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The misleading from bioware has to stop.


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BioWare promised us "over 200 hours" of unique story, for every Class


I Leveled 1-50 in 103 hours, without skipping any of my unique Class Conversations


Nope, another one of your lies/missreading/misshearings.


The devs stated that (at that moment in Beta) the average player took 200 hours to reach your precious "endgame", some a bit slower and some quite a bit faster, nowhere did they promise you 200 hours worth of story, if they did, I'd really much appreciate it if you for once managed to procure some proof instead of your normal falsifications.


Got you on ignore but I saw someone elses quote of this so I decided to make a comment.

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In the crafting videos it shows them on the ship crafting but you cant do it in the real game.


the training droid does not train, it just floats around your target.


and a ton more.



the lying bioware has to stop no wonder you guys are loosing people so bad.


I was in my ship the other day and I sent two of my companions on crafting missions. Guess where they were? At the ship's terminal. Crafting.


It's not BioWare's fault that you cannot pay attention.

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I don't think that's accurate


Just looking at the amount of people in-game, even during peak hours on a Full Server, it doesn't seem to be a big hit


That's my evidence — do you have any?


And where can you see the total population of a server to make that assertion? Or more simply, quantify and support "Full Server".

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I don't think that's accurate


Just looking at the amount of people in-game, even during peak hours on a Full Server, it doesn't seem to be a big hit


That's my evidence — do you have any?


shady, just a few questions.


Do you get paid for each post or for threads? My GF is on the dole and was wondering if your agency is hiring other trolls and how much they pay


thanks in advance!

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krakken! Old buddy, you made it to launch??!?


WoW, I thought for sure you weren't going to purchase this game seeing how you've made posts for years about how this game would never be successful, how your real love was pre-CU SWG, and how you hated BioWare for taking TOR in the direction they were taking it.


It's really odd seeing old the old crew who hated the ideas of TOR actually purchase the game. Seems like you paid money just to continue to be able to complain about it.


What's not odd is seeing you guys, well, hate the game. I sort of saw that coming. I wonder how you didn't.


Anyway, cheers. Cant wait to read your usual level of high quality, fact filled posts (read: entertaining).


yeah, the lengths people will go to cultivate their anger and hate is amusing, almost appalling.....

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He's sort of like the Grinch, you see.


He tried Christmas, not his thing, so he devotes all of his time to bringing people down.


Seriously, i've not heard one positive thing come out of his mouth.


Oh well.


well that OR he is being paid to do it


I seen it already in other games, astroturfing and smearing is a lot bigger than you'd imagine

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In the crafting videos it shows them on the ship crafting but you cant do it in the real game.


the training droid does not train, it just floats around your target.


and a ton more.



the lying bioware has to stop no wonder you guys are loosing people so bad.


Hit N when you are on your ship and you can craft away. Maybe if you knew what you were doing this post wouldnt have been necessary.


What would you like the training droid to do? Just so they know when they change it for you.

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Nope, another one of your lies/missreading/misshearings.


The devs stated that (at that moment in Beta) the average player took 200 hours to reach your precious "endgame", some a bit slower and some quite a bit faster, nowhere did they promise you 200 hours worth of story, if they did, I'd really much appreciate it if you for once managed to procure some proof instead of your normal falsifications.


Got you on ignore but I saw someone elses quote of this so I decided to make a comment.


Plus the player that did it in 103 hours said his class story only. That didnt ionclude the other side quests, heroics, ect. People whine just to whine and tick other people off on the forums.

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I'll tell you what needs to stop.


There's entirely too many posts here from disgruntled players who blame everyone under the sun for stuff that isn't really wrong with the game.


I get that some of you are frustrated but 9 times out of ten it's your own faults. These people don't understand how certain things work, or they zoomed through content and skipped quests, or they didn't take the time to read how to adjust settings, ect.


I'm not saying the game is perfect or that it doesn't need any more polish because it does.


When you get right down to it, aside from the queues this has been a very smooth and solid launch. The game is fun and engaging. There's a ton of content for those who are not space barring the conversations and/or skipping quests.


I don't know. I'm just really tired of the all of the crybaby internet jockeys that moan and whine about every thing. You people are never satisfied... EVER. You guys cry for changes, then when you get the changes you wanted you cry about that stuff. It's just an endless series of monotonous nerd rage, yearning for instant gratification, and in general acting like spoiled brats who throw temper tantrums.


Let's turn over a new leaf for the New Year, shall we?

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BioWare promised us "over 200 hours" of unique story, for every Class


I Leveled 1-50 in 103 hours, without skipping any of my unique Class Conversations


This is just a flat out lie. I've put over a hundred hours into my character since Dec. 16th. I'm at level 36 and just finished chapter 1 yesterday.


You're doing it wrong. Quit skipping quests.

Edited by TheNevet
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losing what people ....the game is growing ata record pace bud get a clue lol


this is an mmo if u cant handle the patch/fix game maybe call of duty is more your speed


So even with early access you started 12/13 you averaged 10hr a day every day... Lol damn dude between that and forum trolling where does real life fit in? Lol

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