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Social Gear Only Light Armor *** !


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They appear more like "alternate" armors now, maybe Bioware should provide different types of "social point earned" armor to the other (armor) classes, for then someone can complain about the availability of a specific armor for the wrong (armor) class instead. We can't kill all the debates going on here by directly porting the armors over, that would not do. ;)



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There is more than one social vendor ;)


All Social Gear IS light. The Devs even acknowledged it as a problem and are supposed to be working on a way it changes itself to the highest gear type your toon can wear. Right now it just really sucks being anything other than a light armor user unless you want to RP in it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If it was truly just SOCIAL GEAR then it shouldn't have any armor qualities at all.


Argument fails.


As it is, the social gear is set up as light armor, which means that only those character classes restricted to light armor can wear it, and they get to wear it as their normal game armor.


Any other class which uses medium and heavy armor is restricted from using the social gear as their normal game armor. This is the problem, and why it has been viewed as a problem by game designers and players alike.


This is also why, in 1.3, they are making the social gear armor scale up in accordance with your maximum usable armor type. If you're a heavy armor user, the gear will scale up to heavy armor class.


So it isn't a pointless complaint. It's just already been addressed, and will be fixed in-game soon. :)

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Hello everyone,


This thread is quite old. In order to keep the forums tidy and conversations in one place please use this thread to discuss the topic of utilizing social gear for heavy and medium armor wearers, we will be closing this current thread.


You might be interested in the new

that was recently released. Damion Schubert and Daniel Erickson talk about the Adaptive gear feature planned for patch 1.3.



Thank You!

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