of the best concepts I have seen in MMO. Unfortunately this is really killing smaller guilds or those looking to build up. I have lost at least 6 people only because we lacked a flagship. So is strongholds forcing to have one guild on the server? It really is not fair and killing the balance of what is offered. There should be many options for a player to join a guild, we are all human and think differently and having a variety of guilds gives options to players. I think the concept is great, not saying it should be easy to gain a flagship but I know I am not the only facing this.


Huh, well, it's the reverse in my case actually. We left a relatively large guild with my brother to start our own since we don't care much for Conquest anyway.

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The smallish guild I'm in ( 22 members) actually grew. We gained 4 new members who left their larger guild because they felt they were being pressured into helping their guild with conquests. I don't think small guilds will go away, you'll just see part of the player base ignoring the new content.
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I really do enjoy this strongholds, one of the best concepts I have seen in MMO. Unfortunately this is really killing smaller guilds or those looking to build up. I have lost at least 6 people only because we lacked a flagship. So is strongholds forcing to have one guild on the server? It really is not fair and killing the balance of what is offered. There should be many options for a player to join a guild, we are all human and think differently and having a variety of guilds gives options to players. I think the concept is great, not saying it should be easy to gain a flagship but I know I am not the only facing this.


Look at it this way: 6 people quit your guild because they didn't care enough about your guild to earn a flagship in it.


1) Give them something to care about


2) Show them how to earn it


3) Lead them there, via words and deeds

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People could dangle all the shiny carrots they want in front of me, and I'd never leave my two person guild. It's great, I'm happy, and I don't need 'something greater'. If people jump ship, because someone has a shiny carrot that the current guild doesn't have, then they're not worth having as members, as far as I'm concerned. :p

2 person guild? That's just pathetic. You are not a guild.

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You're actually not a guild. You don't even meet the minimum requirements for forming one. You gamed the system.


But at least you're not asking for special treatment for gaming the system.


Perhaps others have quit their guild (or the game) since they formed their guild. Your assumption that they gamed the system may not be just incorrect, but also offensive. If the game didn't consider them a guild, it would disband them once they fell below ## unique accounts.

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