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Everything posted by Aramich

  1. Aramich

    Question- Mods

    31X 52 endurance 69 willpower 41 expertise 57 power
  2. Excuse me if this kind of post has already been placed before mine, but I wonder, if it is possible to buy lvl 55 pvp gear for those who didn't buy SOR?
  3. Aramich

    just please

    Please,make this happen, I'ts just impossible to win ranked warzones when some noobs just enter and die in 5 seconds,and when you ask them where is you pvp gear they say "just here to lose 10 rounds for tier 3 crystals", please,make it so nobody can enter RWZ without pvp full pvp gear, or minimal valor of 60....
  4. And here I thought I wrote every suggestion about SWTOR in my mind in my last post,when I thought of this: Why don't you add decorational armor,that has no powers,is there just for looking nice, like a ring and rest of that stuff.
  5. Aramich


    "Get debuff (like one from Nightmare pilligrim), that doesn't allow you to make new debts or send money via ingame mail, untill you pay your debt. also that debuff is account wide,so some smart guys can't place something on GTN for 5mil. create a char.,make debt,buy it,then delete the char." also F2P can't send creds via ingame mail, and don't forget,escrow is still active,or it can be made in this way,f2p get some money, prefs get some higher ammount,and subs get max 5 mil
  6. Aramich


    I suggest adding a little bank,that gives credits debts. I picture it like this: Maximum ammount of credits you can get is something like 5 milion. Every day your bill gets higher by 1%,meaning each day of delay is a price to pay. Get debuff (like one from Nightmare pilligrim), that doesn't allow you to make new debts or send money via ingame mail, untill you pay your debt. *also that debuff is account wide,so some smart guys can't place something on GTN for 5mil. create a char.,make debt,buy it,then delete the char. lol* As soon as you get the money you have 24 hours to spend it,otherwise all the money will go back to the bank, and you'll have % to pay. Also,for not running away from bill, you can use escrow system,like if you have a debt, you can't have more creds higher then 350k,all the creds you get afterwards go to your bill Excuse me for mistakes, my English is not perfect.
  7. so after reaching lvl 30 I noticed that I dont get much exp from kuat,and the thing is that bonuses there (like kill elite or destroy boxes) are for lvl 20,is it normal?
  8. So there is this thing, if I remember correctly SWG got changet for A to Z in the NGE update,they made it happen,so why can't such a powerful company like Bioware, sponsored (if I'm not mistaken) by EA make it happen?
  9. Endless stuns relly destroy my nerve cells, but what I hate more,when a commandos,ar a vanguard use "hold the line" and you can do practicaly nothing to them
  10. Hello there, Lately I remembered about SWG,and remembered that there was a system,in which you start as neutral,and can choose to be or an Imperial, or a Rebel.. and I think it'd be nice to start SWTOR as neutral on some planet, like Tython,then be able to switch to empire if you like to,and most important to have recruiters on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, so people could just leave one faction,and join the other one...You don't have to change all the game,and can leave those who play on Pub or Imp sides to their factions,but with ability to change sides.That'd be realy great,sorry for long post and my bad grammar (if it is so).
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