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Resource Exhaustion is bad system


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What is a point of this thing? Its only second conquest week but ive already got 10+ different utility-crafting decorations but most of time i can click only one of them and only once in 4 hours and get 2-3 resources so most of time its just once a normal day.


Isnt its stupid? For crafting i need much more and i can get x20 more resources in 15 minutes planet farming.


(also in a same time i can create 22 characters and log in them all to get resources cause Resource Exhaustion binds to character)

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What is a point of this thing? Its only second conquest week but ive already got 10+ different utility-crafting decorations but most of time i can click only one of them and only once in 4 hours and get 2-3 resources so most of time its just once a normal day.


Isnt its stupid? For crafting i need much more and i can get x20 more resources in 15 minutes planet farming.


(also in a same time i can create 22 characters and log in them all to get resources cause Resource Exhaustion binds to character)

I agree but I can understand where they are coming from. They don't want you to put down 50 slicing lockboxes in a row and just click through them whenever you want. At this point, the gathering nodes in strongholds are merely decorations. :(

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I agree but I can understand where they are coming from. They don't want you to put down 50 slicing lockboxes in a row and just click through them whenever you want. At this point, the gathering nodes in strongholds are merely decorations. :(

Yeah but it must be close to gathering on planets with like 3-5 min CD.

Maybe Bioware did mustake and its not 4 hours but 4 minutes? :rolleyes:

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The decorations are worth it, because even with the four hour debuff you get free materials and credit boxes just for logging in and checking the GTN with your alts. Having said that, I do find the debuff chance slightly too high and the debuff duration slightly too long.


And to make matters worse, the nodes themselves have internal cooldowns, too - so if you scan your encrypted terminal on one character, log out and load another that was parked at the same spot, you can't scan - yet. It takes a few minutes for this internal cooldown to wear off.

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I agree but I can understand where they are coming from. They don't want you to put down 50 slicing lockboxes in a row and just click through them whenever you want. At this point, the gathering nodes in strongholds are merely decorations. :(


This may very well be part of the reason, And I don't think it's too long, I had the luck to get a Perfect Upari decoration node and with about 8 alts managed to get over 100 regular and just over 20 Perfect Upari in a single day. This is about the same amount I'd get from a typical farming run on Belsavis,


Imagine if the cooldown was any shorter and you could click one of each of the different types of node, the market would get flooded.

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The decorations are worth it, because even with the four hour debuff you get free materials and credit boxes just for logging in and checking the GTN .

What differens in that "Free materials" compare to planetary ones? I can log off alts there and log in every 5 min to get materials faster and much more of them. If im really need GTM from alt on planet i can jump to stronghold and then jump back in exact same point.


Ive got 15 crafting decorations and i can click only one of them for poor 3-6 resources once in 4 hours.


This may very well be part of the reason, And I don't think it's too long, I had the luck to get a Perfect Upari decoration node and with about 8 alts managed to get over 100 regular and just over 20 Perfect Upari in a single day. This is about the same amount I'd get from a typical farming run on Belsavis,


Imagine if the cooldown was any shorter and you could click one of each of the different types of node, the market would get flooded.

Imagine fariming grade 2 rsources with that. And you mentioned alts.. so bioware wants us to create 22 alts and log in - log out them each 4 hours?

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I wish we had "empty" crafting decorations - I bought about twelve crystal decorations just for the looks(I don't need crystals, but my crystal cave with a fountain is amazing), but it's quite pricey.


As for the decorations, I have nine decorations of one material I need, three in each strongholds. Enough for all of my alts. :)


Btw, are there any grade 9 crafting decorations? Haven't seen any yet, or I'd use those.

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They are decorations I can harvest mats from, as opposed to all the decorations I can't harvest mats from. I like the look of some of the crystal formations, and use them for their aesthetic appeal. Getting mats from them is a bonus.


The four hour lockout per character for gathering mats from the decorations is all about preventing players from using the decorations as a significant source of mats. The crafting decoration mats are a small bonus. Anyone crafting will still need to run crew skill missions, and gather mats from planets.

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I wish we had "empty" crafting decorations - I bought about twelve crystal decorations just for the looks(I don't need crystals, but my crystal cave with a fountain is amazing), but it's quite pricey.


As for the decorations, I have nine decorations of one material I need, three in each strongholds. Enough for all of my alts. :)


Btw, are there any grade 9 crafting decorations? Haven't seen any yet, or I'd use those.


I personally have gotten a carbonic crystal mine cart (archeology grade 9 power crystal), and a friend has one for the mythra (grade 9 scavenging metal). The slicing nodes encrypted terminal (grade 9 btw) and the security mainframe are much better for decorations than the other slicing nodes of a lockbox on a pedestal. The former is a large pillar with a control panel, and the latter resembles a large fireproof safe.



I wish the other gathering nodes were as unique as those two.

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I wish the other gathering nodes were as unique ...

I like the look of that decoration.


This week is the first time I received the personal Conquests rewards. Are the Conquests gathering node rewards based soley on RNG? Do I have a chance at different gathering nodes as rewards in future personal Conquests? Or, do the types of gathering node Conquest rewards differ based on whether it is a personal or guild Conquest reward.

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And to make matters worse, the nodes themselves have internal cooldowns, too - so if you scan your encrypted terminal on one character, log out and load another that was parked at the same spot, you can't scan - yet. It takes a few minutes for this internal cooldown to wear off.


The internal node cooldown is indeed ridiculous, especially considering how easy it is to circumvent it. They should remove the node cooldown and stick to the character debuff.

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I agree with the OP.


I hit a grade 1 scavenging decoration with my maxed out scavenging character, i got a couple of mats, about what I would for hitting a planetary node... and i couldn't use ANY other resource node on that character for 4 hours. What the hell?

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Yep very bad system. I can see how it's *supposed* to work, but we're nowhere near that. It's a double penalty. You have your 4 hour loot penalty, and you can drain the item after ?? amount of times.


So you'd need like 4 of everything for the guild to be able to harvest like one stack per day... woooooooow :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Yep very bad system. I can see how it's *supposed* to work, but we're nowhere near that. It's a double penalty. You have your 4 hour loot penalty, and you can drain the item after ?? amount of times.


So you'd need like 4 of everything for the guild to be able to harvest like one stack per day... woooooooow :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


One time.


I keep over harvesting each time, even when it is a node my character would be able to harvest on a planet

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  • 2 weeks later...
The decorations are worth it, because even with the four hour debuff you get free materials and credit boxes just for logging in and checking the GTN with your alts. Having said that, I do find the debuff chance slightly too high and the debuff duration slightly too long.


And to make matters worse, the nodes themselves have internal cooldowns, too - so if you scan your encrypted terminal on one character, log out and load another that was parked at the same spot, you can't scan - yet. It takes a few minutes for this internal cooldown to wear off.


If the node appears unclickable on an alt, just go into decorating mode, pick up and put it back down, and click on it - it works. I cycle all 11 of my toons to gather the mats every 4 hours. These nodes are well well worth it.

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The decorations are worth it, because even with the four hour debuff you get free materials and credit boxes just for logging in and checking the GTN with your alts. Having said that, I do find the debuff chance slightly too high and the debuff duration slightly too long.


And to make matters worse, the nodes themselves have internal cooldowns, too - so if you scan your encrypted terminal on one character, log out and load another that was parked at the same spot, you can't scan - yet. It takes a few minutes for this internal cooldown to wear off.


I'm pretty sure that's a bug, not an "internal cooldown". I had unclickable nodes here and there as well but what settled the issue on what was really going on was this:


* 5 of my characters had previously been left logged out in my stronghold, the rest had been left logged out on fleet

* I was cycling through characters to collect from my color crystal nodes and hit those 5 characters all in a row.

* 1st of the 5 = nothing was unclickable.

* 2nd of the 5 = node harvested by 1st character was unclickable.

* 3rd of the 5 = nodes harvested by 1st and 2nd characters were both unclickable.

* 4th of the 5 = nodes harvested by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd characters were all unclickable.

* 5th of the 5 = nodes harvested by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th characters were all unclickable.

* 1st character that logged in on fleet and then traveled to the stronghold = nodes harvested by all 5 previous characters were suddenly all clickable again. ALL of them, perfectly fine.

* Every character after that was able to use any node they wanted to with no problems. Nothing else ever became unclickable as I cycled through them.


I've also encountered this problem when a friend with a key has been in my stronghold while I'm cycling or if I'm hanging around in there on one of my characters while my friend goes through and sends a couple different ones in. Harvested nodes become unclickable and they can remain that way so long as somebody with a key remains in the place. You can of course just simply pick up the node and place it down again, like someone mentioned. But without doing that the fix is to make sure you don't load into the same stronghold two times in a row (make sure there's a load into anywhere else in between visits to that stronghold).

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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These really shine when you have a lot of alts, or several guildies using them at the same time. A single character will get to harvest 1-5 times depending on RNG and each time through yields 2-4 of the mat. If you have 10 alts it will usually yield 50 or so of the mat per round..could be a bit less or a lot more depending on RNG. If you have these items on your ship you can have every guild member cycle through alts and quickly have 2 or 3 stacks of any material you need in a matter of 10-20min.
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I'm pretty sure that's a bug, not an "internal cooldown".


More commentary on this point: Sometime within the last 24 hours my Nar Shaddaa stronghold caught a bug where it always thinks there is one more person in the stronghold than is actually there. (It's not someone that I've given a key to. I've only given keys to one player's characters and when she's on any of them it shows that there's someone besides us in there. I also tried setting this stronghold back to private but it didn't affect the phantom guest.) And this bug has put the unclickable nodes bug into overdrive.


About 4-5 hours ago I had cycled through all of my characters harvesting nodes, and every node I touched was becoming unclickable because of the phantom guest that it thinks is hiding out somewhere. I did not pick up and re-place unclickable nodes. I left them all alone. And now, after enough time has passed that all of my exhaustions have worn off, the phantom guest is still being counted and EVERY node that I had clicked is still unclickable.


You cannot tell me that there is any sort of internal cooldown going on with these nodes / that this is not bugged behavior. If there was some sort of timer, my previous observations (like with the cycle I described previously) would suggest something closer to 5 minutes, not 5 hours.


The previous solution to the unlickable nodes (aside from removing them) of making sure I don't load directly into the stronghold (loading instead into anywhere else first and then traveling to the stronghold) does not work with this phantom in there. Its presence is maintaining the bugged state of the nodes indefinitely.

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Ugh. It's how many hours since my previous post? I've left the unclickable nodes alone (instead of just picking them up to place them down again) to see if they'll ever sort themselves out and, thanks to this phantom guest that the system apparently thinks has been in my stronghold all day, every single node that I harvested from last night is STILL unclickable right now. (edit: about 10 hours since my previous post / 14-15 hours since I harvested these nodes) Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this has been brought up yet, but I have found another "bad system" aspect. If you're in a group with a buddy and you're both in the stronghold, it makes you roll for the drop if one of your harvests - but you BOTH get the debuff. The first time this happened we both declined and were going to drop group and do it individually. The result? We both got the exhaustion debuff and the resource vanished. Stupid, stupid, stupid...


Don't make us roll for them in a group and for Pete's sake, don't apply the debuff to people who are minding their own business when a group member tries to use a node!


Edit: Also, if you're scanning the item and you're interrupted, you can still get the debuff and NO resource. At least tie it to whether or not you get anything if you must keep it.

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I hadn't noticed the shared exhaustion application happening with it but I have also seen it rolling for resources when a friend was grouped with me and harvested from nodes in my stronghold. With or without that spreading exhaustion like a pvp flag (err, I mean plague) though, I agree that it's extremely silly to put that up for a roll.


On a similar note though, going back before the introduction of strongholds I have noticed some odd behavior with slicing nodes out in the wild when myself and another group member both had slicing. It did not make us roll for the credit boxes but it did have them on a group loot bind timer and warn upon opening them that it wouldn't be possible to trade the items to other players after using them.

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They definitely erred on the side of waaaay too conservative with these utility resources. It only starts to become a productive use of your time if you've got, say, 16 characters, at which point you can spend 20 minutes cycling through them to earn maybe...100k (average # harvests = 1.5, average harvest amount = 3, good sell price = 1500/unit). That's not bad. Not fun, though I suppose some would say it's at least as fun as running dailies, and probably slightly more profitable per time spent. But selling is a hassle owing to getting undercut, and a lot of the prices on the GTN are kind of fictional when you actually try to realize them as a seller.


The truth is, the materials market could actually use more inflow. I know it would suck a little for people who make their income this way, but as it is, the inflow on some items is still too low, meaning that prices are wildly erratic from day to day, meaning that it's very difficult to work out proper profit margins on crafted items. These stronghold utility items could have been a good way to give a necessary boost to the supply-side (think EVE Online, where basic materials prices barely waver and the player economy is very strong and stable), but as they are, they're mostly just nice as decorations at the moment.


My suggestion would be to decrease the debuff to about 2 hours (so you can use them twice in a casual player's gameplay window) and probably decrease the debuff chance, because right now, I can go through a roster of 8 characters and very commonly get exactly 8 harvests. It's pretty rare to get more than 1 harvest per character, actually. I was pretty generous above when I said it was 1.5 per character. Probably more like 1.25.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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