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4 hour cooldown on GSH resource harvesting


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The right nodes are very useful. I have 8 alts parked in my stronghold and each of them will gather from the same node and depending on the day, that can mean a ton of credits after I sell em. Some mats are stupidly overpriced right now and I'm taking full advantage.
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I kind of assumed it's a stronghold wide lockout because of the issues you'd have if you tried to make it dependent on each node. For example, if I have a high level slicing node, and I place it, harvest it, pick it up, then place it again, how is the game supposed to know that particular node is on cool down?


I think the only way you could get around that is if you made it impossible to pick a node up until it was off cool down, but that might be problematic with the whole reset stronghold code.


So I just stick to using them primarily as decorations with the occasional slice when I remember to do ti for a few extra credits.

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Is that really necessary? I realize they don't want people botting accounts and farming nodes 24/7, but come on.... 4 hours?????? :mad:


Switch characters a couple of times.

If they lowered the cooldown too much it would cause crafting materials to drop in value even more than they already have, since everyone's grabbing them and tossing them on the GTN.

It'll be even worse when the general population gets their hands on Strongholds next week.

Edited by Callaron
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The complaint is more that you get a four-hour per-character lockout that applies to ALL NODES. That's just stupid. Keep it four hours, or two hours, or whatever. Just change it to a per-resource-type lockout so you can at least pop in and click each of your nodes once every X hours per character.


While I agree with you in theory, if that happened, the value of mats would tank.


Those of us with 15-20 alts would be able to quickly obtain a huge number of mats in a week, if that was our goal.


I don't like the lockout either, but I understand why it has to be there.

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While I agree with you in theory, if that happened, the value of mats would tank.


Those of us with 15-20 alts would be able to quickly obtain a huge number of mats in a week, if that was our goal.


I don't like the lockout either, but I understand why it has to be there.


which is why I would personally rather prefer 24 hour lockout, but ability to harvest every node I own on a single character.


I'm not bothered by limiting amount of mats I can get as much as all those loading screens if I'm trying to harvest a node more than once, or harvest more than one node.

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If they lowered the cooldown too much it would cause crafting materials to drop in value even more than they already have, since everyone's grabbing them and tossing them on the GTN.

Eh? Dropped in value?? Have you looked at the GTN recently?


This is a crafting Conquest event. Raw material costs have skyrocketed. Mats that went for 500cr each last week are selling for 2,000cr each this week.


If I hadn't spent all my mats two weeks ago during the Voss conquest, I could have probably cleared out my cargo holds on the GTN and walked away a gazillionaire.

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Oh, so it's intentional that....? I had taken it to be a bug when I occasionally saw nodes become unclickable. Picking the item up and placing it again resets it though, which is why the system would have been flawed if it had worked the way I had been expecting. I don't think they can do anything to lock a hook and prevent changes to it (and we wouldn't want them to), so in my vision of the materials farm someone probably could have taken some time to re-place everything after harvesting it all so that they could harvest it all again.


I'm assuming it's intentional - not positive. They work after a while again, so that's what led me to believe that.

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The complaint is more that you get a four-hour per-character lockout that applies to ALL NODES. That's just stupid. Keep it four hours, or two hours, or whatever. Just change it to a per-resource-type lockout so you can at least pop in and click each of your nodes once every X hours per character.

Why is it stupid? Because you say so? It is what it is.

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While I agree with you in theory, if that happened, the value of mats would tank.


Those of us with 15-20 alts would be able to quickly obtain a huge number of mats in a week, if that was our goal.


I don't like the lockout either, but I understand why it has to be there.


Exactly. Not sure why anyone thought BW would hand them a built-in farm fest, lol.

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While I agree with you in theory, if that happened, the value of mats would tank.


Those of us with 15-20 alts would be able to quickly obtain a huge number of mats in a week, if that was our goal.


I don't like the lockout either, but I understand why it has to be there.

That is patently silly. Even if someone did scan one of each type of node on each of 20 alts ONCE every FOUR HOURS, the amount of materials gathered would be trivial. Someone running those 20 alts on the standard gathering missions that we already have today, and using one just to scan world nodes, would gather 100 to 1,000 times as much in mats within the same time period. The amount of mats that these nodes ever are going to produce for anyone is meaningless in terms of the overall supply and demand.


At the absolute most, whatever a per-resource lockout would produce is at best around 5-10x what the global lockout allows you to "gather" from these nodes today, across the same number of characters. And what you can gather today is pretty much nothing. Ten times pretty much nothing is still pretty much nothing.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Eh? Dropped in value?? Have you looked at the GTN recently?


This is a crafting Conquest event. Raw material costs have skyrocketed. Mats that went for 500cr each last week are selling for 2,000cr each this week.


If I hadn't spent all my mats two weeks ago during the Voss conquest, I could have probably cleared out my cargo holds on the GTN and walked away a gazillionaire.


I haven't checked them since two days ago, when polyplast (one of my most commonly sold crafting mats) had dropped below half value of what it usually sells for.


I imagine you're right though, and that people have managed to buy up the available supplies due to the crafting event.

But still, keep in mind that there won't be a crafting event every week. While there is a horde of new sellers inbound next week.

Edited by Callaron
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That is patently silly. Even if someone did scan one of each type of node on each of 20 alts ONCE every FOUR HOURS, the amount of materials gathered would be trivial. Someone running those 20 alts on the standard gathering missions that we already have today, and using one just to scan world nodes, would gather 100 to 1,000 times as much in mats within the same time period. The amount of mats that these nodes ever are going to produce for anyone is meaningless in terms of the overall supply and demand.


At the absolute most, whatever a per-resource lockout would produce is at best around 5-10x what the global lockout allows you to "gather" from these nodes today, across the same number of characters. And what you can gather today is pretty much nothing. Ten times pretty much nothing is still pretty much nothing.


20 x 4 (assuming you get 4 each time you gather - think it actually varies from 2 to, if you're extremely lucky, 6) is 80, and that's just one material type (Electrum OR Neutronium - they have separate nodes for each.) So, you'd have almost an entire stack in a few minutes' worth of work for free. I don't think people see that last bit enough - you don't pay jack to use a gathering node. Sending your minions out requires:



-At most 5 missions at a time

-Random crap shoot between the T1 and T2 components for that category / level of materials


-Skill level of an appropriate crewskill to get needed materials

-A planet with nodes you can easily access / find in the field otherwise


Now imagine if people had a bunch of slicing nodes of various levels scattered about their hideout. The lowest-level nodes give you lockboxes with 100 credits in them. Not a lot, right? I have no idea what the high-level ones give you in them credit-wise, but even if it's 3k per lockbox, that's 60k from a single tier of lockboxes every four hours for doing nothing. Combine that with materials going for a hefty chunk per stack and you can see why it suddenly becomes an issue.

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Maybe I just don't understand the mechanics of how resource harvesting works in GSH, but I get varying results on different toons. I don't mind the cooldown so much. However, some of my toons can harvest more than other toons at different times before getting the cooldown. Not sure if this is an intended mechanic or not.


For instance, my Sniper can harvest a node 5 times in a row one night and then get the cooldown. I switch toons, that person harvests the node 2 times and gets the cooldown. The next night my Sniper harvests that same node, but this time gets the cooldown after one time. Not getting my panties in a bunch about it, because frankly I don't care that much, but it is effing strange.


Not sure if this is intended or if others have experienced this.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Maybe I just don't understand the mechanics of how resource harvesting works in GSH, but I get varying results on different toons. I don't mind the cooldown so much. However, some of my toons can harvest more than other toons at different times before getting the cooldown. Not sure if this is an intended mechanic or not.


For instance, my Sniper can harvest a node 5 times in a row one night and then get the cooldown. I switch toons, that person harvests the node 2 times and gets the cooldown. The next night my Sniper harvests that same node, but this time gets the cooldown after one time. Not getting my panties in a bunch about it, because frankly I don't care that much, but it is effing strange.


Not sure if this is intended or if others have experienced this.


I have. I assume it's intended, since I've waited long periods inbetween harvesting because I thought I had the debuff on me but actually never got it. Plus, it's been active a few weeks, and you'd think they'd pick up on that. Think the nodes themselves have a limit too before they're off-limits for everyone for a set time.

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Remember, first world problems demand first world solutions.


If this is a bug, they will presumably fix it. If it's something that needs tweaking, they will presumably fix it. In the meantime, are the nodes in your stronghold really that vital to your resource harvesting? No, they are not. This is just a few of the usual malcontents complaining about nothing because that's what this is, nothing.

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Now imagine if people had a bunch of slicing nodes of various levels scattered about their hideout. The lowest-level nodes give you lockboxes with 100 credits in them. Not a lot, right? I have no idea what the high-level ones give you in them credit-wise, but even if it's 3k per lockbox, that's 60k from a single tier of lockboxes every four hours for doing nothing. Combine that with materials going for a hefty chunk per stack and you can see why it suddenly becomes an issue.


I wonder if they also have a chance to give you crafting missions, similar to how the real slicing awards work.

I haven't tested those nodes much, since all I've got are the crappy mission reward slicing nodes, and I don't want to waste my cooldowns on 100 credits boxes when I could be getting metals that go for a thousand each. :p

Here's to hoping I'll actually get some from this week's conquests.

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I wonder if they also have a chance to give you crafting missions, similar to how the real slicing awards work.

I haven't tested those nodes much, since all I've got are the crappy mission reward slicing nodes, and I don't want to waste my cooldowns on 100 credits boxes when I could be getting metals that go for a thousand each. :p

Here's to hoping I'll actually get some from this week's conquests.


I'm hoping to nab some, too - did the personal conquest on one of my guys and got three Bioanalysis nodes, one of which is the default "here, go play with nodes in your house!" rewards you get in the mail. My plan is one of every node type so I can farm what I need when I need it. My Electrum node helped with having my low-level cybertecher whip up some level 45 armoring mods.

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I'm hoping to nab some, too - did the personal conquest on one of my guys and got three Bioanalysis nodes, one of which is the default "here, go play with nodes in your house!" rewards you get in the mail. My plan is one of every node type so I can farm what I need when I need it. My Electrum node helped with having my low-level cybertecher whip up some level 45 armoring mods.


Ugh, getting those low ones is really annoying, especially when you have a ton of alts that can finish that quest. I have more of those things than I know what to do with.

My rewards are usually metals, bio stuff or green crystals (the game must be under the impression I really like green, since it's the only kind of color crystal I'm getting :p)

Got some good ones too though, like that Electrum cache you mentioned. :)

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which is why I would personally rather prefer 24 hour lockout, but ability to harvest every node I own on a single character.


I'm not bothered by limiting amount of mats I can get as much as all those loading screens if I'm trying to harvest a node more than once, or harvest more than one node.


I think that sounds reasonable...

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