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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Geeze, so the servers went down. Some of you people WHINE like they did it on purpose! Stuff happens people and no matter how hard they try to keep it running every once and a while this happens. I was playing in the middle of a quest and it locked up on me. NO BIG DEAL! First time something like this has happened to me since I started playing a few months ago.


Noticed the mail wasn't working today, didn't complain about that just sitting back, knowing that they'll fix it. Not complaining (WHINING, like some cheese to go along with that whine?) the server is down. They'll fix it. You people cry and whine like this when your car breaks down and it takes a day or two to fix it? Poor mechanics!

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I think the problem has to do with the tilt in the axle of the Earth towards Oceania and affecting the Aussies down the South. Just saying in case Oceania starts moving closer to the US continent. :D


The other probable answer is the hamsters went on strike due to the low quality of the food they are receiving, they told me they refuse to eat more vegan food, they want some burgers. :D


A huge chunk of Australia is a sleep, not our fault. Made me LOL though.

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Geeze, so the servers went down. Some of you people WHINE like they did it on purpose! Stuff happens people and no matter how hard they try to keep it running every once and a while this happens. I was playing in the middle of a quest and it locked up on me. NO BIG DEAL! First time something like this has happened to me since I started playing a few months ago.


Noticed the mail wasn't working today, didn't complain about that just sitting back, knowing that they'll fix it. Not complaining (WHINING, like some cheese to go along with that whine?) the server is down. They'll fix it. You people cry and whine like this when your car breaks down and it takes a day or two to fix it? Poor mechanics!


this has happened 3-4 times in the past week.

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I tried to run a Flashpoint with these terrible server issues going on. Let me tell you, running Mandalorian Raiders when every 2 minutes you end up lagging so bad that everything around you stops moving except you, and then 15 seconds later, everything suddenly happens at once and then your team mates are now 2 mobs ahead of you gets a bit frustrating. I am glad I had a patient group with me last night. It wasn't enjoyable at all. Where as I do understand the continuous outbursts of my fellow players who are subscribed, or F.2.P, I see little to no reason to trash the people who run the game. They cannot do something until the server has issues. The game is still relatively new, compared to some MMOs, but they do what they can when the situation arises. Yes, it makes your life boring. Yes, it makes it so you cannot play in your fantasy world. Yes, if you can only muster in 2 hours of game time, and during that time you are unable to play, it can be frustrating. Things happen that are out of our control as gamers, but Bio/EA cannot, repeat, CAN NOT take on a problem until it arises. It has been going on for a couple of days now since the update. Did you ever stop and think that they were caught off guard as much as we were, and have been trying to let us play while they fix the issues? I would surmise to say, no. Sit back, enjoy the turbulence, and wait just like we all have to. It is simply childish to sit here and whine about things that you have no control over. They are doing what they can, that is all you can expect.
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:D This is the best post in this entire thread. That's the main reason I read the forum.:p


What else is there to do when the servers are down. Either rage on the forums, or be entertained by the people raging on the forums. Same thing happens in every mmorpg..."The server is down - I must go rage on the forums!" :rak_03:

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What else is there to do when the servers are down. Either rage on the forums, or be entertained by the people raging on the forums. Same thing happens in every mmorpg..."The server is down - I must go rage on the forums!" :rak_03:


I prefer to counter-rage the raging protesters. We must balance our rage with...moar rage! :p

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Hey everyone,


At this time, we are going to be bringing down Begeren Colony and The Bastion in order to preserve player data.


Thank you for your understanding!


- Tait


Holy Shmolly, Houston we have a problem LOL Glad that you all are becoming acutely aware that there is a problem and are been proactive trying to fix the fore mentioned problem.

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What else is there to do when the servers are down. Either rage on the forums, or be entertained by the people raging on the forums. Same thing happens in every mmorpg..."The server is down - I must go rage on the forums!" :rak_03:


true, i remember wow went down for 3 days and forms were over run. fist day i think forms hit 67 pages with in 4 hours......3 days later the form was taken due to high traffic. i know its them trolls from under the bridges. Their fantasy world gets ruined and they want people to be pissed off like they are because they have to wait. I blame trolls for the hamsters going on strike

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Hey folks,


We are continuing to look at the issues on the Harbinger, so it will remain offline for now. I still don't have any ETA for you.


I also wanted to let you know that The Bastion and Begeren Colony will continue to experience small queue times, but we will be leaving those servers online.








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I already explained that the hamsters that moves the wheels of the server are on strike, they want burgers no toffu. ;)


they stopped having them run in their wheels..they shovel them into the furnace now. It's more efficient.

Edited by Kahntun
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