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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP Target Markers?


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No and no. You can only see a marker on yourself if you or someone on your team marked you, and it can only be removed by you or someone on your team. Unfortunately, I think this confuses some people. Sometimes people will mark healers on their own team so that they are easier to find in battle. The healer (or someone else on the team), thinking he/she has been marked by the enemy team, removes the marker, which actually hurts their own team. The marker placed on the healer by the enemy team is not affected at all by this.


So in short, if there are healers and/or tanks on your team marked, do NOT remove the markers. The markers have been placed by someone on your team so that the healers/tanks on your team are easier to find in battle. I'm actually glad you made this thread, because this is a mistake people still make in warzones today.

Edited by Volxen
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Rule of the thumb in pugs teams - never attack the TARGET or the STAR!!!! :D:p:rolleyes:


I'll do you one better:


Rule #1 of pugs: if a person on the enemy team is marked, immediately remove the marker and do NOT ever attack them. They are clearly not a healer (even if they are using those green abilities which heal teammates), and one of your teammates marked them only to point out the fact that they are not a healer, expecting you to remove the marker immediately upon seeing it! (yes, this has actually happened in warzones on multiple occasions)

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Then why would a DPS (balance) Shadow be marked by their own team mates? Just trying to understand the strategy behind it.


I mark shadows all the time, as it's easier to "follow" where they go, especially as someone who usually defends the nodes/pylons it helps a ton. When I do this, I always make it known in Ops chat what they're marked as, and the reasoning behind it. I also will mark GS/Snipers as Gun, as it's also nice to see where they set-up, although peeps still rage if they see anything other than a Gold Star/Aim marker, which makes me giggle (OMGZ ONLY HEALZ SHLD BE MARKED!111!!). Simple code I use:


Blue Shield = Primary Tank


Gun = GS/Sniper


Gold Star / AIM = Heals (Lightning bolt if 3rd healer)


Green Saber = Assassin/Shadow or DPS Operative/Scoundrel.


Purple Cog = PvE moron or random under 30k player.


Fire = PT/Vang w/pull (usually used for Huttball only).




The bottom line is, if you're going to mark someone other than a healer, it is best to let your team know in Ops chat so they don't rage. From my experience, players tend not to target marked players anyways, so if you want to really watch something funny, mark them all and see some lulz.

Edited by Pistols
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Oh, wow, I did not know it was that complex! I thought different markers reflected aesthetic preference of senior players. I just try to shoot whatever guy has a symbol on. Mind you, a blindfolded earthworm has a better chance of targeting exactly the guy I want to target, but still.
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Oh, wow, I did not know it was that complex! I thought different markers reflected aesthetic preference of senior players. I just try to shoot whatever guy has a symbol on. Mind you, a blindfolded earthworm has a better chance of targeting exactly the guy I want to target, but still.


It is! But usually target/star is for healers. :) Well or for priority enemies... :eek:

Edited by Glower
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Rule of the thumb in pugs teams - never attack the TARGET or the STAR!!!! :D:p:rolleyes:


I have to strongly disagree with this... I think this is server dependant... I know on Harbinger we only mark their healers... Usually with a star or target... Then others if more than 2 healers... Do not remove these unless they aren't healers and someone made a mistake when marking

Not sure how other servers do it, but both imps and rep follow this rule... Any PVE guys who are used to marking their own players... Please don't do this on harbinger...

We may also mark different classes in Arena Pug... Just so people know the target rotation



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I usually mark healers Lightning > Saber > Target just cause they're easier to see (for me. Nothing worse than trying to find a flame marker in a see of red).... And if I'm on my healer and being harassed I'll chuck whatever marker is left on whoever is hitting me the hardest.
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I usually mark healers Lightning > Saber > Target just cause they're easier to see (for me. Nothing worse than trying to find a flame marker in a see of red).... And if I'm on my healer and being harassed I'll chuck whatever marker is left on whoever is hitting me the hardest.


It's really hard to notice this marker sometimes especially in open air, that's why the star or target are so popular. :)

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I mark shadows all the time, as it's easier to "follow" where they go, especially as someone who usually defends the nodes/pylons it helps a ton. When I do this, I always make it known in Ops chat what they're marked as, and the reasoning behind it. I also will mark GS/Snipers as Gun, as it's also nice to see where they set-up, although peeps still rage if they see anything other than a Gold Star/Aim marker, which makes me giggle (OMGZ ONLY HEALZ SHLD BE MARKED!111!!). Simple code I use:


Blue Shield = Primary Tank


Gun = GS/Sniper


Gold Star / AIM = Heals (Lightning bolt if 3rd healer)


Green Saber = Assassin/Shadow or DPS Operative/Scoundrel.


Purple Cog = PvE moron or random under 30k player.


Fire = PT/Vang w/pull (usually used for Huttball only).




The bottom line is, if you're going to mark someone other than a healer, it is best to let your team know in Ops chat so they don't rage. From my experience, players tend not to target marked players anyways, so if you want to really watch something funny, mark them all and see some lulz.


The poster forgets something pretty basic here -- each server / faction often has its own practices. If you are going to a new server or are new to PVP and you do a system like this, don't be surprised if you get some angst -- because someone is guaranteed to get peeved. For example, often on Harbinger, it is not uncommon to see the markers reserved for opposing healers with the shield saved for the healer on your side which your tank is trying to guard. Imagine what it is like when you are playing a melee deeps and some newbie to your server starts labelling everything under the sun -- or still worse finding that the healer you marked for special targetting has suddenly become an assassin. :rolleyes:

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The poster forgets something pretty basic here -- each server / faction often has its own practices. If you are going to a new server or are new to PVP and you do a system like this, don't be surprised if you get some angst -- because someone is guaranteed to get peeved. For example, often on Harbinger, it is not uncommon to see the markers reserved for opposing healers with the shield saved for the healer on your side which your tank is trying to guard. Imagine what it is like when you are playing a melee deeps and some newbie to your server starts labelling everything under the sun -- or still worse finding that the healer you marked for special targetting has suddenly become an assassin. :rolleyes:


I think you're forgetting something pretty basic as well, reading comprehension. Please re-read my post.


The bottom line is no matter what server you're on, if you mark someone, throw a quick comment in Ops chat as to what said marker is. <----- This is the #1 issue with marking players, everyone has their "own" definition (it's not server dependent by any means, so it's not "basic") on what a certain marker entails, but it's communication that lacks horribly in most cases.


Also on Harbinger, most players frown if anything other than a healer is marked, because too much tunnel and not enough of glancing at Ops chat. Seen it plenty. The good players however, do just fine.

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The poster forgets something pretty basic here -- each server / faction often has its own practices. If you are going to a new server or are new to PVP and you do a system like this, don't be surprised if you get some angst -- because someone is guaranteed to get peeved. For example, often on Harbinger, it is not uncommon to see the markers reserved for opposing healers with the shield saved for the healer on your side which your tank is trying to guard. Imagine what it is like when you are playing a melee deeps and some newbie to your server starts labelling everything under the sun -- or still worse finding that the healer you marked for special targetting has suddenly become an assassin. :rolleyes:


Haha... So true




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Some groups use saber for the "other healer on your side to guard/protect". So check before acting.




I was being sarcastic. If people can't figure the difference between an opponent and a friendly they should just quit now.


Although I can totally imagine some of the screen lickers I've played with sitting there going "That guy is red but he has the friendly healer marker on him so I'll just leave him be."

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