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You think we will get an appearance tab anytime soon?


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They gave up on hood toggle awhile back saying that it was more difficult to do than they originally thought, so I can't imagine what kind of hell an appearance tab would be for them.

I'd say mark it as delayed.


Thing is it's pretty easy to get a hood less toggle, like it's done with twileks's but then if they do that people will /forum_rage as they won't have a hood down but a missing hood.




Moddable Orange and Purple Armor are basically their own little appearance tabs.

Not really, it's not as convenient as appearance tabs. Then appearance tabs would improve crafting and CM sales much.

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I don't think we'll get one. Switching mod is an extreme credit sink (and they need them) and the appearance system in this game is already very liberal compared to many others.

Don't know what are you many list but most of the AAA games have it: DDO, LotRO, GW2, Rift, EQ2, Wildstar...


Then appearance tabs, implemented properly, could be an even better credit sink, and improve CM sales a lot.


If your character can instantly swap between gear sets (out of combat) and still be efficient in combat you'd buy more gear for sure.



BTW just got this email:

The April 2014 Feature Pack brought you the account Wardrobe, a system that made it easier than ever to share looks and dye colors across your entire account. Now, we’re expanding that feature with new categories
Edited by Deewe
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I've been here since early access. Although the game was built on the mod system, a lot has changed since then. An appearance tab would work far better with the current game. Personally, simply the cost of re-augmenting a full set of gear, not even counting extracting all the armorings, mods and enhancements, keeps me from going for new sets on the CM.


They could still keep the modification system while implementing an appearance tab. You use the mods to tweak your gear to get your idea of the "perfect" stats, while using the appearance tab to obtain your preferred look. Like I said, the immense cost after re-augmenting your gear and pulling out all the slots keeps me from buying or trying out new sets. Which is a shame, in my opinion.


Don't get me wrong, I love the mod system and I'm happy with how it is now. But I don't think an appearance tab would hurt the game nearly as much as it would improve it.

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Don't know what are you many list but most of the AAA games have it: DDO, LotRO, GW2, Rift, EQ2, Wildstar...


Then appearance tabs, implemented properly, could be an even better credit sink, and improve CM sales a lot.


If your character can instantly swap between gear sets (out of combat) and still be efficient in combat you'd buy more gear for sure.



BTW just got this email:

Interesting that GW2 can do it but Bioware can't.


It absolutely should be added - a business model that relies on people buying lots of cosmetic items, should remove barriers that prevent people from buying lots of cosmetic items.

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If they add an appearance tab, it will be for CM armor only. Otherwise it would negate the purpose of having to buy CM armor for certain appearances.


Either that or an appearance tab will cost a lot of CC. Or maybe both.


Fine by me.

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Interesting that GW2 can do it but Bioware can't.


It absolutely should be added - a business model that relies on people buying lots of cosmetic items, should remove barriers that prevent people from buying lots of cosmetic items.


It's not a question of whether they "can" do it. It's whether they want to do it. This question has been asked over and over and over since even before this game launched. The response has been pretty consistent.....they have zero plans for an appearance tab but, of course, never say never. They aren't going to say that it absolutely won't ever be added to the game but they have no plans or desire to add one. Thanks to adaptive armor and all the legacy gear and flashpoint vendor armor and CM armor floating around, there have to be like 2000 armor sets in this game. Is it really that freaking hard for people to find one they like? Adaptive armor pretty much eliminated the need for an appearance tab. It's would be a nice luxury to have at this point but certainly nothing that should be a priority for them.

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Is it really that freaking hard for people to find one they like? Adaptive armor pretty much eliminated the need for an appearance tab. It's would be a nice luxury to have at this point but certainly nothing that should be a priority for them.


You don't get it, do you? The problem isn't that people don't like the armors. The problem is that there are so many good ones! People want to be able to change appearance without dropping 1 million credits to do so.


BW introduced great new credit sinks with strongholds and flagships. Time to let go of the mod-pulling sink. Let us look the way we want, when we want, with no penalties!


*holds up picket sign*


Make it so.

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It's not a question of whether they "can" do it. It's whether they want to do it. This question has been asked over and over and over since even before this game launched.


Let me remind you that when the game launched, it was a subscription based game. With the addition of the store, wouldn't it make sense that they update the game to allow players to take better advantage of that store? I won't buy cartel armors because they aren't legacy bound. Until there's a cost effective way for me to use the cartel armors, I'll stick to what I have.

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I don't think we'll get one. Switching mod is an extreme credit sink (and they need them) and the appearance system in this game is already very liberal compared to many others.


I came here from City of Heroes, and the appearance system here SUCKS. But the game design is "your gear defines your appearance" so we're stuck with it. Hell, when they were willing to add some coloring we got this ridiculous limited and unfun "dye" system, so they aren't going to give an option to uncouple gear form appearance.


I have a lot of fun in this game. But I was completely and utterly spoiled by CoH's attitude that "your appearance is a choice and good loot won't change it".

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