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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Today , 07:47 PM | #187


Even if they reimbursed you for something they don't have to as clearly stated in the TOS, you'd still be unhappy. It's never good enough and you always want more. Stop for a minute and think about all that goes on for a tech maintaining this game, and then apologize for your unnecessary complaining about them FIXING the problem. No infrastructure is ever perfect and runs forever without a glitch. NEVERMIND the endless weeks of exploiting the NIM glitch on nefra you gladly took advantage of when you were clearly not supposed to, there's plenty of in game things you do that more than make up for this small window we're without the game. please be more appreciative of what you have. thanks. and BIOWARE.......Good work. Keep it up.

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true, i remember wow went down for 3 days and forms were over run. fist day i think forms hit 67 pages with in 4 hours......3 days later the form was taken due to high traffic. i know its them trolls from under the bridges. Their fantasy world gets ruined and they want people to be pissed off like they are because they have to wait. I blame trolls for the hamsters going on strike


Exactly what I was saying elsewhere.


WoW was a scheduled downtime of at least 4 hours every Thursday morning. More often than not it went longer. More often than not there were hourly reboots for the next 24-48 hours. 3 days down per each realm to prep for an expansion. And the same exact whining there every time.

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Everyone hates issues, but the fact they took the servers down so fast shows they wish to resolve the situation for us the consumers asap, so please just relax, take a deep breath or think about what project you want to persue within the game wile they work on fixing the issues
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Why do people think that because "servers go down, and stuff happens" that it's just okay? That logic is terrible.

If that was the case then it would work anywhere. "Well cars break down, who cares if you just bought it". "People die, so what's another death, we all deserve to die, it might as well be right NOW!" ...I could go on forever. Here's one. "Companies compensate when they waste their consumers money and time..." Yeah how about it Eaware?

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So my question, since this has been going on for a couple days now, why isn't anything permanent being done about it? Instead of just rebooting the servers and rolling everyone's characters back? This is causing a lot of unrest in the community... I don't normally post on forums, but this is getting a bit out of hand. I'm not looking for any kind of freebies or handouts, I just want to enjoy the game that I have put a LOT of money into. Sure, I could start characters on another server, but the amount of time I have put into my Legacy characters on Harbinger would take a very long time to reproduce.


Most people would say that not being able to access the server you play on isn't a big deal. I disagree. When you have spent years developing 10+ characters on a single server, starting over fresh is akin to a kick in the face. Starting fresh and new on a server where you have a good solid foundation of characters/income makes a world of difference.


I don't ask for much. Stable servers. That's all.

This guy just nails it. I play with my family. My real family. I don't have every day off. I understand routine maintenance, and even unexpected errors. What I don't understand is how has it become so constant a problem on Harbinger.
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Today , 07:47 PM | #187


Even if they reimbursed you for something they don't have to as clearly stated in the TOS, you'd still be unhappy. It's never good enough and you always want more. Stop for a minute and think about all that goes on for a tech maintaining this game, and then apologize for your unnecessary complaining about them FIXING the problem. No infrastructure is ever perfect and runs forever without a glitch. NEVERMIND the endless weeks of exploiting the NIM glitch on nefra you gladly took advantage of when you were clearly not supposed to, there's plenty of in game things you do that more than make up for this small window we're without the game. please be more appreciative of what you have. thanks. and BIOWARE.......Good work. Keep it up.


U are such a suck up I swear... AND BTW this isn't just "sometimes". Harbinger has been screwed since the merger and CONTINUES to be so.

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Hey folks,


We will be taking The Harbinger, Begeren Colony and The Bastion offline while we look into the ongoing connectivity issues.


I don't currently have an ETA for them being back online, but will update this thread as I get more information.






So that's why I got booted off the server... Hopefully it'll be available again soon.

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i need explanation, what the fck is with this servers?

Guild Flagships turned out to be too powerful and caused a rip in virtual space-time, sucking entire swaths of the database into an information singularity and force-choking the servers. So, expect GSF to be nerfed in the next emergency patch. They will probably disable the hyperdrives, so that it takes days to go from one planet to another unless you bang on the drive console a lot.

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Okay seriously kids, calm down.


I'd like to address the argument that the servers should be getting better, and not worse, and shouldn't have problems like this anymore. Do you recall a few months ago when hackers messed up all the EA servers? I'm guessing after that, they changed some things in their servers for better security or something. And now, because of that, they're having some issues (which tends to happen when you add or change things) because something in the server is new and they're still trying to work it out.


And about the people asking for compensation. Stop being so greedy. You just want to give them an excuse to give you free cartel coins or something like that. Who knows, maybe they will give us some cartel coins or something. But if not, fixing the servers is enough for me. I just want to go back to enjoying the game.

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