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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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And really, this was basically a crash, and them emergency downtime, they really can't give advance wraning of a crash.

Except they DID , here in the Forums, several minutes of advance warning. They apparently just did not bother telling the people in the game at the time. That's rude and incompetent, if true, and apologies are in order.

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I enjoy the game as much as anyone else but really...


It is a game folks. The world is not ending, the zombies are not coming...


I find it hilarious people screaming about servers going offline "in the middle of the day." Most people have jobs, or do something other than stare at a computer in the "middle of the day." I'm not judging, do as you will. Perhaps there are other things which can be done "in the middle of the day." Call me crazy...


And yes, I understand the service for a fee bit, paying for a sub, blah blah blah. Let them fix the thing.





-high fives DRD-

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I didn't intend to simply complain, but express that this is an issue that paying customers shouldn't have to PAY for. I really enjoy this game, and this happens to be the 1 hour today, that I don't have a baby to tend to or a meal to cook... I'd love to spend it playing SWTOR, and I hope they figure it out soon. Last time something like this happened, all the stuff I was selling on GTN went up in smoke... hope not this time.. You guys think it has to do with the Aussie mergers or the guild conquests?
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I enjoy the game as much as anyone else but really...


It is a game folks. The world is not ending, the zombies are not coming...


I find it hilarious people screaming about servers going offline "in the middle of the day." Most people have jobs, or do something other than stare at a computer in the "middle of the day." I'm not judging, do as you will. Perhaps there are other things which can be done "in the middle of the day." Call me crazy...


And yes, I understand the service for a fee bit, paying for a sub, blah blah blah. Let them fix the thing.


I hate to break you out of your bubble but not everyone has the same work schedules. A lot of people in the world do *not* work 9-5 jobs. A lot of people work night shift jobs too, making times like this their only chance to play. A lot of people don't work the privelaged "Mon-Fri" schedule either, for some this is one of their days off, or their only day off depending on the schedule.


In regards to "doing something else"; A lot of people schedule out their free time carefully because they're being worked hard and for long hours (probably for crappy pay) by their employers, and have to balance their free time with family time (Those of us still single are lucky (or not) in that regard).


Then you bring in the australians and people in other regions for whom this was closer to their prime time. Legacy only exacerbates the problem by encouraging everyone to have all their alts on one server. So it's a lot more complicated than you are trying to make out, and some people are very understandably upset when you put yourself in their shoes.

Edited by Zyrious
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I have played alot of mmo's over the years id personally like to say thanks to the dev's not manny games are messed up for less then an hour before they ahve it ripped down and working to find a solution so thanks gentlemen.



nice typing ROB lol

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HEY shut up their doing the best they can they cant help it that it crashed shut up and let them do there job to fix it:rak_01:


Actually they CAN help it its called "preventative measures" and pre / post testing... it is also sometimes know as competency.

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I like how some people are saying it's the middle of the day. You forget this game is played world wide. It's not the middle for some of us. And also there are plenty of students who have odd schedules plus people who don't work the 9-5 shifts. You can't shove them off a cliff just because you are at work and this doesn't affect you.


Point is, the service I, and the rest of you are paying for is being interrupted. For a good reason, yes, but you still deserve to be compensated.


If a cop rear ended you car chasing a terrorist, should the police not compensate you because his reason was just? I mean preventing a bomb from going off? Forget paying out insurances!!! AM I RIGHT?!?! No...they owe you regardless of intent. The fact is, we are not to blame for this. Heavy traffic, more players, any excuse against us is their own fault. They are supposed to anticipate and keep things working. If they fail, it's as simple as "Sorry, and here is your compensation". It's not greed cause right now they are taking my hard earned money, your hard earned money away. It costs about 25 cents for 3 hours of sub. If they take that much away from five thousand people that's $1250 dollars. No company deserves that kind of free money. This issue has been going on for days...so that adds up to be a lot more.


Just saying...they owe us something and I don't want a title "You survived a server maintenance".

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I really dont see what the big deal is tho. It happens and there is nothing we can do about it. Alot on here complaining it went down ( Yes I know most were in Flash points ect...ect ), but what else is there to do besides wait and see. I mean I been a Old Wow player and other Mmo's before and sometimes blizzard take their servers down to fix. Its really not going to kill you to miss a hour of play time. Compensation usually happens anyways from what I have seen before. So just take a chill pill, dont freak out and let them work on getting it back on. :D
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