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Casual Pickup Ranked


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Hello everyone,


The name is Shinkses from Jung ma, and i've been really upset with the lack of ranked pvp that goes on in the server. Only 2-3 teams queue at best (Most of that in Inhouse Ranked) and people rage quit or get caught up in the rating. At the end of each day, it's Just a game, and we are all her to have some fun win or lose.


I would love to start organizing some Casual Solo queues or grouped queues for anyone who just wants to get ranked comms and meet new people while having lots of fun playing Semi- Competitive.


Any thoughts on this would be great!




Jung Ma: Shinkses/Shinkou/Connecti'cut/Wyom'ing/Zalegous/Corliee/Screame

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My thoughts are...ranked is meant to be competitive. So by all means, queue up for solos, or grab a team for group ranked. If you're queued, there is a ranked channel /cjoin ranked, and tell someone your group is in queue. Especially this preseason, there have been a bunch of yolo queues going on. Not so much group, but hey...that can be fixed if more guilds decide to queue and practice before season 3 actually begins.
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