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Guild flagship to expensive


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So far I've found the Flagship to be extremely high priced, making it so that smaller guilds will probably never be able to get one without each character going broke, and grinding dailies to try to save up enough is taking forever, the GTN is a mess, over priced items make it hard to sell anything and make a decent amount of money, Mission rewards are far too small when compared to the prices of some items that are available from standard vendors, what gives Bioware, are you punishing the legitimate players because of others who either Buy credits from 3rd party sources or because of players who drive up the cost of items on the GTN?
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I don't have a problem wit the cost per say. My problem is the cost for what you get. Look at the gav daragon ship that we launch from to do our ops. That is the same hull as the guild ships. The interior is dynamic and large. Far cry from the paltry guild ship interior we get.
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Why should guild ships only be meant for larger guilds, I think they should be available for all guilds regardless of size, it honestly feels like Bioware is making things too expensive, and since they've made prices for items so high they should update their rewards.


Let me put it this way: a guild that can't afford a ship wouldn't be capable of placing on top 10 for Conquests, so they would just be wasting their credits if they purchased a ship. If you don't have the power to conquer, then you should just buy a Guild Stronghold instead.

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Why should guild ships only be meant for larger guilds, I think they should be available for all guilds regardless of size, it honestly feels like Bioware is making things too expensive, and since they've made prices for items so high they should update their rewards.


While I understand and agree with your point I also know this to be true (because the Dev's have said as much)


This system is supposed to be a money sink. BW is trying to pull credits out of the game and the prices reflect that.


This is my Opinion and yes I know that I am going to be burned at the stake for it:

1 There aren't enough players on most servers to make small guids (under 20 active players) make a whole lot of sense anymore

2 The amount of credits in the economy compared to the number of players is ridiculously high (hence the reason stupid things like a statue of the emperor, the underworld bar and the Giant Datacron from the Tython flashpoint are priced for between 10 and 30 million credits on the GTN)

3 They are finally, after about a year and a half of players saying the economy is broken, implementing a fix to the economy. Yes it sucks and yes it makes it difficult for smaller guilds to compete.

4 Small guilds are going to start dieing out quickly with players changing guilds and even changing factions so they can stay in the race for who is the best.


My advice, pick up your guild, or your raid team out of your guild and find a medium sized guild that fits your style and merge with them. (Yes, I know that sucks and no one really wants to do that, ever) Many of the guilds looking to pick up some of the smaller ones are even open to haveing folks put Alts into both guilds so that they can maintain the guild banks, Rep and XP bonuses and name of both guilds. Players are just dedicating their primary play time to the larger guilds so they can run conquests and enjoy the rewards of being part of a guild that finishes in the top 10.


If you want to experience a guild ship and participate in conquests a guild merger is a viable option, and meeting new people in an MMO is always fun. Besides, if you maintain your old guild's name and bank if things don't work out you can always just go back to the original guild.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't agree with any of these comments regarding the guild ship being a waste.


We started our guild just 3 weeks ago. Two days ago we achieved our goal of the guild ship.

We started with a stronghold, immediately filled with utility, and used it until our ship was ready.


We had a couple generous donations, maybe 5-7 selling things on GTN and doing dailies to earn credits. It took us about 2 1/2 weeks of I'd say 5-7 of us donating and we got it. Even if we don't place in the top ten, it gives us another goal to reach together which stirs a bit of camaraderie in the guild which I believe is more valuable than Walker Mounts and our name on a board.


So we may or may not get as high as numbers on the charts as other guilds, but we'll try together and enjoy the time.

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