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Message you received in mail after downing part III of FA


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The whole letter.



Downright fascinating, what's been transpiring lately .


Unease must be creeping up through your insides, but don't worry; I'm not a factor to be concerned with in all this Revanite business. I'm more of a spectator, and you've proven yourself a most intriguing participant-enough so that I thought it might be fun to reach out, say "hi".


On the subject of communications, I've been following some chatter amongst the traitors in your midst following Darth Arkous's death. They know they can't touch you and they are thoroughly incensed about it. It's really quite amusing.


Regardless, you should remain aware that whatever harm they can't bring to you, they'll surely visit upon your Sith friend once they find her, I wonder how long can she keep to the shadows...


Hey, this was fun after all. I will have to do it again sometimes.


Seems almost pointless to mention, but I had considered asking you to give to old man my regards. Don't bother ; I'm sure if he's alive he knows I'm back in business by now. And that, for me, is satisfaction enough.


Thank you. I appreciate it. ;)

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The whole letter.



Downright fascinating, what's been transpiring lately .


Unease must be creeping up through your insides, but don't worry; I'm not a factor to be concerned with in all this Revanite business. I'm more of a spectator, and you've proven yourself a most intriguing participant-enough so that I thought it might be fun to reach out, say "hi".


On the subject of communications, I've been following some chatter amongst the traitors in your midst following Darth Arkous's death. They know they can't touch you and they are thoroughly incensed about it. It's really quite amusing.


Regardless, you should remain aware that whatever harm they can't bring to you, they'll surely visit upon your Sith friend once they find her, I wonder how long can she keep to the shadows...


Hey, this was fun after all. I will have to do it again sometimes.


Seems almost pointless to mention, but I had considered asking you to give to old man my regards. Don't bother ; I'm sure if he's alive he knows I'm back in business by now. And that, for me, is satisfaction enough.


So this had me thinking, what if its the Shroud? he always considered himself the center of the universe. And from the way the letter was written, It could easily be him. Giving the fact

that he was somewhat responsible for the whole mess the agent went trough if im correct


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So this had me thinking, what if its the Shroud? he always considered himself the center of the universe. And from the way the letter was written, It could easily be him. Giving the fact

that he was somewhat responsible for the whole mess the agent went trough if im correct



Jadus and Star Cabal were.


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So this had me thinking, what if its the Shroud? he always considered himself the center of the universe. And from the way the letter was written, It could easily be him. Giving the fact

that he was somewhat responsible for the whole mess the agent went trough if im correct


IMO, that's definitely the Shroud writing the letter. It's the only character I can think of with such a self-absorbed opinion of himself while also having a vast intelligence network at his disposal. I love the idea of him being a former member of Imperial Intelligence--if class stories were still a thing, the Shroud would be a perfect antagonist for the Agent.


My Vanguard received an encoded message from Jonas Balkar

From: Jonas Balkar

Subject: RE: Beginnings

I'm really enjoying the story you forwarded, even though the subject is a little obvious. Being pals with Havoc Squad has perks! Followed any other good authors lately?


Watch the game the other day? Your bet panned out yet again. Back to back wins, impressive!


What is with the Trooper's letters? All three have been seemingly unimportant with little to no clues of what is to come. I couldn't tell if the one from part II had any importance (if it was encoded, I didn't see it). Have you figured out what this letter is supposed to mean?

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I knew it.


Daily zone on Yavin-IV, with the next couple of operations taking place there. Wouldn't be surprised if the Emperor is there either, resorting to some forbidden ritual once devised by Naga Sadow in one of his temples or just still recovering.

^^ One can hope, right? :D


But if I remember correctly



didn't the emperor try to seal Naga Sadow in his tomb using sith that infiltrated the jedi order because Sadow despised him. Would be foolish of the Emperor to walk the halls of a dead Sith whose hatred of him surpases death don't you think?


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My Agent received a creepy email other than Tarsten(he briefly showed up in 2.7) said he will hunt down Lana with all the cost..









Who is he? I think he is mentioning the old keeper, so he's related to the intelligence.


It is probably the Shroud, as he use to be a member of Imperial Intelligence

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Am i the only one who thinks the ''unknown mail sender'' for the Agent could be

Hunter, despite shocking herself to death/getting killed by you after the ultimate showdown? She managed to fool the Star Cabal, who knows if she faked her own death?

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Am i the only one who thinks the ''unknown mail sender'' for the Agent could be

Hunter, despite shocking herself to death/getting killed by you after the ultimate showdown? She managed to fool the Star Cabal, who knows if she faked her own death?



While I see where you are coming from, why would Hunter wish to "send regards" to "the old man," who, we presume, is the former Minister? It sounds from the letter that the sender and the Minister know each other on a more personal level than Hunter knew the Minister.


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Am i the only one who thinks the ''unknown mail sender'' for the Agent could be

Hunter, despite shocking herself to death/getting killed by you after the ultimate showdown? She managed to fool the Star Cabal, who knows if she faked her own death?


No, it would greatly discredit IA story's achievement if the final boss was not truly dead.

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While I see where you are coming from, why would Hunter wish to "send regards" to "the old man," who, we presume, is the former Minister? It sounds from the letter that the sender and the Minister know each other on a more personal level than Hunter knew the Minister.



Thinking it over, you are probably right. It's more likely that it's The Shroud after all. But we are still talking about Hunter, who for what's it's worth, used to be part of something far more dangerous then The Shroud and probably kept tabs off-the-record on the advisary of his former ''boss''. What if the Star Cabal's legacy is still echoing somewhere in the galaxy?


I also have a stingy feeling that either Hunter/The Shrouds are in cahoots with Darth Jadus. Remember: We don't know what became of him after Act I anyway, but he's way to much of an interesting character to be forgotten


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I'm particularly curious about the "one who is not one" part.



I'm thinking Revan and the Emperor have been pulled together somehow, and this is the "endgame"" for the Emperor- destroying everything. I think the "on a moon with others" alludes to an Op finale.


A couple of months ago "The Future of SWTOR" was posted on Reddit. While I was very dismissive, and I remain sceptical, everything predicted in it initially has thus far come true regarding FA. This mail only heightened my suspicion that the theory of the Emperor and Revan joined as one (who is thus, of course two- not one) and leads me to believe there may be some truth in that Reddit poster after all.


Exciting. :D


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I'm particularly curious about the "one who is not one" part.



I'm thinking Revan and the Emperor have been pulled together somehow, and this is the "endgame"" for the Emperor- destroying everything. I think the "on a moon with others" alludes to an Op finale.


A couple of months ago "The Future of SWTOR" was posted on Reddit. While I was very dismissive, and I remain sceptical, everything predicted in it initially has thus far come true regarding FA. This mail only heightened my suspicion that the theory of the Emperor and Revan joined as one (who is thus, of course two- not one) and leads me to believe there may be some truth in that Reddit poster after all.


Exciting. :D


That thread was garbage, pure and simple.


Nothing in it came together, starting with the fact that I see no class stories whatsoever in the horizon or a new SW MMO to replace this one, not to mention the expansion in coming this year, NOT the next.


I can't honestly believe people still fall for that one.


It was an overblown piece of fan-fiction with some far fetched backstory so people would read it.




I said this in September 2013(!!!)...

I do agree. However, if we hadn't read the original dialogue lines, would we ever notice it? The HK lines sound incredibly seamless to me and one could never tell they omitted a couple of words there.


Either way and back at the subject at hand, I guess the Emperor will have to turn up eventually and if he does, I'm sure Revan will as well. The day one goes down, the other one will follow... Their ultimate fates feel intertwined to me. Would probably be ballsy but I'd like to see Revan go with a bang, for good.


Can I claim some dibs as well then? Again, some of us saw that one coming a while back and we don't need to claim we had access to some meeting no else was privy to or arrange some far fetched fan-fiction.

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I'm particularly curious about the "one who is not one" part.



I'm thinking Revan and the Emperor have been pulled together somehow, and this is the "endgame"" for the Emperor- destroying everything. I think the "on a moon with others" alludes to an Op finale.


A couple of months ago "The Future of SWTOR" was posted on Reddit. While I was very dismissive, and I remain sceptical, everything predicted in it initially has thus far come true regarding FA. This mail only heightened my suspicion that the theory of the Emperor and Revan joined as one (who is thus, of course two- not one) and leads me to believe there may be some truth in that Reddit poster after all.


Exciting. :D


I dont think Revan and the Emperor are one, It could be but personally i doubt it. Given the fact that he wouldn't destroy the Imperial side like that. He would use the same ritual on a bigger scale on all the sith lords he could gather again. Think that was stated in the


story line. Might be mistaken.

Doing another run of the JK story line.

If The Emperor had control over Revan, he woudl redirect the forces of the Order of Revan towards the Republic once more along with the imperials. He always wanted Revan to be Darth Revan again and to use him to destroy his own Empire seems out of the line. Dont get me wrong i know of the Emperors plan for the entire galaxy but making a new order when he has a big Empire which roots go deep and beyond than one could imagine, makes me really doubt if its the Emperor controlling Revan.


I think this is just Revan, Before he became Darth he destroyed his own troops and Jedi and Mandalorians alike on Malachore V if im correct, he tried to wipe all civilization of the Empire who had pureblood, blood running through their veins, DNA. And now he made another one of his many returns to the galaxy only to ascend deeper into madness. Wether are not he had been to long connected to the Emperor 300 years ago, it was still Revan in the beginning who ordered such destruction's. So bottom line is, no i dont think its the Emperor with Revan in one.


When was this ever stated? :confused:


I dont think it ever was stated that the Shroud was an old Agent or some sort. nonetheless i still think its him that wrote the letter.

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(...) I dont think it ever was stated that the Shroud was an old Agent or some sort. nonetheless i still think its him that wrote the letter.


It was the Shroud.

From the last paragraph to the first, the first letters of each word are "S", "H", "R", "O", "U", "D".

Still, I'm fairly sure it was never stated he was a member of Imperial Intelligence at some point.

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It was the Shroud.

From the last paragraph to the first, the first letters of each word are "S", "H", "R", "O", "U", "D".

Still, I'm fairly sure it was never stated he was a member of Imperial Intelligence at some point.


Yeah just noticed it, well done. So that one is settled. Its the Shroud. He was bound to make a come back. Now on to the Trooper mail lets see what hidden message lies there.

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Yeah just noticed it, well done. So that one is settled. Its the Shroud. He was bound to make a come back. Now on to the Trooper mail lets see what hidden message lies there.


I don't believe there an hidden message per se in there.


Again, Jonas is familiar with Theron and he's most likely aware that Theron was investigating Darok, after the latter failed to submit his findings to the SiS following the Korriban Incursion. Come a few months later and all over the sudden, Theron is declared a wanted fugitive with criminal charges pending, namely the murder of Colonel Darok.


Coincidence much? Hardly.


Obviously, he probably doesn't know what exactly is going on, except for the existence of a third party who's moving pieces around, so instead of placing both him and the Trooper in jeopardy, he resorts to gambling jargon to either imply or affirm he's aware of something.


One may assume the use of said jargon is also a reference to the class story mission for the Trooper on Nar Shaddaa, where the latter was chasing... A group of traitors to the Republic.


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Above post got it dead on. With the exception of the part 2 letter (did that have anything to do with anything? The one from Forex? It was a nice read but pointless) the Trooper letters show that (unlike all the other letters minus Agent) that you have an active ally he understands what is going on and is supporting you.
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personally I think there is no special need to search for hidden stuff elsewhere the agent, well as far as letter games and play on word are concerned. it's I think, meant to reflect the very spy-y flavoured theme of the agent campaign


bit that doesn't means that they can't be hidden info or bits of knowledge hidden elsewhere


does any body have compiled all the FA messages somewhere?

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What is with the Trooper's letters? All three have been seemingly unimportant with little to no clues of what is to come. I couldn't tell if the one from part II had any importance (if it was encoded, I didn't see it). Have you figured out what this letter is supposed to mean?


I was really over analyzing it and then someone on reddit said to just read the first word of every sentence :D


When I was still over analyzing it, I started to view it as being congratulatory over your recent tactical flashpoint victories, and that by saying Havoc Squad were his pals he was reminding you that even with all of this "trust no one" business going on that you could still depend on each other and your squad mates.



I'm Being Followed Watch Your Back


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indeed interesting, that means naga sadow spirit could still be lingering on yavin 4. Is the emperor planning on consuming sadow spirit?

or will the sith inquisitor consume the force ghost of naga sadow as well if he is an apperation? O goody the power one can have.

or simply did revan fled to yavin 4 and reawaken the spirit of sadow or was possed by it? So many questions, so little answers.



omg, i just had a epiphany!


Many have begged for class story to continue as it doesnt feel the same with a joined story across faction. Many have claimed to saw indirect hints to class story returns. I haven't really seen anything besides the mails we received from the fa series. But just to humor the thought of class story to return, then this should shed some light to see this in a new perspective.



you stand on a moon, defiantly, before one who is not one



what if this is indeed the emperor and he saw the inquisitor as a threat, due..


the special pull on force ghost, lets say in the class story everyone choose to keep the ghost bounded to the sith inquisitor. Or just for the sake of the light option, you managed to find other ghosts to bind.



that this easily could explain the



you do not stand alone




simply because of the ghost you have with you. Seeing the inquisitor in a form of immortality, again looking at this in a perspective where you still have the ghost bound. The special bond between inquisitor and ghosts, are keeping him from dying. Thus being a threat to the emperor of some sort.



if this is in deed the right assumption then things just got interesting. But i dont think the emperor will strike so soon. ... Or given the jedi class story part.. He actually might... Hmmm. Something to ponder upon


that's a good idea man.

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When was this ever stated? :confused:


There was a previous letter to the Agent people believed to be written by the former Minister of Intelligence (Male Keeper) who spoke of an old rival who, based on the wording, people believed to be the Shroud. I think it was the letter Agents received for FA:I, but I'm not sure. And yes, I declare the official abbreviation for Forged Alliances to now be FA:I, FA:II and FA:III.

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There was a previous letter to the Agent people believed to be written by the former Minister of Intelligence (Male Keeper) who spoke of an old rival who, based on the wording, people believed to be the Shroud. I think it was the letter Agents received for FA:I, but I'm not sure. And yes, I declare the official abbreviation for Forged Alliances to now be FA:I, FA:II and FA:III.


I'm aware of that letter but then again, nowhere in there is ever actually stated the Shroud was a former Intelligence operative. It only implies there's some past between him and the old Keeper.

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