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Space PVP Shout-Outs


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Michiman has really become a great pilot and great member of the community.


That being said, I need to play more myself, hopefully my event on October 24th will really kick up some activity and get a bunch of people flying again.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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  • 1 month later...

It's been great to see all the GSF action since 5.0 dropped. This week, there were frequently 2 games going at once. Brings a tear to my eye.


A few random shout-outs:


- Taiyama - you seem to frequently suffer at the fickle hands of the matchmaker, yet always gut it out in impressive fashion

- Klaxtor (and your army of alts) - welcome back, good sir

- Anakhatis (pure luck if I spelled that right) - forget Harb, JC's where the action's at

- Akrimark - the "new guy" ;)


And some rambling: it's nice seeing some familiar names I haven't run into in a while...for example, just from last night: Qhol-dun, Scaramannga, Hylo, Ceon, Linatabor. I guess this is part of the 5.0 influx. I think it's terrific that 5.0 gives GSF some legitimate value as a good source of CXP. The downside is that anyone relying on GSF for CXP probably isn't interested in alting around much. I still have yet to ding 70 myself*, but once I do I imagine I'm likely to bench a few of my guys for a while...and I don't even really PvE much anyway. Those that do have almost no incentive to swap toons, what with the staggering CXP grind. I foresee a lot of mastered ships facing GSF noobs. I guess I gotta hope matchmaker manages to put together some decent games, since it now has a slightly larger player pool to pull from.


Unfortunately, as we all know, that's a pipe dream. Matchmaker is a lie. In a perfect world, vets would police themselves, and not, say, run out six mastered bombers versus a squad of 2/3-shippers. Skill trumps gear in GSF, and vets will always dismantle noobs in any ship...but I suggest we at least make an attempt to minimize the pain. Pitting new pilots, in Novadives with RFLs, versus a couple of CP bombers - that, right there, is a recipe for epic frustration. Personally I've put some dumb ships on my bar, including a particularly stupid T1 scout with sabo probes and a T3 with no missile break. Not saying all vets should do that. I make a point of trying not to tell people how to have fun. All I ask is: please, just, you know...don't scare all the new folks away.


* due to the insidious XP bug, I'm getting about 1000 XP per match, and only 200k XP from the last three chapters of KOTFE combined

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  • 2 weeks later...
Shoutout to Graendhal for sticking with it in queue, and welcome back.


~ Eudoxia


Seconded. Bunch of interesting matches last night. Many of them felt a lot closer than the scoreboard suggested. Kinda felt like old times - loads of veterans, aside from the aforementioned Graendahl. Just off the top of my head: I'rys, BK, Dell, Oscar, Choque, Funkle, Hayward, Jutyai, Isalina, Gatorade, Artrigo, Tenebrious, Nameless, a new Kee alt...the list goes on.


Shout-out to Extolled, who's on his way up the learning curve and sticking with it in the face of some tough matchups.


Incidentally, Hayward mentioned the next GSF GC bonus day will be 12/27. If the last one was any indication, the queue will be popping like mad.


EDIT: so, either Mr. Hayward was incorrect or I somehow misinterpreted what he said. GSF bonus is today. It's a xmas eve miracle! Or Festivus miracle, if you prefer. Prepare for the Airing of Grievances, but save your Feats of Strength for the skies.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just putting this out here, this time a not so much "shout-out", more like a message about a player who doesn't seem to like most of us.


The players name is Rogue Trooper. This person is going to self-destruct the entire match like he does here and here


He'll likely continue to do that until he is banned. I probably don't need to tell you to report him everytime he does this.


He is on pub-side. If he rolls an imp, I'll probably refrain from shooting at you imps which... isn't what we like to do :(

Edited by Nasja
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Ugh, that's awful. I'rys was warning folks about a serial self-destructer a couple of nights ago; I guess it was the same guy. At least, I hope it was. Last thing we need is more than one of these tools.


I know "naming and shaming" is generally discouraged around here, but man, that kind of behavior (coupled with the comments in /ops) is completely indefensible.

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Not sure how many people pay attention to this one but after the last few weeks I would like to find a group to fly with regularly, or as regularly as possible. My average matches have ended with me being the only one with kills, usually 1 or 2 other people have a kill so it would be nice to get some good matches. I think it would also be fun to have a regular group to fly with.


My best ships are probably scout and bomber (far from the best in the game but i can usually hold my own) I fly gs if I have to (though I think my railgus are defective) so if I could find a good GS and a couple scouts or a bomber and scout it would probably be a good combo.


I have a rotating schedule so I wouldn't be able to have set nights but it is a set 4 week rotation.


Anyone interested in getting a regular group going let me know in game mail to orrunell or on here.

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It was me! You dirty pubs.








...and a wild Saevius appears. It would be hilarious if this offender was you, but somehow I think not.


I finally dragged a pub to 70, so I've been spending a lot more time on that side recently, collecting my Galactic Crapboxes. This does seem like the generally more downtrodden faction these days, but it's not so bad. I wouldn't say we have anything resembling a serious faction imbalance on JC. Both sides are occasionally guilty of the merciless 3-cap/spawn camping that everyone laments.


One quick shout-out to Nyyah, who is considerably better than I ever gave him (?) credit for. I've been in a number of matches over the past week where Nyyah was literally the only thing keeping the imps in the game, or represented the difference between a close match and a blowout. There aren't a lot of players who are capable of that kind of impact.

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...and a wild Saevius appears. It would be hilarious if this offender was you, but somehow I think not.


I finally dragged a pub to 70, so I've been spending a lot more time on that side recently, collecting my Galactic Crapboxes. This does seem like the generally more downtrodden faction these days, but it's not so bad. I wouldn't say we have anything resembling a serious faction imbalance on JC. Both sides are occasionally guilty of the merciless 3-cap/spawn camping that everyone laments.


One quick shout-out to Nyyah, who is considerably better than I ever gave him (?) credit for. I've been in a number of matches over the past week where Nyyah was literally the only thing keeping the imps in the game, or represented the difference between a close match and a blowout. There aren't a lot of players who are capable of that kind of impact.


The balance on JC was getting a lot better over the last couple of weeks, but today was really bad - the Imps were just too good for most of the afternoon. The best game was a pub v pub TDM. I still think pubside is a little bit weaker than Impside, but aside from today, the distance is closing.

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I spent the afternoon pub side today. Pretty smooth sailing, though people were grumbling that the imps had been steamrolling them earlier in the day. It was fun to play a couple of games with (and against) Eudoxia & Traesha. Like old times.


Shout-out to Kallose, who dropped a 30/2/0 line on me this afternoon, in (I think) a largely stock Quarrel. I will not take you lightly again, sir. Welcome to JC.

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