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TOR's writing team: HUGE and GLARING ERROR in one of the Class Mails for FA


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I can only assume this was unintentional or rather, I do hope it was unintentional.


As everyone surely knows, the last part for Forged Alliances was released last tuesday. As such, after finishing it, we receive a couple of mails that I took the liberty to post here.


All very good, all very exciting.


There's an issue however and rather a big one.


You see, Jedi Knights receive this e-mail and in it, it reads the following:

FROM: Master Aharo

SUBJECT: Without End?


Hero of Tython, I greet you.


I remain on Corellia under the command of General Var Suthra. (...)


The part in bold is pretty much an IMPOSSIBILITY for my Jedi Guardian, seeing that... He got General Var Suthra killed on Corellia.


As you can see from the links I'm about to post below, a LS decision on Axial Park eventually allows Var Suthra to survive an attack from Imperial forces. A DS one on the other hand will get him killed, as well as the rest of his team.


* see below *


Light side decision

, which eventually allows Aharo to save Var Suthra
. Later on,


Dark side decision here, which eventually results in the death of General Var Suthra and all his team, according to Erris Wyum here.


- - - -


I would appreciate some sort of clarification in the matter. I mean...


Are you guys effectively OVERRIDING(!!!) whatever we decide during class stories or was this unintentional?

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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For what is worth, I do have a solution of sorts. Whether it is the ideal one or something that the writing team would consider is a different matter altogether.


As seen here, even though he's NOT class story specific, General Aves does appear during the ceremony to honor the Hero of Tython.


Maybe Aharo could mention Aves instead of Var Suthra in the mail? After all, Aves was also leading the Republic war effort on the planet, to push back the Empire.


Regardless, I do hope this is unintentional and not a sign of things to come.

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I'm going to guess it was an error, which will all the choices between 8 classes, is probably going to happen from time to time. Might even consider posting it in the bug report forum, it might just be sending you the wrong letter. Tait is usually pretty good on tracking stuff like that down.
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I'm going to guess it was an error, which will all the choices between 8 classes, is probably going to happen from time to time. Might even consider posting it in the bug report forum, it might just be sending you the wrong letter. Tait is usually pretty good on tracking stuff like that down.


I thought of doing that but then again, it's not really a bug truth be told.


Regardless, if they fail to acknowledge it, I mighty try there I guess. Thank you. ;)

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I can only assume this was unintentional or rather, I do hope it was unintentional.


As everyone surely knows, the last part for Forged Alliances was released last tuesday. As such, after finishing it, we receive a couple of mails that I took the liberty to post here.


All very good, all very exciting.


There's an issue however and rather a big one.


You see, Jedi Knights receive this e-mail and in it, it reads the following:



The part in bold is pretty much an IMPOSSIBILITY for my Jedi Guardian, seeing that... He got General Var Suthra killed on Corellia.


As you can see from the links I'm about to post below, a LS decision on Axial Park eventually allows Var Suthra to survive an attack from Imperial forces. A DS one on the other hand will get him killed, as well as the rest of his team.


* see below *


Light side decision

, which eventually allows Aharo to save Var Suthra
. Later on,


Dark side decision here, which eventually results in the death of General Var Suthra and all his team, according to Erris Wyum here.


- - - -


I would appreciate some sort of clarification in the matter. I mean...


Are you guys effectively OVERRIDING(!!!) whatever we decide during class stories or was this unintentional?


Quoting one Rick Perry, also sometimes seen in Austin, "Oops."

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I thought of doing that but then again, it's not really a bug truth be told.


Regardless, if they fail to acknowledge it, I mighty try there I guess. Thank you. ;)


There is no way to know if it is a bug or not, maybe their is a letter with a different explanation for those who made a DS choice, but the system is sending out the wrong one. That would certainly be a bug.

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There is no way to know if it is a bug or not, maybe their is a letter with a different explanation for those who made a DS choice, but the system is sending out the wrong one. That would certainly be a bug.


Highly unlikely however, seeing that every single class receives ONLY(!) one class-story related mail, with no variation whatsoever.


Plus, I have three Jedi Knights who finished the story by now and I've done the third part of Forged Alliances with them.


All received the same mail.


Errors like this are inevitable. Not excusing it, just hardly surprising.


Perhaps. I just wish they address it.

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I'm quite sure this is just a minor slip up. They most likely wrote it in because someone, somewhere forgot that he COULD have been killed by a dark side choice.


There are too many entangled story lines to be 100% perfect and in some scenarios I think Bioware is just going to say "This is the canon version regardless of what you picked". I am sure they won't do it very often. There was no malicious intent here. It was probably simple oversight.


I don't see this happening very often so I am not going to make a big deal out of it.

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You all who say you are upset or annoyed by this, you're trolling or joking, right?


Why shouldn't someone be annoyed? This game was sold to us on personal class stories and lots of folks took them seriously.

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I'm quite sure this is just a minor slip up. They most likely wrote it in because someone, somewhere forgot that he COULD have been killed by a dark side choice.


There are too many entangled story lines to be 100% perfect and in some scenarios I think Bioware is just going to say "This is the canon version regardless of what you picked". I am sure they won't do it very often. There was no malicious intent here. It was probably simple oversight.


I don't see this happening very often so I am not going to make a big deal out of it.


First of all, there's no need to suck it up, seeing that an alternative has been suggested, one that both makes sense and fits perfectly with the story.


Second, a BIG DEAL(!) needs to be made out of it, since if this is the way going forward, then they might as well spill it out.


Class stories are as dead as dead can be. Walking the extra mile and actually spitting on or overriding the choices we made adds insult to injury, not much else. :(


Again, I'm hoping it was it unintentional but even if it was, it's sloppy, sloppy, sloppy work. We should expect better.


It's a game.




No one ever claimed it wasn't last I checked but whatever.

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Walking the extra mile and actually spitting on or overriding the choices we made adds insult to injury, not much else. :(


Again, I'm hoping it was it unintentional but even if it was, it's sloppy, sloppy, sloppy work. We should expect better.

I agree with that. I would hope there's an official, internal wiki or something that the writers can easily consult to check who (could have) died when, and all that. And not a policy of going with 'canon' choices for each class from now on.


Then again, it remains to be seen how much content I'm going to do past the end of the class stories anyway...

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Just an honest oversight! The text will be updated to correct the issue in a future update.


It is possible that someday far from now, a future product may depend on setting canon versions of some events, as happened with KOTOR and KOTOR II. Nobody can say for sure. But we do not have any plans to ever declare the "canon" version of any decision your character makes while the game is live. That's up to you.

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Works both ways, you know?


Don't be petty just because you have other issues pertaining other topics with me.


I have no issue with you. I think it's silly that THIS is such a big issue for some though. Just pretend he pulled a Kephass...we've killed him how many times now? Go with that. Or...maybe he survived his injuries...fog of war and all, they mistakenly claimed he had died when he hadn't.

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Just an honest oversight! The text will be updated to correct the issue in a future update.


It is possible that someday far from now, a future product may depend on setting canon versions of some events, as happened with KOTOR and KOTOR II. Nobody can say for sure. But we do not have any plans to ever declare the "canon" version of any decision your character makes while the game is live. That's up to you.


You have no idea - or maybe you do - of how relieved I am right now.


Thank you very much, Charles. ;)

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Just an honest oversight! The text will be updated to correct the issue in a future update.


It is possible that someday far from now, a future product may depend on setting canon versions of some events, as happened with KOTOR and KOTOR II. Nobody can say for sure. But we do not have any plans to ever declare the "canon" version of any decision your character makes while the game is live. That's up to you.

Your writing, is amazing. It takes a lot to impress me with a video game story, but you never fail to.

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Your writing, is amazing. It takes a lot to impress me with a video game story, but you never fail to.


Which is why I pointed this out.


If it were Blizzard or Bethesda, I would laugh at it and brush it off.


It is not.


It is Bioware.


Regardless, all is well. Good show. :D

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