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Need to remove stuns in PVP


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I think the stuns have got out of hand in PVP, when you can be stun-locked to death its just too much. The immunity to stuns after 2 doesn't work well enough to do any good, as it doesn't last any decent amount of time. Just make the stuns work as a slow downs or some other form of debuff, is how I would suggest they work, but stunned completely needs to go away in PVP.
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I think the stuns have got out of hand in PVP, when you can be stun-locked to death its just too much. The immunity to stuns after 2 doesn't work well enough to do any good, as it doesn't last any decent amount of time. Just make the stuns work as a slow downs or some other form of debuff, is how I would suggest they work, but stunned completely needs to go away in PVP.


You... haven't pvped for very long have you?... Not even going to bother to explain it to you. lol

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Stun, slows, roots are part of the game and serve a purpose.


But there are several consideration that should be thought of in regards to balance.


1. All classes should have the same number of stuns, slows, and roots; no one class should have the corner in this business.


2. All classes should have the same resistances to these effects, no one class should have an unfair advantage.


3. All classes should have the same ability to deliver these effects, not some that have an intantaneous ranged while others have to go melee ranged.


4. All classes should have the same ability to deliver dps, not some classes that can damage you while in the run remotely, while others are further handicapped by being limited to melee range, and other really abuzed classes being forced to stop and try to attack hoping not to be interrupted.


Finally there is playability


It is annoying being the victim of chain stun and gang murdered, which is the most frequent form of death in PvP, but on the other hand if a group of players work together to achieve the effect, what is wrong with that? Did they did not earn the right to do so?


Should this be considered for mitigation? Would be fair to mitigate? Would it be realistic to mitigate?


Somehow my conclusion is no, you walk down the street and 3 thugs jumps you, one hits you with a tazer, and as you begin to be able to move as they are beating you, another uses a jack and bumps you at the back of the head, and the three go on beating you up, finally the third one as you begin to recover pokes your eyes with his fingers, and shortly after that you die from the beating. So the question, is how can you say that since you were tazed, you should not be affected or not as long by the blow to the back of your head, and later since you been tazed and jacked, you are now immune to the eye poke? This does simply would not make sense.


One could possibly and validly argue over the durations of the stuns, slows and roots in their own merits, and perhaps having faster cooldowns o those abilities that lets you shrugg the effects, as is there are three forms of crowd control, but the average has one universal getout of jail free card. I would support have three get out of specific jail cards, so you can break out of a stun, slow or root independently.



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Stun, slows, roots are part of the game and serve a purpose.


But there are several consideration that should be thought of in regards to balance.


1. All classes should have the same number of stuns, slows, and roots; no one class should have the corner in this business.


2. All classes should have the same resistances to these effects, no one class should have an unfair advantage.


3. All classes should have the same ability to deliver these effects, not some that have an intantaneous ranged while others have to go melee ranged.


4. All classes should have the same ability to deliver dps, not some classes that can damage you while in the run remotely, while others are further handicapped by being limited to melee range, and other really abuzed classes being forced to stop and try to attack hoping not to be interrupted.


Finally there is playability


It is annoying being the victim of chain stun and gang murdered, which is the most frequent form of death in PvP, but on the other hand if a group of players work together to achieve the effect, what is wrong with that? Did they did not earn the right to do so?




Just wanted to quote you and point out that PvE still has mobs that have never been "fixed" like the classes due to the pvp stuns.


At 30+ meters my healer can be stun locked and there is no way i have a chance to even try to stun one of the mob back as I have to run 20 or more meters to get close enough, time that I am not healing.

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You... haven't pvped for very long have you?... Not even going to bother to explain it to you. lol


Hey buddy, kind of an arrogant comment coming from a guy who desires to do nothing but roll rp'ers in pvp all day, everyday. Maybe the reason you could not explain anything is you could not find information to copy and paste, much like the PVP guide you wrote that is just a plagiarized version of existing pvp pt guides.


I don't understand why you find a need to say crap to someone who disagrees with game design and hates to be stunned all the time, it is a forum that is hopefully looked at by devs so they can take note of the desires of the playerbase. Please don't think so highly of yourself, you are an above average pvper on an rp server, who's pvp community has been severely diluted. Wind the clock back to a time before many pvp'ers either lost interest or went to other servers to have competition and poof...no one knows who you are.


So have more patience please for posts as you are not awesome, and always remember...when in doubt say nothing, silence is golden.

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Only change I would like to see stuns is to have the crafted grenades with stun effects tied into a players skill set stuns. The other change I would like to see is to get rid of the resolve bar and just add an immunity to stuns to everyone's stun break that has the same duration as that you would get when your resolve bar fills. This way you control when you want to get your immunity to stuns or can have a chance to fight back.
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If you can`t take the heat stay out of warzones. L2p and make them pay for trying to kill you.

Endless stuns relly destroy my nerve cells, but what I hate more,when a commandos,ar a vanguard use "hold the line" and you can do practicaly nothing to them

Uhm you have no idea what hold the lines does...do you? all it does is make them immune to roots and knockbacks, they can still be stunned and mezzed during it


Only change I would like to see stuns is to have the crafted grenades with stun effects tied into a players skill set stuns. .

Grenades have a 3 minute cooldown+ if you have been hit by one you are immune to everybody elses grenades for the next 3 minutes. That sounds more then balanced to me.

Edited by iDraxter
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You... haven't pvped for very long have you?... Not even going to bother to explain it to you. lol


We got fresh meat! :D

L2P. You're gonna have to deal with a lot worse things in life than stuns in a video game. If you don't like it you're gonna have to stop playing PvP COMPLETELY :rolleyes:

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Hey buddy, kind of an arrogant comment coming from a guy who desires to do nothing but roll rp'ers in pvp all day, everyday. Maybe the reason you could not explain anything is you could not find information to copy and paste, much like the PVP guide you wrote that is just a plagiarized version of existing pvp pt guides.


I don't understand why you find a need to say crap to someone who disagrees with game design and hates to be stunned all the time, it is a forum that is hopefully looked at by devs so they can take note of the desires of the playerbase. Please don't think so highly of yourself, you are an above average pvper on an rp server, who's pvp community has been severely diluted. Wind the clock back to a time before many pvp'ers either lost interest or went to other servers to have competition and poof...no one knows who you are.


So have more patience please for posts as you are not awesome, and always remember...when in doubt say nothing, silence is golden.


Sorry but I GUARANTEE they will never remove stuns. EVER. They won't remove stuns from classes just because of this forum. And PvP isn't compulsory so if he doesn't like it he must stop playing PvP altogether.

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I have posted in the past that there is nothing wrong with having stuns, roots, and slows in the game; the real problem for PvP and PvE is that the resolution of these is that they automatically hit and affect, its worse in PvE where player's CC abilities are arbitrarely disregarded by mobs in the name of challenge (lasy way to obtain it).


What needs to be done, is for CC to be resistable, there needs to be a grey gradient, and not black and white type solution. To begin with make CCs a 50/50 deal, and then l et stat, gear, level differential shift the 50/50 chance accodingly. For instance each level difference is a 5% shift, each stat differential is a 1% differential, gear drives stats so they are already accounted for, but gear themselves may in the future have CC mitigation or enhancement as well, I could see a new slot in gear like an augment that can be placed to either enhance your attack or help you defend for example; thus making the game richer into itself.


For PvE purposes, silver mobs gets a 5% CC bonus to hit and defend, Golds get a 10% bonus, Platinums get a 15% bonus and named bosses gets a 20% bonus, above and beyond their level and stat benefits to make them challenging, but not arbitrarely challenging.


I would dare venture if the CC had a grey scale, the chain stuns, slows, roots would not be as devastating as they are now, they are kinda of a "I win" button for several classes, and an obvous "We Win" when ganking a player or victim.


I would further impact the effect duration of CCs, by the same proportions of the resistances, so even if you did manage to stun a player 5 levels higher than you, the duration of your stun would be 25% less long. The reverse is true too, a player with 5 levels higher than your, would stun you for 25% longer than had you been the same level.



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