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Better GSF Starfighter Rewards for the "Ground Game"


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I searched the forums for requests to improve GSF rewards, and I was shocked I didn't find any. Compared to Warzones, the rewards are paltry. The only GSF rewards that tie into any other portion of the game are credits, experience and a small amount of fleet commendations earned from the daily and weekly quests (total of 370 if I did the math right per week).


Warzones have valor, two types of commendations, and the daily and weekly quests reward both types of comms (at 55) with more comms being rewarded of the appropriate type for completing a match (ranked or regular), in addition to experience and credits.


I like GSF, but to me, it feels too much like its own separate game, and doesn't provide enough to improve the players experience in the main game. Honestly I'd be happy just to see a small amount fleet comms rewarded at the end of any completed GSF match, similar to warzones. But I think it would be amazing and provide greater incentive for more people to play if there were a reputation or valor system tied to GSF that compares to warzones, with appropriately tiered items one could purchase from a vendor.

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You can add conquest to both sides of the equation, and it'll actually hurt GSF more because conquest favors warzones most weeks.


I agree that adding fleet commendations to GSF matches would help tie it into the rest, and that would be a quick and easy fix.


Unfortunately, though, fleet commendations are also fairly secular -- you can use them for mats to craft things or buy decorations, but not very efficiently; the most efficient use of fleet commendations is to upgrade your class ship.


I think GSF would grow in popularity a lot if, in addition to granting fleet commendations at the end of a match, there were some way to convert fleet commendations to other things. Maybe ten fleet commendations gets you a warzone commendation, or twenty get you an ultimate commendation, or something. It doesn't have to be very efficient, it just has to be there so people feel like they're advancing their character in areas they might care more about.


And, for those of us that play GSF almost exclusively, a direct credit conversion would be amazing, both for fleet commendations and for ship requisition. Some people have hundreds of thousands of ship requisition they're completely unable to spend, and being able to turn that into credits and/or fleet commendations would be great. Likewise, being able to turn fleet commendations into credits without going through the GTN would be amazing.


Here's what I'd put in my notes if I were scheduling a meeting:


  1. GSF and space missions feel "secular"/"parasitic" -- only reward themselves, not other areas people may want to play
  2. Veteran pilots have more ship req than they are capable of spending; newer pilots are interested in other aspects of the game as well
  3. GSF should reward fleet commendations at the end of a match, a la warzones
  4. Fleet commendations should be convertible to PvE/PvP commendations; maybe 100 fleet commendations = 10 Ultimate or Warzone commendations (again, numbers negotiable)
  5. For GSF exclusive players, ship requisition should be convertible to credits -- perhaps 1,000 ship req = 5,000 credits? (Numbers negotiable)
  6. Perhaps offer better deals for larger req, e.g. 10,000 ship req = 75,000 credits, 50,000 ship req = 500,000 credits, to reward veterans and encourage people to play more


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I searched the forums for requests to improve GSF rewards, and I was shocked I didn't find any. Compared to Warzones, the rewards are paltry. The only GSF rewards that tie into any other portion of the game are credits, experience and a small amount of fleet commendations earned from the daily and weekly quests (total of 370 if I did the math right per week).


Warzones have valor, two types of commendations, and the daily and weekly quests reward both types of comms (at 55) with more comms being rewarded of the appropriate type for completing a match (ranked or regular), in addition to experience and credits.


I like GSF, but to me, it feels too much like its own separate game, and doesn't provide enough to improve the players experience in the main game. Honestly I'd be happy just to see a small amount fleet comms rewarded at the end of any completed GSF match, similar to warzones. But I think it would be amazing and provide greater incentive for more people to play if there were a reputation or valor system tied to GSF that compares to warzones, with appropriately tiered items one could purchase from a vendor.


I think people were surprised when the Kuat rep vendor was only tied to the FP and not GSF. IMO it should be for both. As I understand it the fleet comms are useful if you're a crafter since you can buy crafting boxes that have a chance to drop hard to find end game crafting mats.


To be fair the ship and fleet req is basically GSF's version of WZ comms (at least if I understand the purpose of WZ comms). For both they allow you to buy improved/new equipment for use in GSF or WZs. So really what GSF falls short on in compared to WZs is the valor/reputation (which again I think should be remedy with the Kuat rep vendor).

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To be fair the ship and fleet req is basically GSF's version of WZ comms (at least if I understand the purpose of WZ comms). For both they allow you to buy improved/new equipment for use in GSF or WZs. So really what GSF falls short on in compared to WZs is the valor/reputation (which again I think should be remedy with the Kuat rep vendor).


You are partly correct. But the difference between those two, as Armonddd said, is, that you can use your warzone commendations and turn them into planetary commendations. And with those you can improve your PvE experience up to a certain point. Your fleet commendattions are just for crafting lottery or other stuff that won't help you in your PvE experience.



I would sign your post if I had a pencil.

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At one point there was a thread where peoe we're discussing increased rewards. It's strange that it disappeared, but also, the original post may have had a strange title or something. Regardless yes, GSF does need an increase in rewards.


I personally like the things Armonddd suggested; fleet comm exchange, some kind of exchange for requisition, etc. And it was a huge disappointment when the KDY rep vendor hit and it had nothing to do with GSF at all. Even if they just gave a green rep item for successfully completing the daily mission, and a blue or purple for completing the weekly, that would be a huge improvement. They can let the construction kits stay in the FP so that people have incentive to run it, but the rep items should be earnable from the GSF missions too.


In summary, I will sign for increased rewards that better tie GSF into the ground game.


P.s. My apologies for any typos, I'm replying on my phone

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It does take a little research/doing, but since all decorations are tradeable you can very easily take your fleet comms to the decorations vendor and sell the fleet comm posters/ships on the gtn. This converts fleet comms to credits in a pretty straightforward way, and while GSH is new and people are still on decorating binges (and don't want to do space missions/gsf to get fleet comms), the rates for doing so are really really good. Edited by Buggleslor
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The concern is that integrating the two would make one feel mandatory in the other. It's exceptional that they were able to resist adding these hooks. Most devs would make the top tier of each ship something you need to raid to get or whatever.
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I agree that the rewards are kind if crappy. IMO fleet commendations should be granted per match, not just in the daily and weekly (currently you gain it much too slowly).


I would also like to see them continue to expand the items on the fleet vendor. I would especially like to see GSF related mounts, decorations, pets, etc


I like others as well think that there should be some additional incentive to "fully" mastering a ship. A mount unlock, title, or decoration would be really nice (considering it takes quite a bit of work to accomplish this)


Anyways /signed on better more thoughtful integration between GSF and SWTOR. Also still waiting to see if we can get the 2nd GSF daily like GWZ gets.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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It would be pretty cool if mastering a ship gave you a decoration of that ship for your stronghold.




Additionally, although it doesn't belong here, a certain progress in a character's stroyline should grant you the class starship decoration instead of needing a sh**load of materials for it.

Edited by Crazy-Wolf
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I really hope sometime down the line you could get new pilot uniforms or suits from gsf. In addition some more skins and color schemes for ships even if you had to earn them would be fine.


Maybe some sort of Starfighter Corps dress uniform? (Personally I'd go with the military uniform style from Battlestar Galactica to make it different from the existing uniforms, the Republic version already being a CE vendor item anyway).


I'd also go for weapons like we had with the summer's Casino event. Basically weapons that look like they could be found in the Original Trilogy (like the blaster rifle that is clearly modeled on a Thompson SMG). But maybe make them aesthetically fitting the fighter pilot theme (namely make them more compact than their normal variants so they look like they could be part of a pilot's emergency kit. For example, an Assault Cannon that looks more like a bulked up blaster rifle than some of our current weapons that look like they should be mounted on a vehicle)

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