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PvP Gear....what?


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You keep saying this, but that doesn't make it true.


I;ve been juggling 3 toons lately, all on varying degrees of pvp gear (one almost done, other's just a few pieces) and I have 2018 expertise on all of them. One toon even has conqueror relics, main and offhand and still has 2018 expertise because the expertise values haven't changed since Conq/Partisan.


If you can, show screenies of each piece of gear outside of warzones, that will be the best way to identify where bolster is shorting your expertise.


I will when I get home tonight. This character is a fresh 55, and I haven't changed out a mod or armoring or enhancement on any piece of gear...he had full level 50 flashpoint gear (with the exception of lightsabers), and I have replaced earpiece, both implants, wrist slot, and both relics with Obroan (entire left side of the gear screen). The only items with 'mix an match' would be my two lightsabers...the character is artifice so I have the level 53 crafted hilts in both, and the level 50 mods and enhancements from the Makeb vendor. Helmet, chest, gloves, belt, legs and boots are all purple level 50 flashpoint drops. I don't have 2018 expertise.

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The only conclusion I can come to is that I'm getting less bolster with each piece of pvp gear I add. While my expertise is going up from zero on my character sheet outside of warzones, its actually going down from 2018 once I get inside.




Bolster goes by a piece by piece basis. Bolster will not give more expertise per piece than PvP gear has per piece. In the case of mainhand/offhand bolster caps out below PvP in terms of expertise.


This is proven, many people have exhaustively tested bolster, Bolster does not work in the manner you are describing. While there are several obscure combinations of PvE gear that give a marginal (i.e 1% or less difference) stat boost (note PvE stats) over Obroan, there is nothing like what you are describing.


The only way what you are saying could be true is if the PvE pieces you are using where augmented while your PvP gear you replaced it with was not. Otherwise you are mistaken.


but please provide some various screenshots and maybe a list of the specific gear pieces you had, and maybe we can explain what is going on.

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The only items with 'mix an match' would be my two lightsabers...the character is artifice so I have the level 53 crafted hilts in both


Are they 148's or 156's (blue or purple) and did you just recently change them when you noticed this expertise drop? I only ask because I'm not sure myself if the 156 pve is okay to use with bolster or not. I never had higher than blue 148's on anything. Are you using expertise crystals (bad) or crit/power/endurance (good)?

Edited by Ridickilis
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The only way what you are saying could be true is if the PvE pieces you are using where augmented while your PvP gear you replaced it with was not. Otherwise you are mistaken.



Both of the implants that I replaced with Obroan were augmented. Would that matter?

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Are they 148's or 156's (blue or purple) and did you just recently change them when you noticed this expertise drop? I only ask because I'm not sure myself if the 156 pve is okay to use with bolster or not. I never had higher than blue 148's on anything. Are you using expertise crystals (bad) or crit/power/surge (good)?


Crafted hilts, so level 53, blue 148, if I remember right? Purple level 50 mods and enhancements from Makeb vendor. I've had these since level 53. I'm pretty sure they both have the +41 crit crystals, I'll have to check when I get home from work.

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Both of the implants that I replaced with Obroan were augmented. Would that matter?


No, not for expertise. Bolster ignores augments. So yeah your stats will be down a little (the difference between auged and unauged) but the expertise will still be the same.


Crafted hilts, so level 53, blue 148, if I remember right? Purple level 50 mods and enhancements from Makeb vendor. I've had these since level 53. I'm pretty sure they both have the +41 crit crystals, I'll have to check when I get home from work.


Then it's not that. Just make sure every piece of non pvp gear has zero expertise on it, that's the easiest check.

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No, I like the bolster. I started learning before Conquest (and I don't participate in Conquest deliberately), and without it, I would have no chance whatsoever. As pathetic as I am, I do really like the chance to play, because, call me weird, I like these wargames. Bolster was there from far before Bio tried to bring the PvP to the forefront through the Conquest system, and it is the only thing that gives a newb a chance. And being a newb, I am all for John Lennon's attitude towards giving chances.


Yes, I understand, the advice is also to start from L10 onward (and I did), but frankly, on my now L15 character, against a character in his/hers late 20'ies, I can't do much, as my class abilities are not there & I have very little to show for my AC.


Which feels just like my L52 character when I only started. The only advantage is that I have a better knowledge of the maps.


EDIT: And, I for one, can't believe how easy is to get the PvP gear. It's there to buy for participation. WOOT! No need to pay horrendous costs that PvE gear carries, or subject yourself to nightmarish difficulty very long uphill struggles that are stressful to the core, and in addition take a risk of not even being able to finish it and be stuck with expenses only, and no rewards! PvP is super-fair compared to that!


+1 for the John Lennon reference.

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Okay, I am just back from my daily warzones load, and the 5th piece of the Obroan (MH) brought me back up & my stats look good, actually. Now, it's just the tricky part. And, my Obroan MH beat my all 156's gun with a 41 Warhawk by every stat significantly save fo rthe 39 points of power (of course). So I pulled purple augment from Flashy which I was wielding since Ord Mantell (sorry, Riggs!) and we are in business of not having to swap gear. Wee!


So, hang in there, OP! It gets better!

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Bolster goes by a piece by piece basis. Bolster will not give more expertise per piece than PvP gear has per piece. In the case of mainhand/offhand bolster caps out below PvP in terms of expertise.


This is proven, many people have exhaustively tested bolster, Bolster does not work in the manner you are describing. While there are several obscure combinations of PvE gear that give a marginal (i.e 1% or less difference) stat boost (note PvE stats) over Obroan, there is nothing like what you are describing.


The only way what you are saying could be true is if the PvE pieces you are using where augmented while your PvP gear you replaced it with was not. Otherwise you are mistaken.


but please provide some various screenshots and maybe a list of the specific gear pieces you had, and maybe we can explain what is going on.


Ok, 55 Assassin, no augmented gear - all gear is stock the way it was dropped/bought, with the exception of moving mods and armorings to a different shell:


Head 162

Chest 156

Gloves 162

Belt 162

Legs 156

Boots 156

Wrist 162


All came from Oricon/bought from FP vendor, gloves from Terror from the Deep


The rest is Obroan - earpiece, both implants, relics, Weapon, Focus


Expertise on Fleet - 1050

Expertise in WZ - 2001.


I know i had 2018 on this guy before I started putting on the Obroan gear




55 Marauder, both augmented Lightsaber


Head 146

Chest 146

Gloves 146

Belt 140

Legs 146

Boots 146


both Mainhand and offhand have 156 hilt 146 mod, 116 enhancement, 124 augment

No expertise on any of the above gear


Rest is Obroan - earpiece, both implants, both relics, wrist slot


Expertise on Fleet - 777

Expertise in WZ - 1936



So something's off with bolster, or that 140 is messing me up, but its not bolstering me correctly according to what you're saying.


Edit - on Marauder, replaced belt with Obroan, Expertise on fleet went up to 886, Expertise in WZ stayed the same, 1936.

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Ok, 55 Assassin, no augmented gear - all gear is stock the way it was dropped/bought, with the exception of moving mods and armorings to a different shell:


Head 162

Chest 156

Gloves 162

Belt 162

Legs 156

Boots 156

Wrist 162


All came from Oricon/bought from FP vendor, gloves from Terror from the Deep


The rest is Obroan - earpiece, both implants, relics, Weapon, Focus


Expertise on Fleet - 1050

Expertise in WZ - 2001.


I know i had 2018 on this guy before I started putting on the Obroan gear




55 Marauder, both augmented Lightsaber


Head 146

Chest 146

Gloves 146

Belt 140

Legs 146

Boots 146


both Mainhand and offhand have 156 hilt 146 mod, 116 enhancement, 124 augment

No expertise on any of the above gear


Rest is Obroan - earpiece, both implants, both relics, wrist slot


Expertise on Fleet - 777

Expertise in WZ - 1936



So something's off with bolster, or that 140 is messing me up, but its not bolstering me correctly according to what you're saying.


Edit - on Marauder, replaced belt with Obroan, Expertise on fleet went up to 886, Expertise in WZ stayed the same, 1936.


Your mainhand needs to be full expertise pieces if you want to hit 2018. And if you didn't have pvp mainhand and offhand before you only had 1936 expertise.


All PvE pieces that are below the rating of the current PvP teir bolster to indentical expertise values as PvP gear. The exception to this rule is the mainhand/offhand, as bolster won't give you the 41 expertise you would normally get from PvP crystals. Note: 2018 - 41 -41 = 1936

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Are you sure your getting less expertise with partial PVP gear OP? I'm currently getting 1936 expertise with 6 pieces of PVP gear and 8 pieces of PVE gear. I have NEVER lost any expertise as I have incrementally swapped out my PVE gear for PVP gear one slot at a time. It has stayed exactly at 1936 as I have added each new piece of PVP gear.
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Are you sure your getting less expertise with partial PVP gear OP? I'm currently getting 1936 expertise with 6 pieces of PVP gear and 8 pieces of PVE gear. I have NEVER lost any expertise as I have incrementally swapped out my PVE gear for PVP gear one slot at a time. It has stayed exactly at 1936 as I have added each new piece of PVP gear.


Yes, listed it all above, although Zoom explained it pretty well. Not sure why my assassin is sitting at 2001 expertise though.

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Yes, listed it all above, although Zoom explained it pretty well. Not sure why my assassin is sitting at 2001 expertise though.


check all your pieces. When bolster does its calculations its done per piece, but for moddable pieces it takes a average of the ratings of the mods inside (excluding augments) I'm guessing you probably have a rouge arkanian or underworld mod hiding in one of your pieces.


Although it really doesn't matter, the difference between 2001 and 2018 is like 0.1%

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check all your pieces. When bolster does its calculations its done per piece, but for moddable pieces it takes a average of the ratings of the mods inside (excluding augments) I'm guessing you probably have a rouge arkanian or underworld mod hiding in one of your pieces.


Although it really doesn't matter, the difference between 2001 and 2018 is like 0.1%




You can't run full 3x162 on a particular piece, otherwise bolster nerfs the EXP given. The cutoff is approx 470 rating, when combining three slots, but also varies depending if you have any slots over 162 rating(which nerfs EXP harder regardless if you are around the 470 rating). You can run like a 162/156/150 build and get max EXP. That actually is slightly more favorable than Obroan, without considering set boni.

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Its because bolster is comparing your overall gear rating and adjusting for it. It will go back up as you replace more pve pieces with pvp gear.


Yeah I figured it was something like this. I am running a balance sage in 162+ gear and full 28 resolve augments and I've just started pvping again. I've actually been doing well, in part due to the fact that I sort of know my build and class, but also because I'm in a halfway decent pve suit and bolster is doing the rest.


I've got 3 obroan pieces, I should have 6 here in a day or so, 2-3 augmented so far. My plan right now is to wait until I have a full augmented suit before switching. For every pve piece I swap out for an obroan piece I take a major hit in willpower and it seems from what I'm reading here my bolster will go down too.


I wish they would just scrap the whole pvp gear model. I get that not all of us have access to a NiM raids, but trying to figure out the min/max on expertise vs. power. vs mainstat is just friggin painful.

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check all your pieces. When bolster does its calculations its done per piece, but for moddable pieces it takes a average of the ratings of the mods inside (excluding augments) I'm guessing you probably have a rouge arkanian or underworld mod hiding in one of your pieces.


Although it really doesn't matter, the difference between 2001 and 2018 is like 0.1%


Nah, everything is as it came, and most of my gear there came from Oricon.




You can't run full 3x162 on a particular piece, otherwise bolster nerfs the EXP given. The cutoff is approx 470 rating, when combining three slots, but also varies depending if you have any slots over 162 rating(which nerfs EXP harder regardless if you are around the 470 rating). You can run like a 162/156/150 build and get max EXP. That actually is slightly more favorable than Obroan, without considering set boni.


Ok, I think I follow this. I'm a bit of a simpleton when it comes to this kind of stuff.

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Nah, everything is as it came, and most of my gear there came from Oricon.




Ok, I think I follow this. I'm a bit of a simpleton when it comes to this kind of stuff.


Yeah 470 item rating is the magic number. Don't go over that or you are nerfing your EXP from bolster. The next magic number will be around 490, so hold on to those PvE pieces. They will be second best at the next gear change.

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if partial pvp gear is bad then riddle me this, why do i get full bolster with half pvp gear, half 45 blue mods? if you are getting full bolster without pvp gear, adding pvp wont lower your expertise (unless of course you add lvl 50 recruit gear or gear with expertise on it from the vendor by the terminal). the only way this is possible is if you have 51 or higher gear, that gear doesnt get a full bolster like gear under 50 does. the best suggestion i can give to people when they hit 55 is to have 45 blues in all slots, get main/offhand first, earpiece, implants, relics. after that you will still be getting full bolster and as you add the set pieces you will still get full expertise with an addition of a set bonus. Edited by thatPERSON
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Get a set of orange gear you like, augment it and throw the obroan mods into that gear and trade in the shell later for a brut. And really, unless you plan on doing ranked you only need obroan. The jump between obroan and brut is minimal.


can min-max obroan though..the stats are awful as any other commendation item

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