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Everything posted by EfrainLara

  1. Well as of this morning and now is broken again Eric get your Devs on it!! LOL
  2. So given the state of Operative/Scoundrel Heals; and given the abilities that Mercs (Responsive Safe guards) and Sorc (Force Barrier)... Was that so called bug (or what many called it in the streets as "the Operative Oh Sh*T button heal") needed to be fixed? // As suggestion of course: A "re-name" of that or a designated utility for it should of sufficed. I really don't understand what goes on the mind of the SWTOR Combat Team. Is it that you guys just sit there and listen to who ever it is there from the "PvP Community" cry about something.. regarding a class then you proceed to hurry up and reverse it, butcher or "so call quick fix"? Do you guys realize how much that just ruins a class for PvE Content?? Please before making sudden fixes review everything, compare what the other classes have! before "balancing"... This gives the perception to many players of the classical "F you", to whoever plays the Operative Scoundrel Class. Take time listen to real feedback before making drastic changes... You introduce the Command Rank System to allegedly even the playing field with the casual player right? The casual player doesn't play the operative scoundrel doing 11K EHPS (effective heals per second)... my 2 cents...im sure the "super clear content elite player" will respond by.. "oh oh the Operatives are still viable etc etc...classic Forum dweller response none the less
  3. After patch 5,1 I've noticed that the shield percentage has been dramatically reduced on my Sin tank? was that intended?? no one saw a need for that!, I believe that nerf was for deception/infiltration (DPS). please fix this is totally killing the class, while other tanks still kept their values. I believe they have also raise the force cost for tank attacks? what is going on >Dev Combat Team<? -Thanks
  4. sitting here ready all the support this post is getting makes me really happy, for once as a server we are uniting against this ill conceived system, that intended for some to "Even the Playing Filed" as they said... Look you can sit here and comment how crafting this and that is making you cope with this atrocious decision by the Developers or Board Members, fact of the matter is people don't play this game to sell junk in the GTN and make a quick buck!. Quality players keep leaving and a large amount of players are feeling alienated. I'm glad that at least the Role Players and Story Mode dwellers are loving this patch and getting some love (at least somewhat) but lets face it, the raiders of this game and PvPers got shafted on this one #endCommandRankGambling #raidingislife #EricMusco vouch for us!! IT IS NOT ENOUGH!
  5. I couldn't agree more, with this system the game that I love is unfortunately losing its luster.
  6. I agree completely this is totally killing the game, I'm very sure this RNG "Thrill of the Hunt" (as they said LAUGHING in the stream) Command crate is broken!! there is no way in hell this is working as intended. STOP LAUGHING AT me for spending my hard earned money on this game in subscription for the game that I love. What you did in that stream with that "thrill of the hunt" comment was disrespectful! 150 Cmd Rank and nothing to show for it! Musco ***?! thanks:mad:
  7. totally agree, the requirement of Legend standing during the Green Enclave Event in order to obtain an item that used to be accessible to all players while doing End game questing in previous versions of the game seems unfair. Now I could understand charging 50 matrixes for the schematic, but restricting players in accessing game content where skill is involved is a bit harsh. Hopefully Eric and Tait can give us a little insight on the matter soon. Thanks
  8. The big question here, will this stuff be legacy?
  9. Seriously, the lack of communication from the developers in regards to this issue is a definite sign of disrespect. The work, time, effort, and dedication of many players to conquer CZ-198 went to nothing when this bug remained after Tuesdays 2.10 patch. Very disappointed with your company on the lack of consideration. The reply of "we will look into it" is was taken by many as dismissive.
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