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No title for conqueroring CZ-198, big game breaking bug for this week.


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Up you go thread!


I am hoping to hear about a fix today or a at least a word about retroactive title plus making it count for overall conquests. :o


Same here, I'm hoping they will throw it in with 2.10 tomorrow, or at least retroactively award it with 2.10.1 later. Just hearing something more about this would be nice though.

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Same here, I'm hoping they will throw it in with 2.10 tomorrow, or at least retroactively award it with 2.10.1 later. Just hearing something more about this would be nice though.


For sake of those going all out.


I really hope developers understand the push those two guilds have gone through this week (with massive scores on low bonus CZ). These guilds have really gone all out war with this one and burned through massive amounts of credits and materials (speculation). Luckily, we didn't have that serious competition on our CZ, so we didn't even really start crafting. Still, we'd hate to lose a week just because of, well, DERP.



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Maybe it is a secret achievement.


Such drive to stay positive! Developers are busy, 2.10 and all. I suppose I feel entitled when I think supposedly broken conquest system needed an immediate reply from developers. At least Tait responded and took it further. Thanks for that!


As for no developer response?


I am starting to sound like a broken record. Many guilds have blown through resources they have taken a long time to acquire based an assumption, possibly for naught. Now, I am curious to know how long it takes from someone who can make a decision to say "It's part of conquests" or "it's not part of conquests" even if the fix would take a month.


It's not like it's one or two active crybabies moaning about hood toggle through years, but actual guilds working hard to achieve something on every single server. It's as if someone missed most important page while reading "how to not screw up communication with your customers".


Pretty sure our 18+mil Conquest score for CZ is highest yet in Conquest. Hoping for some love from Devs! Let the WOOKs Win!

With least bonuses on CZ! Huge achievement! On other note: How many guild members of yours would be hugely disappointed if Czerka would not count KloudyKlaw?

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Seriously, the lack of communication from the developers in regards to this issue is a definite sign of disrespect. The work, time, effort, and dedication of many players to conquer CZ-198 went to nothing when this bug remained after Tuesdays 2.10 patch. Very disappointed with your company on the lack of consideration. The reply of "we will look into it" is was taken by many as dismissive.
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Seriously, the lack of communication from the developers in regards to this issue is a definite sign of disrespect. The work, time, effort, and dedication of many players to conquer CZ-198 went to nothing when this bug remained after Tuesdays 2.10 patch. Very disappointed with your company on the lack of consideration. The reply of "we will look into it" is was taken by many as dismissive.


They have to be P.C. with their responses. They may be so busy that it's their protocol droids responding. "Thank you for your patience." would cause you to throw your computer, so at least we get the cool smooth 'looking into it'. There's no disrespect if they fix this, which would be common sense for them to do so. If not, we'll just get the devs drunk at cantina events and get them to spill secrets :D

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