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Theory about Revan's reappearance and motives


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While we don't know for sure, if it's Revan or not, his voice sounds the same. However, his armor looks battleworn and i noticed that on his visor, the left eye is kinda glowing, or perhaps it's not the eye. So it seems he's been corrupted by the dark side again, but why the sudden change of heart? During the Foundry battle, Revan disappeared, but didn't say something like "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS MMUUUAAAARRR!!!". So my theory is as followed:


The Sith Emperor, Lord Vitiate, had influenced Revan's mind over 300 years and vice versa. So there's some sort of mental connection. Revan, who fell to the dark side again, was also weakend by the battle and needed time to regather his strength. Vitiate's host body was killed by the Jedi Knight a while after that. The Emperor's hand mentioned to the Sith Warrior, that the Emperor's essence has been collected and keeping under lockdown. Vitiate's real plan was to annihilate all life in the galaxy, so he's basically against the Republic and his own Empire. So when the Hand of the Emperor discovered that Revan had escaped and was weakened, they told Vitiate, who was either in his real body at that time or in possession of another host body. Vitiate used the mental connection to corrupt Revan's mind even further. While it's possible that Vitiate possessed Revan entirely, and now 2 minds use 1 body, i think it's more like Vitiate flooding his twisted thoughts into Revan's mind, so Revan thinks he acts on his own, but in reality, he acts on behalf of the Sith Emperor, albeit unknowingly.


Just a theory, you can like or hate it. But it would be an interesting twist... or something. :cool:

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Well yeah, Lana sensed Revan arriving in orbit. Only a few people could sense others who were on distant systems, like Yoda and Sidious. Anakin and Obi Wan could sense Dooku, but they were in enough proximity. So i guess you meant, why didn't anyone else sense Revan? Probably because the Jedi and Sith are still concentrating on the war and everyone thought Revan perished in the battle for the Foundry. So it's easier for force users to sense the presence of another who's on the planet they're on or close to it, then sensing someone who's on the other side of the galaxy. :)
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Ive always believed that Revan fell to the dark side during the foundry fight.


when the fight begins his buff is balance of the force or something, then at about half health his buff turns to power of the Darkside.


this and his quote at the end have always made me think that Revan has fallen, i mean come on genocide against the sith no matter how evil they are is pretty dam evil itself.

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Ive always believed that Revan fell to the dark side during the foundry fight.


when the fight begins his buff is balance of the force or something, then at about half health his buff turns to power of the Darkside.


this and his quote at the end have always made me think that Revan has fallen, i mean come on genocide against the sith no matter how evil they are is pretty dam evil itself.


I mentioned this repeatedly as well in the past. :D

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I am more up to believing that Revan is being controlled by the emperor or someone is posing as him. Even if Revan had fallen back to the dark side, it seems a little out of character. Of course Revan wanted to exterminate anyone with sith blood but at the same time, it is possible that it was still the emperor "guiding" him.

On the other hand, the revanites had his "mask" from the quests on Dromund Kaas. Now this is just my thought but what if, after he is beaten by the imps, Revan disappears to recover and the emperor enters a new body and pretends to be Revan. Since he and Revan were in each others mind, he would be able to mimic him flawlessly. That way, under the guise of Revan, he can go forward with his plot to exterminate the galaxy with a already powerful force and gain ultimate power.

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Ohh dear, controlling Revan, posing as Revan, falling to dark side again, that would be as cliche and silly as possible. Revan's character has already suffered greatly from multiple attempts to amplify his status, canononization and constant rewrites. They need to take the general idea that has formed for this character (powerful force user wiling to use extreme/immorial solutions to protect the galaxy from Sith/Emperor/dark-side/Mando invasion) and just stick with it and wrap it up. Not try to make Revan have yet another twist motivation. Just leave it for what it is, there is no need make Revan anything more than he already is. And finish his arc once and for all. It's gone long enough through the Old Republic era lore, this is a good moment to wrap it up and give bring some conslusion. Dragging it further would just do further disservice to the character. Edited by Pietrastor
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Ohh dear, controlling Revan, posing as Revan, falling to dark side again, that would be as cliche and silly as possible. Revan's character has already suffered greatly from multiple attempts to amplify his status, canononization and constant rewrites. They need to take the general idea that has formed for this character (powerful force user wiling to use extreme/immorial solutions to protect the galaxy from Sith/Emperor/dark-side/Mando invasion) and just stick with it and wrap it up. Not try to make Revan have yet another twist motivation. Just leave it for what it is, there is no need make Revan anything more than he already is. And finish his arc once and for all. It's gone long enough through the Old Republic era lore, this is a good moment to wrap it up and give bring some conslusion. Dragging it further would just do further disservice to the character.


^^ This a 1000x. I've been clamoring for it for ages now. :D


I wanna see the bada*s Revan I heard so much about during the first KoTOR games, namely the one from the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, before Malak betrayed him.


I could be wrong but judging from his communique, I'm fairly confident we're bound to get exactly that.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Resolute. Determined. Confident.


Not the same as evil.


Who's talking about that? Why would that be any of insight? The meaning behind his words... like saying that he was a fool not using the Revanites, a cult that would do anything for him as pretext of saving the galaxy....

And also, his solution is to kill, so...

Edited by Shivax
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Even if Revan had fallen back to the dark side, it seems a little out of character. .


Attempting to destroy the Republic to "Save" it is pretty much Revan all over. the guy's a meglomaniac with a hard core messiasitic bent. The guy belives that ONLY HE can save the galaxy and he must do it in ANY WAY POSSIABLE. And he outright says so in the Foundry. he belives ONLY HE can stop the Emperor, nevermind that he'd already tried and failed twice now.

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While we don't know for sure, if it's Revan or not, his voice sounds the same. However, his armor looks battleworn and i noticed that on his visor, the left eye is kinda glowing, or perhaps it's not the eye. So it seems he's been corrupted by the dark side again, but why the sudden change of heart? During the Foundry battle, Revan disappeared, but didn't say something like "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS MMUUUAAAARRR!!!". So my theory is as followed:


The Sith Emperor, Lord Vitiate, had influenced Revan's mind over 300 years and vice versa. So there's some sort of mental connection. Revan, who fell to the dark side again, was also weakend by the battle and needed time to regather his strength. Vitiate's host body was killed by the Jedi Knight a while after that. The Emperor's hand mentioned to the Sith Warrior, that the Emperor's essence has been collected and keeping under lockdown. Vitiate's real plan was to annihilate all life in the galaxy, so he's basically against the Republic and his own Empire. So when the Hand of the Emperor discovered that Revan had escaped and was weakened, they told Vitiate, who was either in his real body at that time or in possession of another host body. Vitiate used the mental connection to corrupt Revan's mind even further. While it's possible that Vitiate possessed Revan entirely, and now 2 minds use 1 body, i think it's more like Vitiate flooding his twisted thoughts into Revan's mind, so Revan thinks he acts on his own, but in reality, he acts on behalf of the Sith Emperor, albeit unknowingly.


Just a theory, you can like or hate it. But it would be an interesting twist... or something. :cool:


Just curious how anyone thinks that the Forged Alliance Revan sounds anything like the one in the flashpoint. Jeff Benett is the voice actor for Revan in the Foundry Flashpoint, I have no idea who this new voice actor is but I can tell you that it isn't Jeff Benett. Either 1: They couldn't get Jeff to reprise his role or 2: It isn't actually Revan as I believe someone may have already pointed out.

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Who's talking about that? Why would that be any of insight? The meaning behind his words... like saying that he was a fool not using the Revanites, a cult that would do anything for him as pretext of saving the galaxy....

And also, his solution is to kill, so...


I've seen plenty of Jedi also killing plenty of people yet they're not DS last I checked.


It's the context that matters.

Just curious how anyone thinks that the Forged Alliance Revan sounds anything like the one in the flashpoint. Jeff Benett is the voice actor for Revan in the Foundry Flashpoint, I have no idea who this new voice actor is but I can tell you that it isn't Jeff Benett. Either 1: They couldn't get Jeff to reprise his role or 2: It isn't actually Revan as I believe someone may have already pointed out.


It's Jeff Bennett. You forgot an "n" there BTW.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Ohh dear, controlling Revan, posing as Revan, falling to dark side again, that would be as cliche and silly as possible. Revan's character has already suffered greatly from multiple attempts to amplify his status, canononization and constant rewrites. They need to take the general idea that has formed for this character (powerful force user wiling to use extreme/immorial solutions to protect the galaxy from Sith/Emperor/dark-side/Mando invasion) and just stick with it and wrap it up. Not try to make Revan have yet another twist motivation. Just leave it for what it is, there is no need make Revan anything more than he already is. And finish his arc once and for all. It's gone long enough through the Old Republic era lore, this is a good moment to wrap it up and give bring some conslusion. Dragging it further would just do further disservice to the character.


but you see revan being who he is when not focusing his efforts away from the republic will clearly be seen as him falling to the darkside by the very posters you're talking too. also yeah raven needs to be finished for sure.

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