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Regal miniskirt: something fixed, and new visual bug.


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I noticed this as well - though it appears to only show the leggings in the preview window (actually worn it does not have the leggings).


Also wearing the skirt (or the other two minis) with the boots from Satele's set cause the boots to clip above the knee in the back.


And for the love of god please stop adding weird patterns and non dya-able areas (the colored square in front / gray trim) on items like this skirt which could be the base for many many outfits.


Adding crap like that is almost as bad as all the stupid doodads that get added to tops that make them unusable.


The silly square on the front doesn't match any other top, and depending upon the dyes used, looks dumb in most cases when trying to mix and match, not to mention the gray trim around the square and hem does not dye at all.

Edited by DawnAskham
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  • 3 weeks later...

You know what would have been really nice? If the devs could have fixed this bug (which is probably just a typo referencing an incorrect art file) before SoR was released. it really sucks having three chars (plus some companions) that use this armor and having to see all them wearing some guy's pants in all the nice, new cut scenes and story missions. Missions which will be most unrepeatable, so I'm stuck either not playing the new material or not enjoying it.


And it's not like I can just play other chars (like I've mostly been doing for the six or so months this bug has been around), since I have to get to 60 to keep in my raiding group. I guess I could just do PVP and old HM FPs for the XP, but what's the point of buying a new expansion and getting early access and not playing it?

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The devs don't seem to understand the anxiety it causes players when they add a patch with it's own bugs and glitches on top of a game with dozens of old bugs and glitches that have not yet been fixed. I understand that these things happen but when there a dozens of glitches dating back to the last major expansion (RothHC) you have bugs on top of bugs and the game is extremely uncomfortable to play and you feel it's going to blow up in your face at any second.
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  • 5 weeks later...
This bug has been going on for over 5 months. Every time there is a new patch I eagerly wait to see if this fix is among them, but alas nothing so far. It is disappointing because seeing your character wearing their equipment during the cut scenes is a big deal for me and many others I assume. Hopefully this will be fixed as soon as possible. Edited by SpawnX
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  • 9 months later...
Over a year now. KotFE has a lot of nice cut scenes in it. Would have been nice if I could have seen my main wearing the correct skirt (and belt, but that's another bug) in them. Seriously, there is only other one real skirt in the entire game (Naga Sadow's), and it goes with a lot fewer outfits. I guess something that shows skin tastefully is a low priority.
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