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Opinions on most appropriate AC for each class!


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Haven't seen one of these in a while, sorry if there's already one floating around, I couldn't find one.


First i want to say that i know there isn´t a right AC class but there are AC that feels like the right one or the more iconic. I have played a few characters and if you look carefuly at their storylines, companions and even conversations and cut scenes, you can see some indications of which is the right AC.


Here is my list:


Jedi Knight - Sent. Tank is your first companion, and your healer has +25% threat, making it difficult to tank with him.

Trooper - Commando, a unique weapons specifically for this class. So yeah.

Smuggler - Scoundrel, again a unique weapon the stealth and off-the-cuff type fighting style fits better here then the 'highly trained' IA.

Jedi Consular - Sage until the end of chapter one, then being a jedi shadow fits perfectly the story, you are doing many favors to goverments and trying to raise an army.


Sith Warrior - Jugg. Dps first companion, healer has -25% threat.

Bounty Hunter - Power-tech, again healer first companion. Also feels awesome to take down Jedi with nothing more then a single blaster.

Imperial Agent - Sniper. It never made sense to be in close range combat and using a knife as your main weapon while hauling around a rifle. Also there is a conversation with Kaliyo where she says something about you sniping the people.

Sith Inquisitor - Until the end of chapter 1 assasin, then the story is all about geting more dark side power, learning dark rituals and the last batlle is totally a force battle.


And something i noticed while playing force users, on the republic side you AC quest giver uses a double-bladed lightsaber for the consular and two lightsaber for the knight, and vice-versa for the empire.


So what do you think, with the mechanics of each advanced class, best fits the 8 player classes? In my opinion a few of them overlap, and in the end it doesn't even matter, just wondering what feels most "iconic" to you.

Edited by JCGabriel
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Jedi Knight: Guardian - It's way too iconic. Force Push and Jedi just go hand in hand.


Trooper: Vanguard - You're the best frontline assault specialist in the republic army, and you command the best squad there is. Leading the charge is the Vanguard's specialty. Sitting in the back shooting, while others take point doesn't fit this class story, IMO.


Jedi Consular: Sage - Being the reserved, more meditation-inclined Jedi. Sage just fits this class perfectly.


Sith Warrior: Juggernaut - Same thing here as the Jedi Knight...it's way too iconic, and it fits more with the menacing aspect of the Warrior story...being the enforcer and all. Wielding two sabers just seems more like a lackey, not the main Sith, in my opinion, if that makes sense to anyone.


Sith Inquisitor: Assassin - Not only does the name fit the first chapter...but I think the mix of skill fits the character and story overall.


Bounty Hunter: Powertech - I think the Powertech, shield spec, specifically, fits perfectly. It gives the BH all the tools, for every single encounter/job.

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Knight: Sentinel - 2 light sabers, and it really feels like you are Jedi sword master. Some animations look dumb on female thou but it's same and worse with Guardian.


Consular: Sage - Healer Jedi fits chapter one perfectly, and that on you're diplomat, also Sage stuff. Shadow feels more like Jedi assassin or agent.


Trooper: Both fit well


Smuggler: Scoundrel - stealth, back bang, healing....


Warrior: Juggernaut - feels more Sithy to have heavy armor, also single saber looks fit to my immersion about Sith Lord.


Inquisitor: Assassin - well, you're Inquisitor, you assassinate people....


Bounty Hunter: Powertech - well, all those bombs and explosives just are cool....


Agent: both fit

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Of the ones I've played:


Jedi Knight: Guardian seems more iconic, Sentinel may be more appropriate for what you do past Chapter 1 (take the fight to the enemy)

Inquisitor: Sorcerer. Don't know why people say assassin, like the Sage, the story's all about obtaining artifacts and delving into the mysteries of the dark side. And given the ending, sorcerer just feels more in charge.

Agent: Operative. Seems more versatile, more in line with a super spy needing to adapt to any circumstance. Generally a sniper is a very specialized role and traditionally a more military one. Stealth, healing, tactical advantage mechanics, all of these scream "Spy" to me. Snipers and probes do not.

Bounty Hunter: Either. I've heard once that powertech=Boba and merc=Jango (or was it the opposite?) Regardless, the story's only token here. You're a bounty hunter, you hunt things. The end.


The rest:

Sith Warrior: Marauder. Just taking a page from a Darth Maul book- on why he built a double-bladed lightsaber: "It made sense to strike with both ends". In this case, with both hands.

Smuggler: Gunslinger. notHan Solo going all Predator on your ***? I don't see it. Incidentally I chose Scoundrel because the stealth and heals were just too good to pass up but it does not fit your typical smuggler image.

Consular: Sage Discovering the Force, healing people. 'nuff said.

Trooper: Either, whatever.

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I've chosen my classes based on what seems to work for the Storyline rather than your first companion or the like.


Jedi Knight = Guardian

Jedi Consular = Sage

Smuggler = Gunslinger

Trooper = Vanguard


Sith Warrior = Marauder

Sith Inquisitor = Assassin

Imperial Agent = Operative

Bounty Hunter = Mercenary

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