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Everything posted by Sithsensor

  1. I'll be curious to see if this post gets removed. Because I plan to make this as polite and respectful as possible. Bioware who wanted ranked removed? The answer is nobody. I'm just trying to understand how removing ranked gives anyone incentive to pvp more? If you're worried about the toxicity, you've just fired a laser of beam of ex ranked players in regs queue. They won't really care about playing the objective, they'll just damage farm and single out less skilled players. I get it, we can now queue for 4v4s if we just want to do that. However, the PVP reward season preview from the livestream left way too much to be desired. It seems like the last armor skins you put a lot of time into was the furious set back in S3. Why are you making everything so generic? Can you give us a reason to play through the pvp season? Like outside of the lackluster rewards shown on stream? will each season have it's own unique flair? Or will this be like galactic seasons where there's some "interesting" things, but the rest all NPC quest loot? You guys said you wanted a more positive experience. Respectfully, how is this more positive for anyone? Now that you don't really have to put any effort into the pvp community is that more positive for you? What do the players really get out of this? Why should someone log in everyday to pvp without the proper incentive. I'm worried that without great rewards and something meaningful to work towards why would anyone stay? Yes SWTOR PVP is the best mmo pvp out there currently, but are you betting on players to not give up? This doesn't feel like a PVP revamp. Rather instead you're removing a system because you don't want to invest proper resources to make ranked pvp more accessible to new players. So you're just removing it. Why are you doing this to the pvp community?
  2. This has been an issue for God knows how long, but it makes me extremely frustrated. Tonight I was thrown on 4 times... Lost over 80 elo over it. I don't understand why people do this. It tanks everyone's rating, and makes for a horrible experience. Some people specifically throw on friends, me, whoever. Any nothing is ever done about it... BIOWARE PLEASE. HELP.
  3. Sounds like you're just upset. To say nobody cares about pvp is ridiculous and you should educate yourself! Ranked IS toxic, I agree. But pvp is toxic in any multiplayer or mmo you play. There will always be those players. They shouldn't shut down ranked pvp because it DOES serve the small portion of the community who plays it. They may aswell shut own flashpoints and operations. I find them super boring and repetitive, it doesn't help anyone but get gear. Bioware should SHUT IT DOWN. See how dumb that sounds? If you don't like ranked pvp, then don't play it, kiddo.
  4. Sithsensor

    Sorc/Sages LoS

    LOL you clearly don't know other classes or what a tactical is.
  5. LOL you clearly dont play ranked, Or arent that good idk. thats not why ranked has issues.
  6. So in season 10 I didnt get the 1250 i needed for bronze, but still got the bronze flair. will that happen in season 11? Like just for getting the 10 games in?
  7. PLEASE tweak the Pistol and lightsaber. Smooth, sleek and some effect something from them.
  8. You're right. There's nothing wrong with the guard at all.
  9. sounds like someone is just tired of losing games???? Guard does not need to be on a CD. Simply for the fact that it would break the way PVE is played, and also Ranked. Bioware shouldn't change it because people in regs aren't focusing or swapping targets. Also, some tanks just have pocket heals so, of course, they would just leave the guard on. That suggestion is ridiculous.
  10. "Strong counter to being bad" LOL There is nothing here that bioware would ever do. Lockouts for losing a horrible Idea. I'm a silver player and ive lost 4 in a row before. Should i be locked out? Why? I'm not bad. I just lost a few games in a row. some were my fault, others we'rent. NO Just NO
  11. Because Bolster isn't gear. If gear didn't matter this game wouldn't have gear.
  12. Personally feel like Bronze should be 1250-1350 I say that because in solo ranked, trolls and throwers dominate the queues. Since there is no gear requirement, and only a valor level to entry it makes it extremely hard to do any kind of climbing. I've found that the top players on SF seem to be the same constantly. even at 20+ wins is rare to reach that silver threshold. some people ONLY queue for the gear stuff. which means they aren't playing to improve or win. They just see it at as a way to get gear, which directly impacts the other team members who are trying to climb for rewards.
  13. I love the idea of group ranked solo queue. To refine that a little more: Maybe make groups of 2 or more able to queue. I play on the same server as you!
  14. Hey there, I so just committed to maining my sniper in ranked for the next few seasons, and this has been extremely helpful! Thank you so much for sharing this information!
  15. YES, YES YES YES! But I'm worried about the gear Requirments for ranked. I'd love it if everyone came into ranked fully geared. However, when there was a gear gate, Ranked barely popped. It's a double-edged sword. Yes, i people to be geared for ranked pvp, but I also still want Ranked to pop every night.
  16. Hey everyone! So i play ranked every single day right? Sometimes I lose, sometimes I win. That's the nature of the solo queues. However people haven't been taking their Ranked pops, or you have those throwers that leave early. I know we lose/gain less elo when that happens, but that still is punishing the losing team for doing nothing wrong. I have an idea that would fix this though. When someone leaves/ Doesn't take their pop, It makes it an automatic 3v4. And 9 times out of ten those result in loses for the short-manned team. How about the losing team doesn't receive an elo loss. And the winning team still gets some amount. This will incentivize players to keep queueing even if they lost a match because they know that didn't get punished because someone left the game/threw or didn't take a pop. As someone who plays this game for the Ranked pvp, it's so hard to climb and play when so everyday i get at least 4-5 matches where someone on my team either leaves or doesn't take the pop. I'm not bringing up this idea simply for my benefit, it's really in the best interest of players who are trying to climb, but honestly can't when the match is out of their hands. Would love to know what you all think. Could this work? Or would it not?
  17. Ranked PVP and PVP in General isn't the problem. Hacking/Cheating just needs to be brought to the Devs attention right away so they can take action. If we as a pvp community don't tell them then they can take the action to ban players who cheat. I personally play this game mainly for the ranked pvp. When I Log on thats all I do. They have the best competitive mmo pvp system IMO. I would leave the game if they ever got rid of it.
  18. This sounds like a stupid a question but how do you PM the devs on here? Never done it before.
  19. So, I've recently witnessed a fly hacker in my ranked match. I was recording the match for a Youtube video and have the whole thing on video. Now my videos a dedicated to SWTOR Pvp and Ranked specifically, and quality discussion. I just want to know if showing that footage goes against the PVP forum guidelines if I post the video here once it's uploaded. I know they said any accusations should be reported directly to the In-Game Customer Service Portal. However, I didn't think about it at the time, because I was recording and was like "I just caught a cheater on video". Could anyone from the Dev team or something confirm whether or not it's okay to post the video link on the forums? I'm still uploading the video to Youtube regardless. I just didn't want to break the forum TOS. Thanks all.
  20. I was talking about people who LITERALLY come in to the throw the match.. I'm not talking about new players who don't know 100% what to do. I realize that.
  21. Hello fellow Pvpers! As you know, ever since the merging of gear and the removal of the Expertise stat pvp has been in a rough state! I understand that the developers wanted to make gearing easier for the new player, however this may not have been the best way to do so. Without ruining the video i made talking about the issue, i want to just briefly go over why Expertise is important, and why it's needed especially in competitive ranked. Do to the Galactic command system, people who don't really care about rating or competitive are now queuing for ranked warzones. This is not only frustrating but shouldn't be the case. A lot of people think that ranked should be for everyone, I AGREE to a point. YES, ranked should be for everyone, but it should be for everyone who wants to compete on another level, and really improve their skill at pvp. It shouldn't be for people just looking to get command ranks, because even if you lose that's still counting towards your daily and weekly. I don't even need to bring up the issue of throwers. All of this is outlined in my video, would love to get this some traction! Because as someone who is coming back to the game because I really enjoyed the ranked system, I'd love to see it get fixed! But we as a community need to also try and provide helpful suggestions to fix this. No need to just bash the Devs. At the end of the day we all want a better game, lets help Keith and the guys at Bioware make it happen!!
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