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Noble Sacrifice w/resplendence not completely off global?


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I don't know if this is intended. Probably not.


When you are off global and use noble sacrifice with resplendence it works fine.


The problem is when you are on global and try to use noble sacrifice with resplendence. It won't trigger.


This makes things feel clunky, because you can't use an ability on global(instant) -> noble sac when you are on global -> use next ability. Instead you have to go: ability -> wait until global ends -> use noble sac -> next ability


This might be designed on purpose to stop players from using out of game macros? But I thought that's why they added the separate 1.5 second cooldown to noble sac. Anyways this wouldn't stop out of game macros, because you could just macro noble sac before each ability or something. Right?


Regardless this is still a huge buff.

Edited by madtycoon
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There was a post about this exactly thing if I recall well on pts and BW acknowledged it and it is supposed to be fixed at some point...


Aside to the guy above commenting on performace between on/off gcd all I got to say is you have to be fraking kidding me now that benevolence leaves the rest of the gcd open to NS.

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Having NS off gcd is greatly beneficial. It has raised the skill cap quite a bit together with the rest of the new changes, but skilled healers will have near smugglers resource management now while being able to heal non-stop... I emphasize skilled cause if you heal the same way as before then you won't see the benefit of it, or if you heal with the new changes without properly and optimally using NS then roofing comes so fast.


you = someone, not meaning yourself.

Edited by MusicRider
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Having NS off gcd is greatly beneficial.


I never said it wasn't (it's amazing, really loving it). I was referring to how the bug is a fairly big quality of life issue, but not actually something that hinders performance much as long as you're quick on your fingers and learn when you can and cannot use NS.

Edited by diadox
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  • 2 weeks later...

Noble Sacrifice is garbage, too much penalty. Seems that everything for us have more penalties then for others, it's the worst skill to recover resources.


You lose life, you spend global cooldown, you stack debuff that diminish your force regen.


Some may say "there's no cooldown" but this trade for all of those penalties? It do not worth, use it, specially on pvp, is asking to die. It's dumb, it's a bad design from DEV.


They could do a lot of things on that, first, this debuff that stop force regeneration is dumb. You already trade force for life. This is the biggest setback you should have in a skill.


Second thing, the debuff should be increase the ammount of health you lose.


The actual skill: "Sacrifices 15% of your maximum health to restore 8% of your maximum Force. Each time this ability is used, your Force regeneration rate is reduced by 25% for the next 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times."


Could be, "Sacrifice 5% of your life for 10% of your mana, each time you use you gain a debuff that stacks and each stack increase the heal cost in additional 5% up to 20%"


But i remember, it's bioware, i do not expect anything smart.

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Noble Sacrifice is garbage, too much penalty. Seems that everything for us have more penalties then for others, it's the worst skill to recover resources.


You lose life, you spend global cooldown, you stack debuff that diminish your force regen.


Some may say "there's no cooldown" but this trade for all of those penalties? It do not worth, use it, specially on pvp, is asking to die. It's dumb, it's a bad design from DEV.


They could do a lot of things on that, first, this debuff that stop force regeneration is dumb. You already trade force for life. This is the biggest setback you should have in a skill.


Second thing, the debuff should be increase the ammount of health you lose.


The actual skill: "Sacrifices 15% of your maximum health to restore 8% of your maximum Force. Each time this ability is used, your Force regeneration rate is reduced by 25% for the next 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times."


Could be, "Sacrifice 5% of your life for 10% of your mana, each time you use you gain a debuff that stacks and each stack increase the heal cost in additional 5% up to 20%"


But i remember, it's bioware, i do not expect anything smart.


Someone didn't read the memo. :eek:

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I never said it wasn't (it's amazing, really loving it). I was referring to how the bug is a fairly big quality of life issue, but not actually something that hinders performance much as long as you're quick on your fingers and learn when you can and cannot use NS.


Misunderstood. I see now what you meant originally.

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