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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Im usually one of those players who try to think "Well, ya kknow **** happens with computer and computer games.." but, no not this time.. You guys at Bioware or EA or who the hell ever runs **** there have botched everything to the way you took down servers with no warning, hype bugged crap TO THE MAX and then roll out patches full of MAJOR bugs.. As in terminal to the program running bugs..You don't ever update your own website - with current events, current server problems, and current news of any kind... its mis managed in such a serious way I really fret for the longevity of this game I've grown to love.
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Are people on these servers even going to get some sort of compensation for being taken out of what they were doing without knowing? Seems kind of unfair.


No. Why? Because the EULA says that EA/BW does not guarantee service up time and that both scheduled and unscheduled downtime is a fact of life. Deal with it.

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Hey folks,


We are bringing Begeren Colony back up shortly. The Bastion was never affected, and will remain up. Unfortunately, The Harbinger will be staying offline while we investigate the issues. I will continue to update this thread as I learn more.


Thank you for your patience!




well i hope you guys will be done soon good luck im gonna go to lunch while your boys and girls are hard at work :p

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It may be time to stop allowing people to transfer to or create new accounts on The Harbinger. I've seen quite a few people do that lately because of they thought the new 2.9 activities would be more fun here on a high-pop server. The software may not be able to handle the number of players, and if that is the case, better to lock it down and have it working for those on it than to have it be unreliable for everyone.
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So my question, since this has been going on for a couple days now, why isn't anything permanent being done about it? Instead of just rebooting the servers and rolling everyone's characters back? This is causing a lot of unrest in the community... I don't normally post on forums, but this is getting a bit out of hand. I'm not looking for any kind of freebies or handouts, I just want to enjoy the game that I have put a LOT of money into.


Exactly, you put a lot of money into this game. Having it shut down, regardless of good intentions or not is on their end. I am paying for a service. When my internet provider fails to give me the service I paid for I get compensated with a free month or money credited to my account. This should be treated the same way. They are doing their job to fix it, but their real job is to prevent issues like this. Some things happen unexpectedly I get that....but when those events occur, the customers should be compensated for their loss. If you take it and don't ask for anything in return, they will just take that as a sign to ignore complaints in the future.


Some of us are busy in real life. This might have been the only time this week some of us could play. Compensation isn't a want, it's a must.

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I was almost never, but in the last week or so it has happened twice. Not fun.


just came back from 5 months myself from world of warcraft and get split in the face with all this **** too, not fun at all my friend. huge waste of money i make slaving away in the hot sun all day


P.S. obviously they arent doing their *********** job to fix it cause this **** is always broke and messed up!!!!!!!!

Edited by discozombee
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Sorry guys, this outage is my fault. I made it through all those elite sandpeople in the cave on Tatooine to the datacron and just as I knelt to soak up my buff, poof, server went down. I should have known not to tempt the server gods like that. Yesterday, while waiting for the Jawa balloon and with the balloon about a minute away from being close enough to jump to, the server farted and reset the balloon to somewhere around Witchita and I had to wait another 20 minutes or more just to hop on. I think it was a hint.


Twas my arrogance that caused all this... again, sorry.

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It may be time to stop allowing people to transfer to or create new accounts on The Harbinger. I've seen quite a few people do that lately because of they thought the new 2.9 activities would be more fun here on a high-pop server. The software may not be able to handle the number of players, and if that is the case, better to lock it down and have it working for those on it than to have it be unreliable for everyone.


Would be awesome if Bioware were to give the Aussies back Dalborra then that's a little less server stress.



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This is honestly one of the most frustrating scenarios this company has ever placed in front of me. I pay to play this game, and balance what time I have between work and my 1yr old. I get about 10 hours a week of actual time-to-myself, spread over about 2 hrs a day. When the darn game wont let me log in for 2 projected hours, the money I spent looks like a waste. I have had my toons on the same server for YEARS. I have no intention of moving them, or the hard-won rewards and benefits of my fellow players and guildmates. I personally feel that Bioware, as a provider of a product and purveyor of entertainment; should offer some form of restitution or reparation to its subscribers. I certainly feel I am deserving of a free month of play, or some sort of in-game "bone" they could throw. I have been trying to play for 2 days, and forgive me for sounding off about my technological addictions, but if we don't get our SWTOR fix soon..... Guild Flagships and Strongholds wont mean a dang thing... The Harbinger has been my server since the beginning and I refuse to start over after all the work and money spent leveling each toon to 55 and legacy 40. I f there is not some sort of apology and a debt paid, I really will want my money back wholeheartedly.:mad:
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Sorry guys, this outage is my fault. I made it through all those elite sandpeople in the cave on Tatooine to the datacron and just as I knelt to soak up my buff, poof, server went down. I should have known not to tempt the server gods like that. Yesterday, while waiting for the Jawa balloon and with the balloon about a minute away from being close enough to jump to, the server farted and reset the balloon to somewhere around Witchita and I had to wait another 20 minutes or more just to hop on. I think it was a hint.


Twas my arrogance that caused all this... again, sorry.


@ seacay. that *********** sucks bro if you want help being run through the cave when servers come back up//IF THEY DO ANY *********** TIME SOON, ill help you get that quick. what faction you on? i have 55's on both sides

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While it would be nice to get gametime credit for lost game play because of thses issues, I'm not going to hold my breath. I used to play a different game, where that was de riguer if their patch messed with your ability to play their game, but that was a different company.


And really, this was basically a crash, and them emergency downtime, they really can't give advance wraning of a crash. I am one of those people that got stuck in a queue. The mail servers started being buggy, then I went to change toons and got stuck on perma-load screen, so I red x-d out. When I tried to log back in, had never ending queue on light server, and the closer I got, the longer the queue was going to take. Definite issue there, needs to be fixed, but not necessarily something you can or would give a 15 minute warnig for. When the issue is getting worse by the minute, every second you save in taking it down fast before more damage occurs could equate to hours save in bring ing everything back online.


It is frustrating, I was queue-iong up stuff for conquest myself, playing the alt juggle with over a dozen alts, but I will sit here, and hope they get it back up and working correctly quickly.

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This is honestly one of the most frustrating scenarios this company has ever placed in front of me. I pay to play this game, and balance what time I have between work and my 1yr old. I get about 10 hours a week of actual time-to-myself, spread over about 2 hrs a day. When the darn game wont let me log in for 2 projected hours, the money I spent looks like a waste. I have had my toons on the same server for YEARS. I have no intention of moving them, or the hard-won rewards and benefits of my fellow players and guildmates. I personally feel that Bioware, as a provider of a product and purveyor of entertainment; should offer some form of restitution or reparation to its subscribers. I certainly feel I am deserving of a free month of play, or some sort of in-game "bone" they could throw. I have been trying to play for 2 days, and forgive me for sounding off about my technological addictions, but if we don't get our SWTOR fix soon..... Guild Flagships and Strongholds wont mean a dang thing... The Harbinger has been my server since the beginning and I refuse to start over after all the work and money spent leveling each toon to 55 and legacy 40. I f there is not some sort of apology and a debt paid, I really will want my money back wholeheartedly.:mad:


I have to juggle the same way, i swear if i see old guarde up any more than when servers crashed imma know something is up, cause youre right trying to farm conquest for your guild is *********** pointless

Edited by discozombee
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Thanks but not a problem. It went down while I was standing next to the datacron so hopefully, that's where I'll be when it comes back up. If not, I can run through again. With all the xp boosts I've been using, I'm kind of an over the weight class lvl 30 for those guys anyway.


Thanks again though.

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So my question, since this has been going on for a couple days now, why isn't anything permanent being done about it? Instead of just rebooting the servers and rolling everyone's characters back? This is causing a lot of unrest in the community... I don't normally post on forums, but this is getting a bit out of hand. I'm not looking for any kind of freebies or handouts, I just want to enjoy the game that I have put a LOT of money into. Sure, I could start characters on another server, but the amount of time I have put into my Legacy characters on Harbinger would take a very long time to reproduce.


Most people would say that not being able to access the server you play on isn't a big deal. I disagree. When you have spent years developing 10+ characters on a single server, starting over fresh is akin to a kick in the face. Starting fresh and new on a server where you have a good solid foundation of characters/income makes a world of difference.


I don't ask for much. Stable servers. That's all.


That about sums up my opinion... I pay ALOT of money for my entertainment, I would rather move all FIVE of my families accounts elsewhere, or just go to a different company that just "Start over"... F-That.

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Would be awesome if Bioware were to give the Aussies back Dalborra then that's a little less server stress.


But, I really like the Aussies I've pugged with. Let's just force everyone on the US East Coast play on JC instead. Those East Coast guys typically suck, especially the NJ/NY/NE people. I used to live there, and I will never go back.

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Good, good...let the butthurt flow through you...


Seriously - yeah, I get that it is frustrating. But whenever you join an online service, you know you will not have 100% availability of it. And you know that there will be bugs when new stuff is introduced, problems, hardware failures, any number of things.


Personally I would rather grit my teeth and bear it to get it fixed than just keep dealing with the issues. :rak_03:

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This is ridiculous, you guys cant even keep your heavy servers up why do we subscribe if this is what we get. I mean seriously are the people on these servers gonna get some compensation for this?


Well its a standard server by all means, they can take it down when they want. I noticed a glitch here and there and its not a good glitch. Like you cant move and the mob is beating you from far away. you try to shoot and you get killed because it says your too far away. So I can see how its not a surprise for a non scheduled downer

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I enjoy the game as much as anyone else but really...


It is a game folks. The world is not ending, the zombies are not coming...


I find it hilarious people screaming about servers going offline "in the middle of the day." Most people have jobs, or do something other than stare at a computer in the "middle of the day." I'm not judging, do as you will. Perhaps there are other things which can be done "in the middle of the day." Call me crazy...


And yes, I understand the service for a fee bit, paying for a sub, blah blah blah. Let them fix the thing.

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