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Stupid things PVPers do


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Yesterday I am just trying to score some points for my conquest stuff, I am a PVE player so I suck at PVP, so I joined one of the PVP events to score some points and this PVPer gets on his mighty horse whispering me that I suck, that I dont know how to tank and I need to learn my class and then puts me on ignore so I cannot answer him, was that stupid or what?


You all PVPers need to understand that we PVE players are forced now to do PVP to be able to achieve the conquest points so deal with our inability to be awesome as you are. :D

Edited by Kantaso
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Yesterday I am just trying to score some points for my conquest stuff, I am a PVE player so I suck at PVP, so I joined one of the PVP events to score some points and this PVPer gets on his mighty horse whispering me that I suck, that I dont know how to tank and I need to learn my class and then puts me on ignore so I cannot answer him, was that stupid or what?


You all PVPers need to understand that we PVE players are forced now to do PVP to be able to achieve the conquest points so deal with our inability to be awesome as you are. :D


The bolded statement above is patently false. I hit the personal goal on two separate characters last week without doing a bit of pvp. Having said that, I don't condone the way you were treated, OP.

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You all PVPers need to understand that we PVE players are forced now to do PVP to be able to achieve the conquest points so deal with our inability to be awesome as you are. :D

You need to understand no one is "forced" to do anything. That said, if you want to PvP, that's your choice and no one else's business how good or bad you are at it.

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I feel there is more to this than OP is letting on, in that he probably went into a WZ with his 38k raid geared character. While that does not condone being treated like crap, I can't say that I really completely blame people for acting that way. Raiders wouldn't stand for it if us 32k PvP geared people joined their NiM Palace ops run, but the difference is that they get a choice and can kick said person. PvP'ers don't get that, when a four man premade of 900 expertise 40k sorcs get put in our match, we get to eat sh*t and deal with it.


If you insist on doing PvP for conquest points (and you're actually trying to compete, rather than just farming points being a useless lump) then please PLEASE get some orange gear, kit it out with mods from the Makeb vendor and properly augment it. Please do all that BEFORE you queue up for 55 WZ's. I'd rather have someone have 30.5k HP, 1,900 expertise, and 780 bonus damage with bolster than 38k HP, 900 expertise, and 1,100 bonus damage. The bolstered gear will let you be competitive enough rather than hitting like a wet noodle and getting melted the moment someone looks at you sternly.


If you aren't willing to get any PvP gear and just queue to farm points in your useless raid gear then I don't feel bad in the slightest about you getting misstreated and abused by a PvP'er, because you're essentially doing the same to them.

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From time to time I'm obliged to jump into a WZ then drop it just to be able to get rid of the PvP flag.


Then I also tend to drop the PvP arenas I don't like because I have no way to choose which one to queue for.


BTW as the OP I also tend to do WZ with totally ungeared chars, playing mostly as: "THE Sheep". Those characters have very strong legs though and are really appreciated by the opposite team, empowering some of them in their ePeen. :p


Feel free to address your frustration to BioWare.



P.S. don't feel special, even the GSF have the same treatment ;)

Edited by Deewe
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I am level 37 Jedi Inquisitor doing one of those PVP matches where you fight against 4 other players, I didnt choose the PVP event, I wish I could sign for those events where I am not that bad at like the Hutball and the one where we have to go and get control of the cannons or the one where you have two points to conquer and you just run together etc etc, I am not good at the 4vs4 but I had to do it because I need the points. And by the way to the one who says you dont need to do PVP to get the points, when you are like me a casual player that only can play for an hour each night you HAVE TO DO PVP TO GET QUICK POINTS. Because I dont want to be a leech on my guild, I want also to be a factor in helping my guild to achieve their goals, so I have to use the quickest way to achieve more points. Edited by Kantaso
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And this is why I do GSF. It's a lot easier to not worry so much about your "gear" (as having a near-stock ship still lets you do decently enough with enough skill to augment it.) Hell, if you have a brain, you can actually do decently in matches. I'm not the best in a straight-up dogfight, but the "command and control" mode where you capture points, I usually let my team know where I'm heading, pick a scout, divert everything to engines, and fly as fast as I can out to that point and camp on it the whole match. Keep your eyes peeled for incoming enemies, and give your team a heads-up if you see several coming for you, and you should be good to go. Worst-case scenario, you hold out long enough for backup to arrive.
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I find it amusing most of the time when this happens, but that guy was just plain rude. I would ignore him and move on.


A few weeks ago I had a similar experience in the open world pvp zone on Tat while I was getting the first HK part for my Assassin. There were a few small groups of pub players in the area already, so I was using stealth to sneak in and buy the part and get out quickly, but I found there 2 pubs hiding in ambush by the vendor I needed, so I had to burn my Force Cloak to avoid a death. In the space of about 2 minutes there were 10 guys from the same guild all in the area searching for me, and I had to go afk to deal with a fussy 2 year old. While I was away, they found and killed me, and since I didn't release right away they began sending me taunts and asking me if I was calling in my friends. When I got back to the keyboard about 10 minutes later they were all gathered around my corpse doing various emotes and making jokes about me.


I released and laughed it off because I thought it was hilarious that it took ten people to find and kill one player who was afk for 10 minutes. 5 minutes later I had my HK part and was merrily on my way to Taris.

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I find it amusing most of the time when this happens, but that guy was just plain rude. I would ignore him and move on.


A few weeks ago I had a similar experience in the open world pvp zone on Tat while I was getting the first HK part for my Assassin. There were a few small groups of pub players in the area already, so I was using stealth to sneak in and buy the part and get out quickly, but I found there 2 pubs hiding in ambush by the vendor I needed, so I had to burn my Force Cloak to avoid a death. In the space of about 2 minutes there were 10 guys from the same guild all in the area searching for me, and I had to go afk to deal with a fussy 2 year old. While I was away, they found and killed me, and since I didn't release right away they began sending me taunts and asking me if I was calling in my friends. When I got back to the keyboard about 10 minutes later they were all gathered around my corpse doing various emotes and making jokes about me.


I released and laughed it off because I thought it was hilarious that it took ten people to find and kill one player who was afk for 10 minutes. 5 minutes later I had my HK part and was merrily on my way to Taris.

I'd write a story how you fainted and tricked them all, coming out alive and with the treasury.


You Sir are a winner!

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Yesterday I am just trying to score some points for my conquest stuff, I am a PVE player so I suck at PVP, so I joined one of the PVP events to score some points and this PVPer gets on his mighty horse whispering me that I suck, that I dont know how to tank and I need to learn my class and then puts me on ignore so I cannot answer him, was that stupid or what?


You all PVPers need to understand that we PVE players are forced now to do PVP to be able to achieve the conquest points so deal with our inability to be awesome as you are. :D


While immature, that is not "something PvPers do." I've seen plenty of folks in HM FPs take a similar action when grouped with someone under-performing. In Ops pugs, sometimes these people are even kicked out of the group. PvE players do the same thing.


In short, it happens all over the game.


Basic WZs in this game are pretty simple to play. If you want to learn to be a tank better, simply get a few pointers on google.


Also, were you wearing high-rated gear? Be sure it's low enough to give you full or close to full expertise. 148s used to do well enough, but I believe you can wear higher now and still get almost full expertise.

Edited by arunav
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Yesterday I am just trying to score some points for my conquest stuff, I am a PVE player so I suck at PVP, so I joined one of the PVP events to score some points and this PVPer gets on his mighty horse whispering me that I suck, that I dont know how to tank and I need to learn my class and then puts me on ignore so I cannot answer him, was that stupid or what?


You all PVPers need to understand that we PVE players are forced now to do PVP to be able to achieve the conquest points so deal with our inability to be awesome as you are. :D


Some random guy in a WZ gave you a ration of ****, just like you'd receive if you wore bad PVP gear in a PUG Op and sucked, and it's worth starting a thread and lecturing everyone who PVPs.... lol ok. :rak_09:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Raiders wouldn't stand for it if us 32k PvP geared people joined their NiM Palace ops run, but the difference is that they get a choice and can kick said person.


The other difference is that you'd be totally welcome in a story mode op with that gear, but I dont have an option to queue for pvp with ungeared people only.


The better your PvP gear is, the better it is for PvE as well.

The better your PvE gear is, the worse it becomes in PvP... makes no sense.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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You are not "Forced" to PvP.

And PvE players need to understand.. Warzones are essentially all we have. When you join a game with your 700 Expertise and have absolutely no idea how to play, you greatly reduce our chance of a win.

We have every right to be upset.


The least you can do is read the god damn objectives before you run around aimlessly attacking people for the sake of it.



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People that only pvp whine more than anyone. Even doing unranked wz. Ill get into the area after loading in with my 40k hp op and someone ALWAYS says something about stupid pve rs. Then i stay in my pve gear just as a f u. Even though i have full expertise gear and mostly brutilizer. Personally i think people that only pvp get butt hurt because they can't figure out pve mechanichs and are jealous of my blinky gold gear.
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From time to time I'm obliged to jump into a WZ then drop it just to be able to get rid of the PvP flag.

It's simpler to go to your stronghold for a couple of minutes, sell trash, and, if you get a GTN terminal, put up all the non-trash stuff you've picked up for a better return than vendoring. You can then get back to exactly where you were afterwords too.


However, as has been said, PVP (both traditional and GSF) has been massively emphasized by Bioware for Conquests, so it's hardly surprising that people a lot of people that hate PVP will nevertheless queue up and blunder around aimlessly for 5-15 minutes for their points.

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I dont leech I fight when I am in arenas, two problems against me now, lag and I cannot move as quick as some of those little monkeys jumpers around me, how that heck they move so fats and jump so high is beyond me, lol, but I am an old fuddy daddy :D :D
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The other difference is that you'd be totally welcome in a story mode op with that gear, but I dont have an option to queue for pvp with ungeared people only.


The better your PvP gear is, the better it is for PvE as well.

The better your PvE gear is, the worse it becomes in PvP... makes no sense.


PvE gear is better for PvE.

PvP gear is better for PvP.


Otherwise. The NiM raidig guilds would rule PvP with gear not relevant to that content.


It makes perfect sense.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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I dont leech I fight when I am in arenas, two problems against me now, lag and I cannot move as quick as some of those little monkeys jumpers around me, how that heck they move so fats and jump so high is beyond me, lol, but I am an old fuddy daddy :D :D


Stack more presence, it'll help you jump higher and key turn faster.

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Some of you are so disconnected from the game it is not even funny. Lets elaborate. PVP-ers complain there are no pops and not enough people queuing for warzones. 'OMG OMG OMG cross server pops' this is the solution to everything. You wanna end world hunger? A pvp-er will say the solution is cross server pops.


I am on TOFN, the poo poo hole of this game, and what the OP is reporting happens every warzone. PVP-ers are uber and PVE-ers are lower than whale poo in this game. TOFN has a few pve guilds with exceptional PVP players who don't pvp 24/7 but they are quite good when they do. They get into a warzone and all they see is '**** pve hero, scrub, carry me, go back to your crappy ops, etc, etc'.



As the founder of the Alliance, seeing this behaviour from PVP guilds towards the new population who was actually giving insta ranked pops on TOFN, we discouraged joining PVP. Nobody wants to join a warzone and end up insulted. Oh and nowadays, things are taken to a whole new level where people are mocking us in warzones based on our facebook profiles or pictures we posted here. I myself have been told a few times that my mom should have had an abortion , etc, etc.



Edited by Leafy_Bug
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