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Why do other players have so much fancy junk?


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Really wasn't sure how to make the topic title make any sense but that's my best shot. Anyway, I just started playing this today, and one thing I've noticed is that whenever I click on other players in Ord Mantell, it says they're a similar level to me (levels 7-10), and yet they appear to have a crap ton of stuff. Fancy armor (but not cartel coin stuff), speeder mounts (and no, I'm not mistaking the public fast travel bikes for the actual mounts), and companions. All stuff that looks like it would come from mid to late game.


So what's going on? Is there some "prestige" system where people revert back to level 1, or am I just going through this game totally wrong?

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One, this game is not call of duty and you do not revert back to lvl 1 its an MMO,


Two, most of the stuff you were asking about is from legacy or expansions or subbing


and third, you just stared today there is no game out there that would give you a massive amount of stuff on the first day so learn a bit of patience

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Here's some possible explanations for what you are seeing:


When I start a new alt, I buy green and/or blue quality armor on the GTN and mail it to them to use on the starter planet. It is cheap and easy to do, provided you have another character that is off their starter planet and not dirt poor. Such armor pieces also drop on the starter planets, but it is highly unlikely that you would get a full set while leveling, let alone to equip right as you meet the level requirements.


From time to time, Bioware has promotions where they give players free stuff like mounts and pets. These are mailed to every character they have and will ever create, and they really pile up over time! Mounts and pets that have been unlocked (for cartel coins) in Collections can also be claimed on all alts at any level.


Subscribers can get mount training as early as level 10 via Legacy character perks with Improved Speeder Piloting I.


As for Companions -- if it is a class Companion, they likely rushed through their class quests to get them a little early, is all. I think you may be able to unlock the optional, all-class Companion HK-47 on low level alts as well, if you have already completed the quest for him on another character.


Hope this helps. :)

Edited by Gwena
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One, this game is not call of duty and you do not revert back to lvl 1 its an MMO,


Two, most of the stuff you were asking about is from legacy or expansions or subbing


and third, you just stared today there is no game out there that would give you a massive amount of stuff on the first day so learn a bit of patience


Your hostility is unwarranted and your answer correspondingly unhelpful. I was clearly not asking for anything except a simple explanation for how low level characters get seemingly high level gear. Take your juvenile and confrontational attitude elsewhere.


Here's some possible explanations for what you are seeing:


When I start a new alt, I buy green and/or blue quality armor on the GTN and mail it to them to use on the starter planet. It is cheap and easy to do, provided you have another character that is off their starter planet and not dirt poor. Such armor pieces also drop on the starter planets, but it is highly unlikely that you would get a full set while leveling, let alone to equip right as you meet the level requirements.


From time to time, Bioware has promotions where they give players free stuff like mounts and pets. These are mailed to every character they have and will ever create, and they really pile up over time! Mounts and pets that have been unlocked (for cartel coins) in Collections can also be claimed on all alts at any level.


Subscribers can get mount training as early as level 10 via Legacy character perks with Improved Speeder Piloting I.


As for Companions -- if it is a class Companion, they likely rushed through their class quests to get them a little early, is all. I think you may be able to unlock the optional, all-class Companion HK-47 on low level alts as well, if you have already completed the quest for him on another character.


Hope this helps. :)


I had the feeling there was some kind of secondary way people were equipping their alts; there's no way I was just walking past all that good looking loot. That "Legacy" system explains it. Thank you for the detailed and polite answer. The other fellow should take notes.

Edited by SnakeTheFox
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Your hostility is unwarranted and your answer correspondingly unhelpful.

http://kolobok.us/smiles/standart/rofl.gif No matter how you slice the truth, it won't change the flavor.

Other people "have stuff" because they have it. Want a slice of theirs? Go ahead, try your teeth.

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One, this game is not call of duty and you do not revert back to lvl 1 its an MMO,


Two, most of the stuff you were asking about is from legacy or expansions or subbing


and third, you just stared today there is no game out there that would give you a massive amount of stuff on the first day so learn a bit of patience


Why so hostile?


He's only asking for help..


EDIT: Oops, someone already beat me to it.

Edited by WaldoA
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I have been playing this game off and on for a couple of years and one of the best things I have gotten was all the legacy gear crates


These crates are for any character created or will create and it contains adaptive gear for every slot and it looks pretty decent too.


I don't remember the circumstances but remember this:

Most of the "freebies" are cosmetic and lots of the perks are for players who have leveled each class past act 2 (this applies the legacy class buffs)

Sure they can be helpful but this game is not difficult to progress in- just take your time


I have created a new toon/new server from scratch because my server was dodgy the last couple of weeks and I will suggest the following advice- get three gathering crew skills (scavenging, archaeology, and slicing) go to the planet you are supposed to be on, do every quest and farm every node you find; google the swtor forums for tips re: crew skills; then return to your fleet to post your gathered materials for sale; keep your gear current for you and your comp with the planetary comms (quest rewards and drops) and fill any gaps by purchasing cheapo greens on gtn


The only other things you should ever buy (for now) are your class skills; repairs; and an adaptable speeder (you can find a cheapo speeder that will last all three speeder tiers for less than 10k)

Don't spend money; level your toon on planets and get a feel for the game and you will be well on your way


Hope this helps

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(but not cartel coin stuff), speeder mounts (and no, I'm not mistaking the public fast travel bikes for the actual mounts), and companions. All stuff that looks like it would come from mid to late game.


Most likely, if they have a speeder, they are lvl 10+. There used to be a bug that allowed people to take speeder training at level 1 via legacy unlock, but that was fixed. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


HK-47 can be unlocked at lvl 1 if you've completed the quest chain to get him.

Edited by JacksonMo
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Most likely, if they have a speeder, they are lvl 10+. There used to be a bug that allowed people to take speeder training at level 1 via legacy unlock, but that was fixed. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


HK-47 can be unlocked at lvl 1 if you've completed the quest chain to get him.


That is wrong. HK-47 isn't a companion in the game. You must mean HK-51. :p

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Your hostility is unwarranted and your answer correspondingly unhelpful. I was clearly not asking for anything except a simple explanation for how low level characters get seemingly high level gear. Take your juvenile and confrontational attitude elsewhere.


So should you. Look at what you started out with:


"Why do other players have so much fancy junk?" and "and yet they appear to have a crap ton of stuff. Fancy arrmor..."


and then you return with the above. That all sounds pretty hostile to me. When I first read your original post I thought here's a guy who is jealous and already angry at the game. As someone else said of your replier,


"Why so hostile?"


Well? Why so hostile?


You could just ask the question without resorting to "fancy junk" and "crap load of stuff." No wonder you solicit hostile replies in response. You started it.

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So should you. Look at what you started out with:


"Why do other players have so much fancy junk?" and "and yet they appear to have a crap ton of stuff. Fancy arrmor..."


and then you return with the above. That all sounds pretty hostile to me. When I first read your original post I thought here's a guy who is jealous and already angry at the game. As someone else said of your replier,


"Why so hostile?"


Well? Why so hostile?


You could just ask the question without resorting to "fancy junk" and "crap load of stuff." No wonder you solicit hostile replies in response. You started it.


Well said

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