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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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I see what you are talking about more often now....folks posting prices in a way that it looks like it is fractional, but it is really just a comma.


Personally I use the "by item" price column, click on the header a few times to be sure what I am looking at is the lowest price.


They could, of course, simply remove fractional prices, since we do not deal with change in game. If they did that, the "per item" price would always be displayed in whole numbers, and it would be obvious if someone posted a price as a sneak IMO.

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It's called taking responsibility for your own actions.


Thats and attiude that makes me think you are one of them


When you run 200 or 300 transactions daily its bound to happen sometime


Easier to just ban then in my gtn dialog and not having them show up with their scam, im not talking about having bioware ban them im talking about having myself ban them

Edited by khsolo
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I just got scammed out of 8 mil cause of the price setting scam, since whats done its done ill like to ban those sellers that put this prices for appearing at my sellers list, how can i do this pls?


First of all you cannot do what you want to do: block seller names from showing up on the GTN list. That is simply not part of the system.


Second, while I understand your anger, IMO it is misplaced. You clicked to buy the item, you then either clicked OK to the "are you sure?" question box or you disabled the "are you sure" question box. Take responsibility for your actions. Was the seller taking advantage of the appearance of pricing on the GTN? Probably. Was the seller hoping to target someone gullible, and/or tired, and/or absentminded into over-paying? Again, probably. Is that a scam? NO! The word scam is explicitly defined as trying to deceive. The item you bought is the item you wanted. The price for said item is clearly listed. There is no deceit involved. Trickery? Yes Guile? Yes Deceit? No.


Lastly, this issue (and it is cropping up more and more) lies in the fact that society clicks too fast. It started with clicking "reply to all" in email. It continues with clicking send on texts and tweets that should not be sent. It has now moved into the realm of MMO economics. And the best way to combat it is...




Double check what you are doing before you do it, and this won't ever happen again. Take the FIVE SECONDS to make sure you are buying what you want to buy and paying what you are willing to pay.

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I see what you are talking about more often now....folks posting prices in a way that it looks like it is fractional, but it is really just a comma.


Personally I use the "by item" price column, click on the header a few times to be sure what I am looking at is the lowest price.


They could, of course, simply remove fractional prices, since we do not deal with change in game. If they did that, the "per item" price would always be displayed in whole numbers, and it would be obvious if someone posted a price as a sneak IMO.


Yes but eventually you will get scammed if you do many transactions like i do


Easier to just search the GTN myself and /ignore them from showing their prices on my list


Im not asking BIOWARE to do this im asking BIOWARE to give me the choice of doing it myself, nothing less than when im getting annoyed by someone i just /ignore them its the same with the GTN sellers, just gimme the option to /ignore them

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You can't ban sellers and their listing from appearing, but you CAN actually pay attention to what you buying and the price for that item.


Its the same principle as when someone annoys you on chat, you just /ignore them


I make many transactions on the GTN daily and im very experienced crafter and seller of stuff which makes me buy many stuff and this simple solution will make me feel more confortable using it again

Edited by khsolo
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Yes but eventually you will get scammed if you do many transactions like i do


Easier to just search the GTN myself and /ignore them from showing their prices on my list


Im not asking BIOWARE to do this im asking BIOWARE to give me the choice of doing it myself, nothing less than when im getting annoyed by someone i just /ignore them its the same with the GTN sellers, just gimme the option to /ignore them


Ah, I see. You want ignore to extend to the GTN as well. IMO that sounds like a good idea.


I still think it is a good idea for them to remove the fractional pricing in displaying prices though.

Edited by LordArtemis
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First of all you cannot do what you want to do: block seller names from showing up on the GTN list. That is simply not part of the system..


I know there is not an option, i want one just like there is a /ignore for chat i want a /ignore for sellers on GTN


I dont make 1 buy a day i do multiple buys a day hundreds so this option would be very usefull in filtering the scammers from the real sellers


Im not asking bioware to do anything they havent done anyway with /ignore for people that annoy you and this price fisxing is annoyng and getting out of hand a /ignore for sellers is nothing different


Also easy to implement anyway being a systems engineer myself, just insert in the query that if that toon is in your ignore list than dont show his selling stuff on the gtn for me, thats simple as it can be

Edited by khsolo
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I know there is not an option, i want one just like there is a /ignore for chat i want a /ignore for sellers on GTN


Ahh so this should actually be on the suggestion forum.


Well it might be an interesting option to be able to block sellers from appearing in your gtn searches

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You want to ban people for your own carelessness? You'd end up playing on your own! :)


/ignore people in the GTN is simple and easy and makes the market safer for everyone specially those who do hundreds of transactions a day

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lol, so you do 100s of transactions a day and you want to ban your competitors, got it :D


I think you didnt read the suggestion, im asking to include a /ignore for sellers on the GTN, whats so different from the /ignore on chat?

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Here we go, another GTN prices thread.


Don't buy expensive stuff.

Keep the bulk of your money on a bank alt if you are prone to making mistakes.





I think you didnt read the suggestion, im asking to include a /ignore for sellers on the GTN, whats so different from the /ignore on chat that we already have?


People annoy you on chat and you /ignore them, people annoy you on the GTN and you cant do anything about it, whats so difficult to understand about this?

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lol, so you do 100s of transactions a day and you want to ban your competitors, got it :D


I don't think khsolo was actually seeking an ignore that would cause the players sale to be hidden to everyone. The ignore would be specific only to the person setting the ignore, like it works now for chat.

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I think you didnt read the suggestion, im asking to include a /ignore for sellers on the GTN, whats so different from the /ignore on chat?


Well, the only thing that might be a concern is that BW would have to make a second type of ignore list which increases data traffic again for each character and so my expectation is that other things have priority over this.

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I know there is not an option, i want one just like there is a /ignore for chat i want a /ignore for sellers on GTN


I dont make 1 buy a day i do multiple buys a day hundreds so this option would be very usefull in filtering the scammers from the real sellers


Im not asking bioware to do anything they havent done anyway with /ignore for people that annoy you and this price fisxing is annoyng and getting out of hand a /ignore for sellers is nothing different


Also easy to implement anyway being a systems engineer myself, just insert in the query that if that toon is in your ignore list than dont show his selling stuff on the gtn for me, thats simple as it can be


The reason Bioware won't do that is because it will be open to abuse, if one got enough people on a server to ignore one singler person or group of people, how would it be fair on them not being able to sell stuff on the GTN? like everyone else, it be black balling them.


Sorry to say ,just deal with it and move on, heck even I have pressed on the wrong thing one or two times in the past but do I come on the forums QQing about it no, because I know it was my own fault for not looking at the stuff.

Edited by Tychus
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/ignore people in the GTN is simple and easy and makes the market safer for everyone specially those who do hundreds of transactions a day


You have NO idea how simple or easy it would be to implement.


Also, the BUYER can ensure their own safety by PAYING ATTENTION to what they are doing, what they are buying and the prices for those items. People need to grow up and stop blaming others for their mistakes or looking for someone to protect them from their own inattentiveness.

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The reason Bioware won't do that is because it will be open to abuse, if one got enough people on a server to ignore one singler person or group of people, how would it be fair on them not being able to sell stuff on the GTN? like everyone else, it be black balling them.


Sorry to say ,just deal with it and move on, heck even I have pressed on the wrong thing one or two times in the past but do I come on the forums QQing about it no, because I know it was my own fault for not looking at the stuff.


Ty for your suggestions ill move on to the suggestions box instead

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I think you didnt read the suggestion, im asking to include a /ignore for sellers on the GTN, whats so different from the /ignore on chat that we already have?


People annoy you on chat and you /ignore them, people annoy you on the GTN and you cant do anything about it, whats so difficult to understand about this?


People don't annoy me on GTN. When something costs more than you want to pay, don't buy it, if you do blame yourself.


Creating some personal grudge in your mind against someone is not even healthy, you probably need to work on taking personal responsibility IRL.

Edited by Foambreaker
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